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Une promo pCloud pour la journée de la famille 2024

Par : Korben
14 mai 2024 à 13:00

— En partenariat avec pCloud

Quoi de mieux que de protéger sa famille ET faire des économies en même temps ? Pas grand-chose (bon OK l’Euromillion c’est bien aussi). Et c’est ce que je vais vous proposer avec l’aide de pCloud, partenaire du site depuis plusieurs années, qui va vous gâter avec une remise allant jusqu’à 65% !

pCloud vous connaissez peut-être déjà, j’en ai parlé plusieurs fois. Mais si ce n’est pas le cas, il s’agit d’un service de stockage qui nous vient de Suisse et qui existe depuis 2013. Et qui dit Suisse dit souvent qualité et bonne réputation (pensez au chocolat, à la raclette ou encore au fameux Älplermagronen). C’est aussi le cas de pCloud, reconnu depuis de nombreuses années comme un des services les plus fiables en ce qui concerne le stockage de données sécurisées (20 millions d’utilisateurs).

Bon l’étiquette « Suisse » ce n’est pas juste pour la vanne facile. Vous le savez peut-être, mais c’est l’un des pays qui possèdent les lois les plus hardcores en ce qui concerne les données personnelles. Ils respectent du coup le RGPD ainsi que plusieurs normes ISO, et leurs partenaires sont tous certifiés. Quant au stockage vous pouvez choisir entre 2 centres, l’un au Luxembourg et l’autre au Texas.

En rapport avec la journée de la famille (le 15 mai), l’outil helvète propose donc une remise assez massive sur l’abonnement familial (quasi 2/3 du prix). Disponible du 13 au 18 mai aux formats 2 To, 5 To (nouvelle formule en édition limitée) ou 10 To. Soit moins de 399€ au lieu de 1119€ sur l’offre 2 To, 599€ pour la 5 To ou 1049€ au lieu de 2480 sur celle à 10 To. Avec en plus le service de chiffrement pCloud Encryption inclus. Je le rappelle, mais un abonnement chez eux, c’est à vie. Celui-ci peut convenir pour une famille jusqu’à 5 personnes, chacun ayant son espace personnel pour y faire ce qu’il veut.

pCloud à -65% journée de la famille 2024

Et pour faciliter la vie de tout le monde, chaque religion d’OS ou de plateforme est supportée (Windows, macOS/iOS, Linux, Android …). Qui dit famille, dit gens de tous les âges. pCloud propose donc une interface ultra simple pour que tout le monde s’y retrouve facilement (versioning, architecture en arbre classique, visionneuses diverses …). Pour les mobiles on trouve aussi une fonctionnalité de synchronisation qui permet d’envoyer automatiquement des fichiers sur son disque virtuel et donc libérer de l’espace régulièrement sans devoir y penser. Plutôt pratique au quotidien ! Surtout accompagné de la sauvegarde automatisée multiple (pCloud backup). Bref l’outil fait tout pour vous.

Si vous l’utilisez de manière collaborative avec vos proches, les fichiers (texte, vidéo, audio, streaming …) pourront être synchro entre les appareils de tout le monde. Vous pourrez aussi partager certains contenus avec des gens de l’extérieur (parce qu’il y a des humains hors de votre cercle intime … enfin parait qu’il y a des gens qui ont des amis/collègues/etc., mais j’ai des doutes). Niveau compatibilité avec d’autres services, vous avez les grands classiques comme Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Facebook …

Vous vous posez la question de la sécurité ? Bonne question. Sachez que tout est chiffré en mode confidentialité zéro connaissance, donc vous restez l’unique personne à connaitre vos clés de chiffrement privées. Les serveurs tournent avec l’algorithme AES-256, le protocole TLS/SSL … et vont backups sont en 5 exemplaires. Autant dire que ça peut résister à une tonne de problématiques diverses. Pas toutes, mais pas loin.

Comme vous l’avez compris, c’est un service que j’utilise moi-même depuis longtemps (j’en parlais déjà en 2018) et qui a fait ses preuves ! Et je rappelle que le paiement c’est un one-shot. Une fois que c’est réglé, c’est bon jusqu’à la fin de votre vie … quelle que soit l’inflation d’ici là ^^. Avoir pCloud c’est comme avoir votre disque dur externe, sans les inconvénients de celui-ci : pas de matériel à remplacer, pas de casse possible, pas de vol, un accès à tout moment et de partout, etc.

Vous n’êtes pas encore 100% certain de vous ? N’hésitez pas à tester la version gratuite pour vous faire une idée concrète ! Vous aurez droit à 10 Gigas d’espace, de quoi faire. Et pour la belle promo actuelle (ne tardez pas elle ne dure que 5 jours !), cela vous reviendra à moins de 2.7€/mois pour l’ensemble de votre famille (calculé sur une période de 10 ans, mais à vie ça veut dire beaucoup plus donc encore moins cher).

Allez tchusssss !

Profitez de la promo familiale à -65% !

Phone-sized mini PC lets you take your computer and your work anywhere

Par : JC Torres
15 mai 2024 à 13:20

Our smartphones have become so powerful that, in theory, they have hardware equivalent to entry-level laptops from a few years back. But despite all that silicon muscle, they can’t really replace our everyday PCs mostly because of the operating system that’s used on most of these computers: Windows. Small, portable, and inconspicuous computers have always been a dream for both users and business owners, whether it’s for working on the go or setting up kiosks, security systems, or space-efficient workstations. This small brick tries to deliver exactly that, giving you the flexibility you need for any kind of computing in almost any context in a size that’s no larger than high-capacity power banks.

Designer: Minisforum

With the popularity of the Apple Mac Mini and, now, the Mac Studio, mini PCs have become more visible in the market. These desktop alternatives, however, are still meant to sit on a table or even on a shelf despite their small sizes. But while these small computers do offer plenty of power to support even some content creation or light gaming, that hardware also closes the door on many possible use cases that would have required them to be less tied down to a table.

The Minisforum S100 is a small, sleek box that you might easily mistake for a power bank. Ironically, it doesn’t actually have its own battery but is a mini PC that you can bring along with you or install in the narrowest of spaces. Despite its small size, it actually boasts a complete set of standard connectivity options, including Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth 6.2, 2.5 Gbps Ethernet, USB-A ports, HDMI, and 65W USB-C.

The latter two are what make this design so portable and flexible. On a typical desktop, you can connect it to a USB-C monitor that supports USB-C PowerDelivery so that you don’t even have to plug the S100 into an outlet. You can connect another monitor via HDMI to have a dual-screen setup for increased productivity. And when you’re done for the day, you can pick up the palm-sized mini PC and go, maybe even work or chill in a cafe by connecting an external display and a power bank. The Ethernet port also supports Power-over-Ethernet or PoE, so you can use the S100 as the brains behind a camera security system and not have it plugged in at all.

Despite the flexibility that the Minisforum S100 offers, its performance is hampered a bit by the quad-core Intel N100 processor that runs the show, definitely not the best among the chip maker’s “mobile” processors. Its lower-power operation, however, does allow the mini PC to sip rather than chug electricity and keep thermals equally low. You definitely won’t be running heavy applications, but for $189, a Windows 11 computer you can easily slip into your bag or even your pocket might actually be worth the price.

The post Phone-sized mini PC lets you take your computer and your work anywhere first appeared on Yanko Design.

DEAL ALERT: Several of the best Star Wars games are less than $5 right now

The week of May the Fourth is the perfect time to grab the best Star Wars games for PC and Xbox. Many of them are selling for under $5.

Star Wars Battlefront II: Celebration Edition — Boba Fett

Death Star Popcorn Maker Gives You The Finest Popcorn In The Cosmos Without Butter Or Oil

Par : Sarang Sheth
2 mai 2024 à 20:45

I guess the exploding Death Star metaphor works well here considering it also explodes kernels of corn.

Meet the Death Star Popcorn Maker, an intergalactic-themed appliance that gets you ready for any movie night in minutes. Designed to look like Darth Vader’s cosmic headquarters, this contraption whips up a bowl of popcorn without relying on a drop of oil or butter. It uses a clever vortex of hot air that super-heats the corn kernels up, making them pop. The air then carries the popped kernels out of the heat chamber, giving you popcorn that’s perfectly cooked without getting burnt… and without any unpopped kernels.

Designer: Uncanny Brands

Click Here to Buy Now

Created by the folks at Uncanny Brands, this popcorn maker is perfect for your May 4th ritual of watching every Star Wars movie made (you may require the entire weekend for that program if you commit to it). The Death Star Popcorn Maker comes in two parts, the base of the planet is where the action happens – corn is popped without oil or butter, using pure heated air. Once it’s popped, the corn rises to the top where it collects in a transparent cloche, getting dispensed in the upper half of the Death Star, which conveniently becomes your popcorn bowl!

The air vortex technology is clever for a bunch of reasons. From just a health point of view, the idea of having popcorn without copious amounts of butter or oil just feels less sinful – sure, you can absolutely add butter to your corn after it’s popped. The lack of grease means the Popcorn Maker doesn’t need cleaning up after either – all you need to do is empty out any unpopped kernels. Popcorn pops evenly with a nearly 98% success rate, and the air vortex automatically pushes the popped corn upwards and out into the bowl, so you’re never left with any burnt flavor. You can then easily season your corn with powders and spices of your choice.

When all’s said and done, simply lift the transparent cover and place the popcorn bowl back on top and your popcorn maker magically transforms back into a Death Star replica, looking less like a kitchen appliance and more like fan memorabilia!

Click Here to Buy Now

The post Death Star Popcorn Maker Gives You The Finest Popcorn In The Cosmos Without Butter Or Oil first appeared on Yanko Design.

YouTuber custom builds coffee machine into a PC for freshly brewed cup of Joe at work

Par : Gaurav Sood
2 mai 2024 à 15:20

If you’re someone like Martina of YouTube channel Nerdforge, who craves a cup of coffee after lunch, or maybe during work, you don’t have to get up and hit the kitchen anymore. Martina has built herself a PC case mod that brews a perfect cup of coffee with the touch of a button. And if you’re an ardent coffee buff, she has a detailed video on how you can try and build a PC that also makes coffee in a quick and efficient manner.

This PC with a built in coffee maker brews and dispense a hot cup of coffee whenever you want, but the process of building it from scratch hasn’t been easy. The idea started with, what if there was a coffee maker installed right into the PC, you wouldn’t have to get up and fetch a cup when you wanted it after lunch. And so, the modification started with the empty Corsair Obsidian 1000D tower case, which was considered big enough to fit the coffee machine.

Designer: Nerdforge

The humungous PC case was needed because Martina did not want to install a pod coffee maker. She wanted the entire machine: from bean grinder to brewer and dispenser, all-in-one, functioning glitch-free on a press of a button. The PC case was first cleared of the side panels and obstruction on the right where the coffee mug would need space to move in and out. Then the bean grinder was first trimmed to fit into the case with 3D printed pipes, funnels and attachments connecting it to the brewing machine.

Martina removed the coffee container from the dispenser to replace it with a mug that could be easily accessed by the user. Once the hardware was ready, the recreated coffee machine was connected to an Arduino (by Martina’s partner Hansi) to be able to control it using just one button. The machine grinds, brews, and dispense a savory cup of coffee in one breath, with all the precision. The duo has added a visual progress bar to see where the coffee making process has reached. Also, provided is a sensor that ensure the coffee never begins brewing until there is a cup in the holder.

Although everything in the video is all about the installation of the coffee machine in the PC case, it has been fitted with capable innards to deliver computing needs. It comes installed with Intel Core i7-14700K processor and an Nvidia RTX 4070 Ti graphics. Other details are scanty, but the PC is air-cooled to ensure it can keep the temperature on both – coffee machine and PC – sides effectively cooled. Finally, for an impressive and aesthetically pleasing look, Martina decorated the case mod with stained wood on both the inside and the outside, and finished the look with LED lights.

The post YouTuber custom builds coffee machine into a PC for freshly brewed cup of Joe at work first appeared on Yanko Design.

Tower game made from marine plastic helps you think about environmental impact

Par : Ida Torres
26 avril 2024 à 15:20

One of my plans in life when I eventually retire is to live somewhere near the beach and just have a daily walk along the shore. Aside from nature and people watching, another thing that I enjoy is to look at some of the things that people leave, intentionally or unintentionally, by the shore and in the water and wonder what’s the story behind it. Of course it’s not a good thing that these trash are left there so it will also be part of my routine to clean this up and think of ways to encourage people not to litter on the beach.

Designers: Shoma Furui and Kem Kobayashi

One idea that came from someone who has been seeing all these tiny pieces of trash left on the Makuhari Beach in Chiba City is to create a game out of them. Debris is a tower-stacking game similar to Jenga and Uno Stacko but is made from the marine plastic collected from the area. The tiles have different color patterns based on the season and the collection site where these microplastics came from. It uses VOC-free (no volatile organic compounds) and water-based acrylic resin as a binding agent.

While you’ll have fun playing the game (if this is your thing), the designer also wants to make Debris a way for consumers to engage with environmental issues. Regular beach clean ups do help keep the shore and water clean but there are also those tiny pieces that remain buried and erode into invisible microplastics. They have an effect on the marine environment that sometimes may not be so visible or obvious to us. Having a game made from these pieces can help us think about our effect on our environment.

It can also be interesting to think about what these colors and shapes were in their previous life as trash. But the important thing is that the materials and process in creating Debris is fully sustainable and it can be disposed of properly when you no longer need it. And hopefully, you get to think about what you’re doing to help preserve marine life and keep places like beaches a safe haven for all.

The post Tower game made from marine plastic helps you think about environmental impact first appeared on Yanko Design.

Forget the iPad Pro… This Windows Tablet with a 13″ 2K screen and a Wacom Stylus is perfect for digital creators

Par : Sarang Sheth
25 mars 2024 à 01:45

Under most normal circumstances, I wouldn’t be talking smack about the iPad Pro like this… but the LincStudio S1 Tablet offers some distinct advantages over its Apple-based counterpart. It’s bigger, has a 2K touchscreen with multitouch input, also comes with a highly precise Wacom stylus, runs Windows on a 4-core Intel i7 processor, and lets you use a whole slew of desktop-based software and apps to create content. That means you can carry your existing PC workflow onto the LincStudio S1, use AI-based programs with your workflow, and even rely on the 12 customizable shortcut keys on either side to cruise through work. When all’s said and done, 65W charging comes in exceptionally handy, letting you quickly juice your tablet for another round of design iterations… because creativity never takes a holiday, right?

Designers: Xiaohui Li and Bernhard Geisen

Click Here to Buy Now: $895 $1,279 (30% off). Hurry, only a few left!

Can’t use my favorite drawing software on iPad? Try LincStudio!

The perfect hybrid between a tablet and a laptop, the LincStudio S1 was designed keeping artists, 3D modelers, animators, designers, architects, or anyone in the creative profession in mind. Slim enough to fit into most laptop bags and weighing a paltry 1.1 kilograms, the LincStudio S1 comes with its own kickstand that lets you prop it up, giving you the freedom to use it in a variety of angles based on the kind of work you’re doing. A companion Wacom Shinonome stylus gives you precise control over your workflow, whether you’re sketching, reviewing detailed blueprints, or just taking notes, but if you do want to switch to a more traditional laptop-inspired typing experience, a keyboard connector at the bottom lets you snap on any keyboard, turning the LincStudio S1 into a makeshift laptop.

Wacom EMR Shinonome Series Pen

The problem with current tablets is that they get one crucial thing wrong – the operating system. A tablet isn’t supposed to be an enlarged phone, so the fact that it runs a version of a smartphone OS like Android or iPadOS just doesn’t make any sense. Where the LincStudio S1 differs is in recognizing this and giving creators the familiar Windows OS but in the avatar of a touchscreen tablet. The LincStudio S1’s 13-inch screen is perfect for sketching, editing, modeling, post-production, or any creative workflow, with support for multitouch that lets you interact with the Windows interface in a new way.

However, a tablet is only as good as the stylus it comes with, and the LincStudio S1 packs Wacom’s cutting-edge Shinonome EMR stylus. The stylus runs on electromagnetic resonance technology instead of capacitive technology, which gives it a winning combination of precision, responsiveness, and resolution over most standard styluses. Designed to be just as precise as Apple’s own Pencil, the Wacom Shinonome has 10-millisecond instant input (without parallax), comes with 4096 pressure levels, 450PPS resolution, and even has tilt support, making it a game-changer in illustration or sculpting apps.

Meanwhile, the tablet sports dedicated shortcut buttons on its sides, allowing you to assign macros/functions to them that are specific to each program. Sort of like a Wacom tablet, you can use these shortcuts to perform certain tasks, toggle between brushes (in Photoshop), and play with parameters like brush size, opacity, screen brightness, volume, etc. The shortcuts are laid out on both the left and right side, allowing for ambidextrous use along with the stylus.

The LincStudio S1 itself comes with a sizeable 13-inch display boasting a resolution of 2160×1440, a 100% sRGB gamut, 16.7 million colors, and a wide 178° viewing angle. It’s powered by an 11th-gen Intel i7 processor, has 16GB RAM and 512GB storage, and comes running Windows 11 Pro right out of the box. In keeping with the ambidextrous design, the tablet has dual speakers, along with thunderbolt USB-C ports on both the left and right side. There’s also a USB-A port on one side for plugging in wireless peripherals or flash storage, and a 3.5mm jack for good measure, letting you connect speakers or headphones to your S1.

The tablet starts at a heavily discounted $895, which includes the Wacom stylus along with a Windows 11 Pro subscription (and is also significantly larger than most other tablets). In contrast, Microsoft’s Surface Pro 9 has similar specs, but with a whopping $1700 price tag (and the Surface Slip Pen sold separately). Apple’s no different, with a sizeable $1200 price tag for the 256GB 12.9-inch model, but an extra $79 for the pencil, $299 for the Magic Keyboard, and the inability to run desktop programs. The iPad Pro also famously lacks a kickstand, which the LincStudio S1 proudly includes in its design, and while the iPad Pro maxes out at 20W of charging, the LincStudio offers 65W charging capabilities, letting you juice your battery much faster than the competition. Perfect for creatives looking to get more hands-on with their workflows, the LincStudio offers the best of both laptop and tablet worlds.

Click Here to Buy Now: $895 $1,279 (30% off). Hurry, only a few left!

The post Forget the iPad Pro… This Windows Tablet with a 13″ 2K screen and a Wacom Stylus is perfect for digital creators first appeared on Yanko Design.

World of Warcraft is getting a 60-player Pirate battle royale with rewards for the main game, say hi to 'Plunderstorm'

Blizzard Entertainment has announced that a new pirate-themed event will be included in World of Warcraft's Patch 10.2.6 update. Read on to learn more details on this unexpected event.

World of Warcraft Plunderstorm trailer screenshot

AYANEO’s Mini Gaming Console borrows NES persona to satisfy Retro-geeks

Par : Gaurav Sood
19 février 2024 à 00:30

The AYANEO Mini PC AM01 boasting the nostalgic Mac design got the tech pundits excited and for good measure. With the looks of the classic Mac and the innards of a Windows 11 PC, the cool little desk accessory is a gaming console at large for gamers who love retro flavors.

When we first got you acquainted with this little bundle of joy, there were already talks of the Retro Mini PC AM02 which emulates the design of the classic NES. A mini PC at heart, this one too balances out the retro and contemporary design scheme to perfection. Obviously, Nintendo fans will fancy this one over the AM01, but other users will also be drawn by its 4-inch touchscreen, considering most of the rivals don’t offer this luxury.

Designer: AYANEO

This mini gaming console blends unique design aesthetics with high-performance hardware without any compromise in the compact form factor. Keep it on your desk or mount it on a wall or anything in the vicinity, the mini gaming console weighing just 538g is equally impressive. The recreated front cover tactfully hides all the input/output ports for a clean look which is another resounding plus. This cover can be click opened with a red button opposite the power button, adding to the cool trickery.

The on-board AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS APU, DDR5 RAM (16/32 GB) and 512GB/1TB SSD on the AM02 are well-equipped for PC gaming or tasks like video editing or music composition. To keep the internal temperature down, the mini gaming console has a potent four-copper pipe heat dissipation structure, aided by the 45W large-size turbine fan. Coming onto the screen it displays vital statistics for nerds including CPU data, current FPS, temperature and fan speed. For normal users, a left swipe on the screen toggles the view to the current date and time. One more swipe displays the virtual volume control and the option to toggle the display on or off.

For gamers, the company has an in-built launcher or you can use your own preferred launcher like the Launchbox/BigBox to run Steam or Epic titles, but that option requires a bit of working around. The AYANEO Mini PC AM01 will set you back anywhere between $440 – $630 depending on the chosen configuration. For that starting price you can get yourself a PS5, so the mini gaming console is at a more premium spectrum of the market choices.

The post AYANEO’s Mini Gaming Console borrows NES persona to satisfy Retro-geeks first appeared on Yanko Design.

Portable PC gaming handhelds are secretly my most anticipated tech innovation for 2024, and MSI makes the competition fierce

Details of the MSI Claw, a gaming handheld powered by Intel's Core Ultra 7 155H processor, have leaked from the company's Chinese branch. Relying on Intel Arc graphics, it signals a departure from the dominance of AMD in portable gaming.

MSI Claw, ASUS ROG Ally, Steam Deck floating above heads of happy young adults

This mini PC is powered by the same AMD Ryzen Z1 chip as the ASUS ROG Ally

AMD's Ryzen Z1 powers some models of the ASUS ROG Ally handheld gaming console. Now, we have a glimpse of how the chip will perform in a mini PC.

Phoenix Edge Z1 mini PC with AMD Ryzen Z1

Upgrade your PC: One of the best PCIe Wi-Fi adapters — the TP-Link TXE75E — is just $55

One of the best Wi-Fi PCIe wireless adapters — the TP-Link TXE75E — is currently on sale for a 31% discount at multiple online retailers for Cyber Monday.

Cyber Monday banner for TP-Link TXE75E PCIe adapter
