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Pierres de l'esprit Solo Leveling Arise : Comment en obtenir rapidement lors de vos premiers pas ?

Par : Effylia
9 mai 2024 à 11:45
Les Pierres de l'esprit sont essentielles pour obtenir des tickets d’invocation sur Solo Leveling Arise. Sans cette fameuse monnaie gratuite, vous ne pourrez pas acheter de ticket d’invocation pour les bannières “Rate Up”, ce qui est fâcheux ! Alors, retrouvez dans cet article tous nos meilleurs conseils...

Hades 2 dévoile son accès anticipé ! La suite du meilleur jeu d'action de 2020 est enfin disponible et pour un long moment

9 mai 2024 à 10:35
Le rogue-like reconnu de Supergiant Games, Hades, avait conquis le monde lors de sa version finale sortie en 2020. Par conséquent, l'annonce de sa suite en 2022 avait enthousiasmé de nombreux fans. Pour leur plus grand bonheur, la communauté peut désormais mettre la main sur l'accès anticipé d'Hades...

Avec ces mods, le mastodonte de Bethesda atteint des sommets !

Par : gol_d_rob
9 mai 2024 à 10:00
La communauté des joueurs est tellement prolifique qu’elle offre la possibilité de transformer en profondeur l’un des plus grands jeux de Bethesda. On vous présente les meilleurs mods pour découvrir ou redécouvrir ce titre exceptionnel dans les meilleures conditions avec notre JV Fast !

Boston Common Fallout 4 : Comment rencontrer le Réseau du rail avec la quête "Le chemin de la liberté" ?

Par : Nacl-Xeryus
9 mai 2024 à 09:25
Sur Fallout 4, vous allez rencontrer plusieurs factions majeures dont le Réseau du Rail. Votre première rencontre se fera à Boston Common lors de la quête "Le chemin de la liberté" et on vous explique comment en venir facilement à bout dans cet article.

Si vous arrêtez le film Terminator 2 à la 108ᵉ minute, vous verrez que le T-1000 a un sérieux problème : ça ressemble à une erreur, mais ce n'en est pas une !

Par : Max_Cagnard
9 mai 2024 à 08:40
Terminator 2 Le Jugement Dernier est culte, c'est un fait. Sacrément culte, même. Si bien que chaque scène, chaque seconde du film a été analysée : à la 108ᵉ minute du long-métrage, un détail intrigant peut être repéré… mais il trouve aussi son explication.

Star Wars La Menace Fantôme a été sauvé du naufrage, mais pas de la façon dont vous pensez

9 mai 2024 à 05:20
Fortement critiqué à sa sortie, "Star Wars : La Menace Fantôme" est finalement parvenu à se faire une place dans l'univers riche de George Lucas. Le "premier" titre de cette nouvelle saga est maintenant cohérent et n'a pas besoin de reboot. Ce n'était pas gagné et pourtant, son influence a permis de...

AlphaFold 3 – Un sacré bond en avant pour la modélisation des molécules du vivant

Par : Korben
9 mai 2024 à 05:34

Vous vous souvenez d’AlphaFold 2, ce modèle d’IA assez dingue de Google DeepMind qui avait fait des avancées majeures dans la prédiction des structures de protéines ? Eh bien, la version 3 vient de débarquer et elle repousse encore un peu plus les limites !

AlphaFold 3, c’est comme si on passait d’un film noir et blanc du genre la Vache et Le Prisonnier à un film en 3D style Avatar, car non seulement il prédit avec une précision impressionnante la structure 3D des protéines, mais il est également capable de modéliser leurs interactions avec tout un tas d’autres molécules : l’ADN, l’ARN, les petites molécules organiques comme les médicaments, et même les modifications chimiques.

Concrètement, ça veut dire qu’on va pouvoir mieux comprendre comment toutes ces molécules qui nous composent s’assemblent et fonctionnent ensemble, comme les rouages de l’horloge cosmique de la viiiie. Un sacré bond en avant pour décrypter les processus biologiques fondamentaux et leurs dysfonctionnements à l’origine des maladies.

Son secret, évidemment, c’est une architecture de réseau de neurones encore plus puissante et entraînée sur une montagne de données moléculaires. Le cœur du système repose sur un module Evoformer amélioré, couplé à une nouvelle approche basée sur des réseaux de diffusion qui partent d’un nuage d’atomes pour converger vers la structure moléculaire la plus probable.

Et les résultats sont vraiment impressionnants puisque sur les jeux de données de référence, AlphaFold 3 bat des records avec des améliorations significatives par rapport aux méthodes existantes. Pour certaines catégories d’interactions, comme celles avec les médicaments, il augmente même nettement la précision des prédictions. Et tout ça sans même avoir besoin de données structurales en entrée.

Mais le plus cool, c’est que c’est open source (Edit : Apparemment, ça ne l’est plus malheureusement – Merci à Enthuo pour la correction) et accessible gratuitement à la communauté scientifique via le nouveau serveur AlphaFold. Cet outil permet à n’importe quel chercheur de générer des prédictions pour ses protéines d’intérêt en quelques clics, là où il fallait avant un travail titanesque et des moyens conséquents. Bref, de quoi démocratiser la biologie structurale et accélérer les découvertes !

Évidemment, avec une telle puissance vient aussi de grandes responsabilités, alors les gros cerveaux derrière DeepMind ont longuement planché avec de nombreux experts et organismes pour définir un cadre éthique et limiter les risques de mésusage comme on dit. Parce qu’autant un AlphaFold entre de bonnes mains, ça peut faire avancer la science et la médecine de façon spectaculaire, autant on n’a pas envie de voir débarquer des virus ou des prions tueurs conçus par des apprentis sorciers.

Mais j’ai hâte de voir ce que la communauté scientifique va réussir à faire avec cet outil génial. Peut-être de nouvelles enzymes pour des applications industrielles, des matériaux bio-inspirés aux propriétés uniques, ou des protéines thérapeutiques plus efficaces ? En tout cas une chose est sûre, la révolution biotech ne fait que commencer et nul doute qu’AlphaFold 3 en sera l’un des acteurs clés !


Raspberry Pi Connect – Accédez à votre Pi depuis n’importe où !

Par : Korben
9 mai 2024 à 05:07

Ah, les joies du Raspberry Pi… On en achète un, puis deux, puis trois… Et avant de s’en rendre compte, on se retrouve avec une armée de petits ordinateurs dispersés aux quatre coins de la maison, du garage et du jardin. Du coup, pas facile de s’y retrouver, surtout quand il faut jongler avec VNC, SSH et autres joyeusetés pour y accéder à distance.

Mais ne vous inquiétez pas, les gens de la Raspberry Pi Foundation ont pensé à tout et viennent de nous pondre Raspberry Pi Connect, un nouvel outil bien pratique pour accéder aux Pi à distance, et ce, depuis n’importe quel navigateur web. Comme ça, plus besoin de se prendre la tête aevec la configuration réseau, des ports à ouvrir et des adresses IP à retenir.

Pour utiliser ce truc, il vous faut d’abord un Raspberry Pi 4, 5 ou 400 équipé d’une version 64 bits de Raspberry Pi OS Bookworm avec l’interface graphique Wayland. Une fois votre Pi à jour, ouvrez un terminal et entrez la commande magique :

sudo apt install rpi-connect

Quelques secondes plus tard, après un petit redémarrage, vous devriez voir apparaître une nouvelle icône dans la barre des tâches, en haut à droite de votre écran. Cliquez dessus, choisissez « Sign in » et suivez les instructions pour associer votre Pi à un compte Raspberry Pi. N’oubliez pas d’activer la double authentification.

Et là, c’est le moment « Waouh » : depuis n’importe quel ordinateur, tablette ou téléphone équipé d’un navigateur web, rendez-vous sur, connectez-vous et… tadaa ! Vous voilà en train d’utiliser votre Raspberry Pi à distance, via un accès sécurisé et chiffré à votre bureau.

En fait, quand vous utilisez Raspberry Pi Connect, une connexion pair-à-pair (P2P) est établie entre votre navigateur et votre Pi grâce à la technologie WebRTC (si vous ne connaissez pas, c’est ce qui est utilisé par Zoom, Slack ou Google Meet pour la visio). Le démon rpi-connect installé sur votre Pi se charge alors de négocier la meilleure connexion possible avec le serveur VNC intégré. Comme ça, dans la plupart des cas, une connexion directe est possible, sans passer par les serveurs de Raspberry Pi. Mais si jamais ce n’est pas faisable, pas de stress, le trafic sera alors relayé de manière sécurisée et chiffrée via les serveurs de la Raspberry Pi Foundation, en utilisant le protocole DTLS.

Pour le moment, il n’y a qu’un seul serveur relais, situé au Royaume-Uni, donc cela peut entraîner un peu de latence si vous êtes loin des côtes anglaises. Mais d’autres serveurs sont prévus pour garantir une bonne expérience utilisateur. Et vous pouvez même vérifier si votre connexion est directe ou relayée en passant votre souris sur l’icône de cadenas dans votre navigateur.

L’équipe de Raspberry Pi Connect a bien sûr l’intention de garder le service gratuit pour les utilisateurs, tant qu’une connexion directe est possible, et ce, quel que soit le nombre d’appareils utilisés. Et pour le moment, les connexions relayées sont, elles aussi gratuites, le temps de voir combien de personnes en ont besoin et quelle quantité de bande passante est nécessaire.

Bref, ça tombe à pic, surtout depuis le passage de Raspberry Pi OS à Wayland qui empêchait d’utiliser la fonction d’accès distant intégrée au protocole X11. Avec ce nouvel outil, on retrouve donc ce confort d’utilisation qui a fait la réputation des Pi et en quelques clics, on peut accéder à sa petite merveille et bidouiller tout ce qu’on veut depuis n’importe où.

Si ça vous dit, tout est expliqué ici !


Fabric – Un framework open source pour travailler main dans la main avec l’IA

Par : Korben
8 mai 2024 à 07:00

Depuis que l’IA a débarqué dans nos vies, il est maintenant possible de lui déléguer une grande partie de nos tâches fastidieuses et chronophages, ce qui nous permet de nous concentrer sur l’essentiel. Des outils comme ChatGPT ont évidemment démocratisé l’accès à cette technologie, mais ses capacités vont bien au-delà d’un simple agent conversationnel.

En effet, l’IA peut devenir un véritable assistant personnel pour booster à la fois notre créativité et notre productivité. Perso, je ne peux plus m’en passer, et que vous soyez développeur, designer, écrivain ou entrepreneur, il existe de nombreuses façons de l’intégrer dans vos workflows. Génération de code, création de visuels, rédaction et correction de texte, analyse de données, relecture de contrats, automatisation de tâches… La liste est infinie pour peu que vous ayez un peu d’imagination.

C’est là qu’entre en scène le projet open-source Fabric qui permet justement de créer des workflows basés sur l’IA totalement sur-mesure en combinant différents modèles et différentes APIs. Comme ça vous pourrez concevoir vos propres assistants adaptés à vos propres besoins.

Concrètement, Fabric fonctionne comme un framework avec différents composants réutilisables :

  • Des Patterns qui sont des templates de prompts répondant à un besoin précis (ex : résumer un article, extraire les idées clés d’une vidéo, etc).
  • Des Stitches qui permettent d’enchaîner plusieurs Patterns pour créer des workflows avancés.
  • Un serveur central appelé Mill qui héberge et sert les Patterns.
  • Des apps clientes appelées Looms qui invoquent les Patterns via des APIs.

Plutôt que d’utiliser des services IA fermés, Fabric vous donne le contrôle total sur vos workflows. Comme ça, vous pouvez héberger vous-même les différents composants et garder vos données en local. Le tout étant bien sûr basé sur des standards ouverts et interopérables.

L’idée pour les gens derrière Fabric, c’est de rendre l’intégration de l’IA aussi simple que l’utilisation de commandes Unix. Par exemple, pour résumer le contenu d’une page web avec l’IA, il vous suffit de chaîner les deux commandes suivantes :

curl | fabric --pattern summarize

Vous pouvez même créer des aliases pour vos patterns les plus utilisés. Par exemple pour analyser un article :

alias analyze="fabric --pattern analyze" cat article.txt | analyze

Bien sûr, tout ceci nécessite un peu de pratique et de changements dans vos habitudes de travail mais une fois les bons réflexes pris, le gain de temps sera considérable.

Certains craignent que l’IA nous mette tous au chomage mais je pense au contraire qu’elle va surtout nous aider à torcher rapidement les tâches ingrates pour nous permettre d’être plus créatifs et de bosser sur les sujets de fond avec plus de valeur ajoutée.

Si ça vous dit d’essayer Fabric, la doc est ici.

Anbernic Game Boy Advance SP clone does more than just copy an old design

Par : JC Torres
9 mai 2024 à 14:20

Retro gaming consoles and computers are still going strong, with many designs still left to be revived, resized, and retrofitted for modern times. Most of these products try to recreate the experience of those original machines, at least with the games they used to run on very limited hardware. That said, you can only go so far trying to recreate the past. Sooner or later, you will hit a wall, as demonstrated by the limited number of titles supported by many of these retro consoles. This reinterpretation of a Game Boy classic design, however, isn’t exactly a simple copy of the clamshell handheld. Instead, it takes the same spirit of portable adventure that the Game Boy Advance SP embodied and wraps it in a body that’s well-suited for modern gaming styles.

Designer: Anbernic

It’s honestly a bit of a gray legal area whenever third-party brands try to embrace a design so close to something from the annals of video gaming history. That hasn’t stopped the likes of Anbernic from taking obvious inspiration from those bygone designs but with enough modifications to skirt infringement accusations. Of course, Anbernic has its own original designs, but the ones that really grab your attention are those that pay homage to icons like the Nintendo Game Boy.

With the uninspiring name of Anbernic RG35XXSP, the prolific gaming handheld manufacturer is bringing the Game Boy Advance SP back to life, or at least the pocket-sized clamshell design that made it quite a hit. It’s just as blocky and thick as the original, but that’s also part of the device’s charm. For better or worse, however, that’s where the similarities end to the point that you can even say that the RG35XXSP was simply “inspired” by Nintendo’s handheld.

Deep inside, it uses the same guts as all the other iterations of the RG35XX, which means that it’s practically a mini computer that runs the Linux operating system. Specifically, it uses an emulation platform that can support a whole plethora of games from the likes of the Nintendo 64, PlayStation 1, PlayStation Portable, or even MS-DOS. And, yes, it can probably run Game Boy games as well, though you’re left to your own devices on how to make all these work.

What’s more important, however, is that the RG35XXSP doesn’t use the limited controls of the Game Boy Advance SP. Instead, it has enough buttons to support all those gaming platforms, though don’t expect any analog joystick here. The pocketable gaming handheld is also described to be equipped with modern technologies, like Wi-Fi and 5G for local multiplayer gaming, HDMI for TV output, and support for Bluetooth peripherals like controllers, keyboards, and mice. Shown off in four designs that give tribute to those consoles and handhelds of the past, launch details for the Anbernic RG35XXSP are unfortunately still unavailable at this moment.

The post Anbernic Game Boy Advance SP clone does more than just copy an old design first appeared on Yanko Design.

8 Fascinating LEGO Builds Based On Iconic Paintings That Art Aficionados Cannot Miss

9 mai 2024 à 11:40

It’s really quite extraordinary how there is a wonderful LEGO build for almost everything out there. Whether it’s a bowl of ramen, a scene from the show Friends, or even the Batmobile – honestly you can find LEGO’s adorable tendrils creeping almost everywhere, and we absolutely love it! So, it is a given that LEGO will eventually find itself in the prestigious and beautiful world of art. In this collection of LEGO builds, we’ve curated LEGO creations based on iconic paintings! From da Vinci’s Mona Lisa to the iconic Greate Wave of Kanagawa – we’ve curated a collection of beautiful LEGO builds inspired by tremendous works of art.

1. The Great Wave Of Kanagawa

One of the most iconic and beloved paintings in the art world is The Great Wave of Kanagawa. It is a significant and precious hallmark of Japan’s Ukioy-e art movement, and LEGO Art has recreated a LEGO version utilizing plastic blocks and a brick count of 1810 pieces. The piece includes a special brick with the artist Hokusai’s signature. The build includes multiple dot-shaped bricks which impart the painting with a pointillism effect.

2. Girl With A Pearl Earring

Made from 1619 LEGO bricks, the ‘Girl with a Pearl Earring’ LEGO build perfectly replicates the painting, and has some actual depth to it. Since LEGO bricks were used to build the piece, it does lack some of the finer details, but this is what makes it even more charming and unique. The girl in the build has the same blue and yellow headscarf, and a contemplative expression paired up with the pretty pearl earring which is the star feature of the painting.

3. The Scream

Edvard Munch’s The Scream painting was converted into an intriguing LEGO build! It perfectly captures the anxiety and fear Munch wanted to create in his painting, around 130 years ago. Created by LEGO builder Spacemanship, the build is made using 2999 pieces. He wanted to give people suffering from anxiety an outlet or channel for their emotions, and he really did a great job with this LEGO kit. The LEGO Ideas submission garnered a 10,000 votes milestone, and will soon be converted into a buyable LEGO kit.

4. The Portrait of a Woman in a Hat

Made by LEGO user Mecesoo, this intriguing brick-based portrait captures and recreates the essence of Picasso’s stroke by using colorful plastic bricks instead. The portrait is built using 1070 bricks without any loose bricks or collisions. The build is almost true in size to the original, hence serving as a brilliant replica. The painting is teamed up with a Minifigure of Picasso, an easel with his canvas on it, as well as two Picasso quotes with the artist’s signature.

5. LEGO Van Gogh’s Sunflowers

Van Gogh’s sunflowers become quite popular on Instagram, garnering a whole lot of attention. And LEGO master builder Chi Hsin Wei converted it into a stunning LEGO rendition. The pretty MOC includes a frame, and a fantastic three-dimensional rendition of the painting, with the flowers popping out of the canvas, and welcoming you with their simple beauty and charm.

6. The Starry Night

Vincent van Gogh The Starry Night LEGO Set

Vincent van Gogh The Starry Night LEGO Set

The Starry Night LEGO Set is based on Vincent van Gogh’s namesake painting. It is a 3D representation of the iconic oil-on-canvas painting by the Dutch Post-Impressionist painter. The build is another product of a LEGO designer’s imagination being put into production, and being converted to reality from an idea. This final production set is up for purchase, and LEGO lovers can create their own Starry Night recreation.

7. Mona Lisa

Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa is brought to LEGO life with the LEGO® Art Mona Lisa (31213) painting building kit. You can recreate your own interpretation of da Vinci’s iconic painting. It features a bluer hue to reflect the colors that were used by da Vinci around 500 years ago, before paint evolved and changed with time. It serves as a beautiful wall art, or even as a lovely home decor gift for art lovers.

8. Andy Warhol’s Marilyn Monroe Portrait

The LEGO Art 31197 Andy Warhol’s Marilyn Monroe is for all the Andy Warhol and Marilyn Monroe fans out there! This fascinating set lets you recreate Andy Warhol’s famous pop art portrait of Marilyn Monroe. Once completed, the build features an exclusive signature tile and can be displayed as art on a wall or shelf. You are able to reproduce and recreate the iconic, mass-reproduced piece of pop art from the 1960s.

The post 8 Fascinating LEGO Builds Based On Iconic Paintings That Art Aficionados Cannot Miss first appeared on Yanko Design.

Card game helps kids learn about colours and be offline

Par : Ida Torres
9 mai 2024 à 10:07

There is still an ongoing conversation (debate) amongst educators, parents, and psychologists on the amount of screen time that we should allow kids to have. Of course there’s a balance between screens and offline activities although that’s pretty hard to achieve. It’s also hard to wean this generation away from their devices but one way is to provide alternative activities for them at school and especially at home. And maybe, we can even get them to create their own alternatives.

Designer: Pupils from The Piggot School

The winner for this year’s Design Museum’s Design Ventura competition may be a fun alternative for children and adults alike. The Colour Countdown card game created by the pupils at The Piggot School was inspired by classic analog games Uno and I Spy. It can bring out the competitive spirit amongst players but also lets them interact with their surroundings instead of just focusing on various screens. This is an annual competition for students aged 13-16 to create something that will eventually be sold in the Design Museum.

Each card has a coloured cellophane window and can be combined with other cards to create different blends of colours. The players have to find things around their space which will match the card or cards that they’re holding. It can be played in any environment but of course since you’re dealing with colours, it is better played somewhere with a lot of colourful objects around. The cards are also eco-friendly as it uses FSC-certified paper and the cellophane is made from wood pulp.

The next step for the Colour Countdown is that it will be developed by the students with a professional agency. It will eventually be manufactured and then sold at the Design Museum Shop so you actually have the chance to own and play this game. Who says only kids need to be weaned away from their screens?

The post Card game helps kids learn about colours and be offline first appeared on Yanko Design.

These are the new standard in denim versatility and they’re definitely not your grandpa’s jeans

9 mai 2024 à 01:45

Denim has clung to its roots like a stubborn old cat to its favorite sunlit spot, toughing it out from its humble beginnings in the 17th-century mines of Europe and North America to become today’s fashion must-have. Originally crafted for the grit and grime of the California Gold Rush, denim’s sturdy, breathable, and versatile chops quickly made it the go-to getup for laborers. Then came 1873, when Levi Strauss threw in some rivets and catapulted denim into the wardrobe hall of fame. Despite a world buzzing with tech innovations, the fundamental jeans blueprint hasn’t wavered much—until now. Enter stage left: world adventurers and dedicated explorers with their brainchild, the Standard Issue Denim 001, a nifty modern twist on the old classic.

Designer: S Jordan Berman and Peter McDougald Juhl

Click Here to Buy Now: $110 $130 ($20 off). Hurry, deal ends in 72-hours!

This dynamic duo, who met in 2010 while climbing at a gym in Brooklyn, NY, envisioned merging fashion with function right from the start. Their journey led them to create “Wares for All Reasons,” a brand born out of a desire to blend climbing utility with everyday style. The Standard Issue Denim 001 stands as their peak achievement, distinctly crafted to endure the most rigorous activities without sacrificing real-world denim’s chic, timeless look. Think of these jeans as your go-to for every conceivable adventure, built to withstand time and trends.

Inspired by the needs of urban athletes and adventurers, these pants are crafted from our proprietary workwear-weight HSTech Denim fabric and are designed for maximum comfort and flexibility, without
compromising style.

HSTech Denim has a 13% stretch factor on its diagonal, in line with the stretchiest, most flexible men’s denim available.

These jeans are specifically engineered for the urban outdoors—ultra-durable, with the rugged, iconic 5-pocket silhouette expected from a classic pair of jeans, yet flexible enough to move with you wherever the day takes you. The Standard Issue Denim 001 jazzes up the traditional jean scene, serving up a recipe that suits both the adrenaline junkie and the serial Netflix binger. Whether you’re dodging taxis in the city streets or glued to your sofa, these jeans merge flair with function without breaking a sweat. The secret sauce? Their revolutionary HSTech Denim boasts a 13% diagonal stretch factor, aligning it with the stretchiest, most flexible men’s denim available, all while maintaining that timeless denim vibe with 98% cotton. It’s like your body got a hug from a cloud—comfortable, stylish, and ludicrously adaptive.

Standard Issue Denim 001 jeans are crafted with globally sourced, top – grade materials.

The Standard Issue Denim 001 comes in 8 sizes with one classic color option—and more of each color on the way, ensuring that these jeans are not just versatile in use but also in style. Each pair is crafted with sustainability in mind, featuring a circular product life-cycle to minimize environmental impact. They are vegan, manufactured ethically, and built to last through thousands of washes and tens of thousands of wears. This might just be the last pair of jeans you’ll ever need to buy. In the rare event they wear out, they can be returned to the manufacturers for repair or to receive a 10% discount on your next pair.

Talk about a chameleon of the closet! These jeans effortlessly flip between semi-formal and kick-back casual and are tough enough to take on the great outdoors. Thanks to their ninja-like 4-way stretch fabric, imagine jeans that could handle a yoga session. No belt? No problem. The ingenious split waist design ensures a snug fit, expanding or contracting with your every move—ideal for those post-buffet moments when you need just a little more room. They are kitted out with high-step knee darts for when you need to high-kick, zippered pockets for stashing treasures, and a slim profile to keep things sleek. The redesigned front pocket layout holds items securely, preventing them from running amok. Night owls, rejoice: there’s a reflective ankle strap for those after-dark escapades, plus a handy webbing key loop that keeps keys out of the way.

These jeans outperform typical denim, proving to be the Swiss Army knife of apparel. Ready for anything, they are equipped to accompany the most dynamic lifestyles, seamlessly blending durability with style. Whether you’re conquering a mountain or navigating city chaos, these jeans are designed to support your every endeavor, proving that style and function are inseparable. They are crafted by people who live and breathe adventures for today’s doers and dreamers, making the Standard Issue Denim 001 a true standout in the world of denim.

Click Here to Buy Now: $110 $130 ($20 off). Hurry, deal ends in 72-hours!

The post These are the new standard in denim versatility and they’re definitely not your grandpa’s jeans first appeared on Yanko Design.

With These 10 Productivity Boosting WFH Designs, Elevate Your Mom’s Work-Life Balance This Mother’s Day

8 mai 2024 à 23:30

Does your mum work from home, while also managing your chaotic home and your entire family?! Well, then she’s a superhero, like all mums, because they’re truly the masters of multitasking. And if you have a mum who handles the corporate world from the comforts of her home office, while also ensuring everyone in the house doesn’t go insane, we’ve found a couple of products to help her with the former. These ingenious products make for the perfect Mother’s Day gifts for all the WFH mommies! These thoughtful, well-designed and quality products will improve her work routine and productivity, while also helping her maintain a clearer and more streamlined mindset. From a pen that floats in the air and defies gravity to a fashionable AirPods necklace that ensures your mom never loses her AirPods again – these innovative and functional WFH accessories are excellent gifts for all the hardworking mums out there!

1. Levitating Pen 3.0

One of the most important accessories on someone’s desk is their pen, and this Mother’s Day you can gift your mom a pen that isn’t simply a writing instrument but is a symbol of creative potential and innovation. Called the Levitating Pen 3.0, this sleek and sharp pen defies gravity and features a unique appearance with a spacecraft-like appearance, and the ability to float in the air! Doubling also as a fidget spinner, a statement piece and functional design, this pen is sure to command attention on even Zoom calls.

Click Here to Buy Now: $116 $129 (10% off ). Hurry, Mother’s Day sale ends in 48 hours!

Why is it noteworthy?

The Levitating Pen 3.0 is unlike your ordinary office supply. It merges cutting-edge technology with a sleek, good-looking, and minimalist design. The pen balances at a 60-degree angle, and it even gently bobs in place, making note-taking a unique and awe-spiring experience.

What we like

  • The pen utilizes a magnetic field to levitate and spin, forming an intriguing visual effect
  • Offers a writing experience that is seamless, durable, and premium
  • The holder is redesigned to be more streamlined than ever

What we dislike

  • Although the pen is quite fascinating, it can be deemed a hassle to keep the pen refills handy for prolonged use.

2. Orbitkey Nest

Called the Orbitkey Nest, this little desk organizer is a reinvented version of the stationery box. It serves as a home for your desk accessories and everyday essentials – ranging from your pencils and erasers to your EDC too. It is an excellent option for your mum to store her chargers, AirPods, hard disks, SD cards, pen drives, and more, especially if she finds herself battling with a messy desk often.

Why is it noteworthy?

The nest holds and store your tech essentials, while also ensuring the desk is well-organized and neat. It is a great tool to facilitate productivity and ensure a clutter-free mind. The upper surface features a slight indentation, which can store keys or a watch, while a dedicated zone functions as a wireless charger for phones.

What we like

  • Made from top-grain leather upper, polycarbonate shell, and a nylon fabric base layer, giving it a clean and sophisticated appearance

What we dislike

  • The overall size maybe small for some owners and we would have liked a bigger size option was made available.

3. MagBoard Clipboard

Dubbed the MagBoard Clipboard, this innovative notepad/clipboard hybrid is designed for anyone working from home, who needs to integrate adaptability and efficiency into their work schedule. The flexible and minimal product is an excellent Mother’s Day present for your mum if she is a remote worker. It features a magnet and lever mechanism that holds loose sheets safely and securely in one place.

Click Here to Buy Now: $41 $45 (10% off). Hurry, Mother’s Day sale ends in 48 hours!

Why is it noteworthy?

If your mum is bored of typical notepads, then the MagBoard Clipboard is a good option for her. It has a unique design that works well for the environment of a home office, allowing her to take notes without the constraints of a traditional notebook.

What we like

  • The clipboard utilizes magnets and levers to hold and release papers
  • It has a lightweight and compact form, making it ideal for use at home or on the go

What we dislike

  • It works well with specific page sizes, so may not be able to cater to everyone’s needs

4. Fidget Cube

If your mum is a chronic fidgeter, and you often find her fidgeting away with random objects on her desk, then it may be time to gift her something that has been designed for ‘fidgeting’. Dubbed the Fidget Cube, this unusually addictive yet high-quality desk toy is designed to help users focus. It features six sides, and each side has something for your mum to fidget with, and calm her overworked mind.

Why is it noteworthy?

The Fidget Cube includes six versatile sides, and the different sides have something different for you to do. There is – Click, Glide, Flip, Breathe, Roll, and Spin. The Click side lets the clicker in your mom out, as she doesn’t need to click on any pens anymore. With the glide action, she can enjoy the gliding action of this joystick.

What we like

  • It is available in ten different color schemes, so you can pick the one your mum would like
  • Helps in focusing and streamlining thoughts

What we dislike

  • Fidgeting isn’t considered a positive activity by everyone, so the product may not be appreciated by some people

5. The Note

Quite simply called the Note, this little note-taking accessory is the perfect product for all work-from-home moms. The Note is essentially a compact desk whiteboard that lets you swiftly take down notes with ease and efficiency. And it doesn’t function as your everyday note-taker, no, it has a few innovative tricks up its sleeve to elevate your dreary workday.

Why is it noteworthy?

If your mum spends a lot of hours in her home office, and yet somehow manages to brilliantly manage your home and family, then having a whiteboard that lets her keep track of her tasks and daily routine is an absolute godsend. This unique whiteboard can be easily flipped over or twisted, providing abundant space to write down her notes. One side of the board has a dotted grid surface to help with diagrams, while the other side is plain, or you could even have the same design on both sides.

What we like

  • The Note is equipped with a multi-purpose vertical screen to view the time, manage your appointments, and keep an eye on the calendar

What we dislike

  • The screen doesn’t support showing videos, which is a function that can be important in certain people’s fields of work

6. ASMR Zen Ball

Does work stress get to your mum quite a bit? Well, then gifting her this compact little ball could be the ideal Mother’s Day present. Dubbed the ASMR Zen Ball, this unique little design merges natural and engineered elements to form an intriguing space-inspired design which offers a tranquil and calming experience to users. It features a meteorite-inspired porous surface that swiftly absorbs aroma oils.

Click Here to Buy Now: $89 $99 (10% off). Hurry, Mother’s Day sale ends in 48 hours!

Why is it noteworthy?

Crafted from genuine volcanic stone and matte aluminum alloy, the Zen Balls functions as a fidget toy as well, providing users with an interactive yet meditative experience, allowing them to foster a relationship with the natural energy of the earth. It is a useful and valuable addition to your mum’s desk space, allowing her to take breaks from work, and regulate her stress levels.

What we like

  • Serves as a fidget toy, offering sensory stimulation, and distracting users from stressful thoughts

What we dislike

  • If the ball is not attached to the base, it could start rolling due to accidental bumps

7. The Modular Bottle

Sitting at your work desk all day can often make you forget to keep drinking your water. And if you’re mum is one of those people, then you may want to gift her the Modular Bottle this Mother’s Day! Called TMB or The Modular Bottle, this bottle tends to meet drinking requirements in every kind of situation. Whether someone’s working at home, driving to work, or even heading to the gym. The bottle will cater to your mum’s different drinking needs!

Why is it noteworthy?

The interior of the bottle is made using durable borosilicate glass, providing drinks with the perfect taste, no matter how many times the bottle is used. This also makes the bottle quite easy to clean. The mid-section of the bottle is translucent so you can easily make out how much liquid is left inside.

What we like

  • It has an Infusion Module Add-On for tea and fruits
  • It has quite a large opening, making it easy to clean
  • There is a secret compartment for snacks

What we dislike

  • Since it is a glass bottle, it is easily breakable and must be handled with care

8. AirPods/AirPods Pro Neck Strap

If your mum is obsessed with her AirPods or AirPods Pro and needs them throughout her workday to attend to important calls or to listen to essential media, well then this clever little neck strap may be for her. This AirPods/AirPods Pro Neck Strap will ensure that she never loses them, and they’re always close to her heart. They’re also great for when she is commuting or moving around and needs easy access to them.

Click Here to Buy Now: $35$39 (10% off). Hurry, Mother’s Day sale ends in 48 hours!

Why is it noteworthy?

The neck strap is made up of a woven necklace, that ensures your AirPods are around your neck at all times. It merges fashion, good looks, and practicality to create an innovative Apple accessory with a patented One-Click Magnetic Lock, which keeps your mum’s earbuds safe and secure.

What we like

  • Eliminates the risk of losing your AirPods, especially if you are on the move
  • Provides easy and quick access to your AirPods

What we dislike

  • Since they’re attached to a necklace, the AirPods are easily exposed to damage, dirt, and weather elements

9. BetterBack

If your mum is sitting at her work desk in her home office all day long, then she is bound to suffer from some back pain. And if you want your mum to take better care of her back and posture, well then you better get her the BetterBack! The BetterBack provides instant relief from back pain. It lets the user sit effortlessly in the perfect posture, not only easing back pain but also helping to prevent it.

Why is it noteworthy?

The BetterBack features a lightweight and portable design, and it successfully makes every chair ergonomic. Your mum simply needs to wear it for 15 minutes a day, and it retrains her body’s default posture, allowing her to stand or sit properly without the BetterBack, in turn improving her posture.

What we like

  • Stabilizes the pelvis, and restores the spine’s natural curvature, in turn providing lumbar supports

What we dislike

  • You cannot clip it to your waist, so it can be a pain to stand up and sit down with it

10. Light-Up Desk Lamp

This desk lamp is called the Light-Up Desk Lamp, and quite interestingly, it is inspired by the story of a light switch, which according to the designer has more meaning when it is turned on, than when it illuminates a space. The designer believes that turning on the switch indicates a new beginning, which leads to the creation of the Light-Up Lamp. What a wonderful and thoughtful gift to give your mum this Mother’s Day, right?

Why is it noteworthy?

The Light-Up Lamp is designed to get your mum into ‘work mode’, the minute the lamp is switched on. The lamp doesn’t really have a very complicated design. It is simple and focused and aims to create a seamless work environment the second it is switched on. It doesn’t have any sudden color changes or any odd flickers.

What we like

  • It is designed to enhance productivity
  • It is also an excellent table organizer, as you can hold up sticky notes on it

What we dislike

  • It is a tall and bulky design, so it will occupy some precious real estate on your desk. Not the most compact desk lamp on the market

The post With These 10 Productivity Boosting WFH Designs, Elevate Your Mom’s Work-Life Balance This Mother’s Day first appeared on Yanko Design.
