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GIFtube – Convertissez des vidéos YouTube en GIF de haute qualité

Par : Korben
1 septembre 2024 à 07:00

Vous êtes un amateur de GIF comme moi, et vous aimeriez pouvoir créer vos propres animations à partir de vos vidéos YouTube préférées ? Alors laissez-moi vous présenter GIFtube, un petit script Bash qui permet de choisir précisément la portion de la vidéo que vous voulez transformer, régler la résolution et le nombre d’images par seconde, et hop, le tour est joué ! Votre GIF est prêt à être partagé.

Pour faire son job, GIFtube utilise plusieurs outils bien connus des bidouilleurs : yt-dlp pour télécharger la vidéo YouTube, ffmpeg pour l’encodage et la génération du GIF, et gifsicle pour l’optimisation du fichier final. Et pas besoin d’être un champion de la ligne de commande pour utiliser GIFtube puisque le script s’occupe d’installer lui-même les dépendances nécessaires si elles ne sont pas déjà présentes sur votre système (enfin, seulement si vous êtes sous Ubuntu, Debian ou macOS, pour les autres, va falloir retrousser vos manches).

Bon, assez parlé, passons à la pratique ! Voici comment utiliser GIFtube :

  1. Téléchargez le script sur et sauvegardez-le quelque part sur votre ordinateur.
  2. Ouvrez un terminal et rendez-vous dans le dossier où se trouve le script. Tapez ./ pour le lancer.
  3. Quand le script vous le demande, collez l’URL de la vidéo YouTube que vous voulez convertir.
  4. Indiquez le nombre d’images par seconde que vous voulez pour votre GIF. Un chiffre entre 10 et 30 est généralement un bon compromis entre fluidité et taille du fichier.
  5. Précisez le moment de la vidéo où vous voulez que le GIF commence, en secondes. Par exemple, si vous voulez démarrer à 1 minute et 30 secondes, tapez 90.
  6. Indiquez la durée que vous voulez pour votre GIF, toujours en secondes.
  7. Choisissez un nom pour votre fichier GIF.
  8. Enfin, sélectionnez la résolution de votre GIF : 1080p, 720p, 480p ou 240p.

Et voilà, GIFtube s’occupe du reste ! Le script va télécharger la vidéo, générer une palette de couleurs optimisée, encoder le GIF selon vos réglages et l’optimiser pour réduire sa taille. Quelques instants plus tard, votre GIF est prêt !

Avec un peu d’imagination, les possibilités sont infinies. Vous pouvez par exemple créer des GIF à partir de vos répliques de films préférées pour réagir avec style sur les réseaux sociaux, ou encore capturer les meilleurs moments d’un tutoriel vidéo pour l’intégrer dans un tutoriel écrit.

Vous l’aurez compris, GIFtube est un chouette petit outil à avoir sous la main pour tous les amateurs de GIF. Son côté ligne de commande peut rebuter les moins à l’aise avec le terminal, mais moi j’aime bien 🙂

Sur ce, je vous laisse, j’ai une subite envie de me refaire l’intégrale de Stargate moi. Je sens que je vais avoir besoin de GIFtube pour immortaliser certains moments cultes.

Allez, à plus et bon GIF !

Terminalizer – Enregistrez et partagez vos sessions de terminal en GIF animé

Par : Korben
2 juin 2024 à 07:00

Si vous avez envie de partager une session de votre terminal avec des collègues ou votre communauté ou tout simplement enregistrer vos lignes de commandes pour pouvoir les rejouer plus tard, j’ai ce qu’il vous faut. Cela s’appelle Terminalizer, et c’est un outil en ligne de commande qui va changer votre façon de collaborer et d’apprendre.

Avec Terminalizer, vous pouvez facilement capturer tout ce qui se passe dans votre terminal et générer un GIF animé ou un lien web pour le partager en un clic. Super pratique pour montrer en temps réel à un collègue comment résoudre un problème, archiver vos sessions pour documenter votre travail ou tout simplement faire de la doc. Les possibilités sont infinies !

L’un des gros points forts de Terminalizer, c’est qu’il est cross-platform. Que vous soyez sur Linux, Windows ou MacOS, vous pouvez l’installer et l’utiliser en toute simplicité. D’ailleurs, pour l’installer, rien de plus simple. Il vous suffit d’avoir Node.js sur votre machine, puis de lancer

npm install -g terminalizer

et le tour est joué !

Une fois installé, lancez une nouvelle session avec

terminalizer record mavideo

et tout ce que vous ferez dans votre terminal sera alors enregistré. Une fois que vous avez terminé, vous pourrez alors rejouer la session avec

terminalizer play mavideo

l’éditer si besoin, puis générée un rendu avec

terminalizer render mavideo

pour avoir le fameux GIF qui va bien.

C’est également un outil hautement configurable qui vous permet de personnaliser chaque aspect de vos enregistrements. Vous pouvez ainsi choisir la police, la taille du texte, les couleurs, ajouter une image de fond, un titre… Bref, donner vie à vos sessions de terminal comme jamais. Vous pouvez même choisir d’ajuster la vitesse, de couper certaines parties, d’ajouter des délaies entre les commandes, etc.

Terminalizer propose aussi des templates pour rendre vos GIF encore plus attractifs. Vous pourrez choisir entre différents styles de fenêtres, de la classique fenêtre de terminal à des frames plus originales. Bref, de quoi donner un style vraiment pro à vos enregistrements sans aucune compétence en graphisme.

Côté partage, c’est également un jeu d’enfant. En plus de pouvoir générer un GIF animé, Terminalizer vous permet de générer un lien pour partager votre session avec qui vous voulez. Pour cela, utilisez la commande

terminalizer share mavideo

Et hop, votre session sera uploadée sur leurs serveurs, et vous obtiendrez un lien que vous pourrez partager. Les personnes qui l’ouvriront verront alors votre session se jouer dans leur navigateur. Génial pour montrer votre travail au plus grand nombre !

Bref, c’est un incontournable pour tous ceux qui passent leurs journées sur un terminal.

A découvrir ici !

Happy recording !

10 Best Minimal Design Gifts to Easily Improve Your Mom’s Life This Mother’s Day

5 mai 2024 à 23:30

Mother’s Day falls on 12th May, and it really is an incredible day, as we get a chance to celebrate our superhero moms! Although that is something we should do every day. But Mother’s Day is the day we get to pamper our moms and shower them with love, and also hopefully make their lives a little bit easier. If you’re looking to gift your mom with some thoughtful and wonderful presents, then we’ve got your back. We’ve curated a collection of minimal, elegant, and functional products that will easily fit into your Mom’s everyday life and make it a little easier this Mother’s Day!

1. Japanese Lantern Candle

Inspired by the traditional Japanese ‘chouchin’ lantern, this pretty Japanese lantern has an adorable pillar shape. It is essential for self-care sessions that your mother can indulge in this Mother’s Day, giving her a chance to unwind, letting the worries and stresses of life fade away for a bit. And the best part, you can continue using the lantern body even after the candle inside is used up, giving a warm glow whenever they light it up.

Click Here to Buy Now: $62 $69 (10% off). Hurry, Mother’s Day sale ends in 48 hours!

Why is it noteworthy?

This pretty little candle offers a contemporary take on an age-old iconic Japanese lantern design. It gives a relaxing glow and has a minimalist and simple design ethos which lets it complement any living space. The candle is made by handcrafted artisans in Kurashiki, Japan.

What we like

  • The outer wax of the candle is harder and comes with a patented tech that keeps it from melting easily, and crafting a clear body on the candle

What we dislike

  • You need to be careful while using it around children and pets as an open flame is always a fire hazard

2. Pop-Up Book Vase

Convert your desk into a fairy tale scene using this lovely pop-up book vase. This new and elegant item can be opened to unveil a series of 3D vase cutouts, each cutout designed to present your floral arrangements in an enchanting and ever-changing manner. One design, multiple outputs – quite like our multi-tasking mom’s, isn’t it? The vase also folds back into a book and can be stored away easily, making it a must buy for every space – big or small.

Click Here to Buy Now: $39

Why is it noteworthy?

The book vase perfectly combines the timeless charm of a storybook with the utility of a flower vase, in turn forming a unique item that will bring some color and character to your desk, table, or wherever you place it. They’re the perfect Mother’s Day gift for your mother, letting her display her favorite flowers in style!

What we like

  • Provides a unique and playful approach to showcasing flowers
  • You can easily change the presentation

What we dislike

  • It doesn’t have the durability of traditional vases
  • Not a great option for heavy or water-filled arrangement

3. Jewelry Display Clock

Women and their jewelry are always inseparable – everyone I know of has that one iconic jewelry that they wear either everyday or keep it close by for any special occasion they have. In my opinion, jewelry is a women’s special talisman and I can bet our Mom’s have that one piece they want to keep safely in a proper home for that piece. This is where the Jewelry Clock comes in – allowing you to safely story your rings, bangles, necklace or even display your earrings as a pendulum by keeping the clock in your space. The design gives you time + a unique way to stay in touch with your personal belongings, giving you a chance to stop and stare before the day begins.

Click Here to Buy Now: $49.00

Why is it noteworthy?

The delicate tongs can be used by you to prepare lunch boxes or to even eat some sushi. There is really no wrong way to hold the tongs, and they’re designed to last a lifetime. The tongs possess a special metal processing which ensures that the jet black color doesn’t easily scratch off.

What we like

  • Minimal design with a quartz movement for precision.
  • Made from bioplastic that contains a large amount of rice husks

What we dislike

  • The jewelry storing space is minimal, not allowing you store more than 3-4 pieces with ease.

4. Legacy Precision Nail File

Designed by Yoshida Yasuri, the Legacy Precision Nail File is made in Japan using meticulous craftsmanship. The file is manufactured through an intricate three-stage sharpening process, making sure it is not dull, but nor does it have sharp edges like typical factory-made nail files. It makes for a wonderful grooming little gift for your Mom that is minimal enough to keep it handy and stay with her through the ages. After all, who but Mom’s can appreciate the quality of a heritage product that is crafted with an eye for details.

Click Here to Buy Now: $26 $29 (10% off). Mother’s Day sale ends in 48 hours!

Why is it noteworthy?

The thick stainless steel plate is shaped in all directions six times, on both sides of the nail file, to ensure it is fine, durable, and smooth.

What we like

  • Guarantees lifelong durability
  • Comes along with a handmade leather sheath to safely store when not in use

What we dislike

  • The intricate craftsmanship and quality materials make these files a significant investment compared to standard alternatives.
  • It does not have an entire nail care kit to go along with this.

5. Painless Key Ring

The Painless Key Ring lets you bid farewell to traditional key rings with its revolutionary wave spring key ring. It has a unique design that is inspired by the mechanisms used in the aerospace and automotive industries, providing you with a smooth and hassle-free solution to manage your keys. Especially as a Mom whose responsibilities are almost proportional to the number of eyes she carries, this key ring stores the keys easily, gives great access all while protecting her nails!

Click Here to Buy Now: $25

Why is it noteworthy?

This unique key ring organizes your keys using a high-tech and durable design that lets you secure your keys in an easily accessible manner. It has a lightweight and compact form which ensures your keys are always well organized and safe.

What we like

  • Uses a wave spring technology for easy removal and addition of keys
  • Cuts down the common struggle with tight or deformed key rings

What we dislike

  • It is pricier than typical key rings due to its advanced design
  • The individual key rings don’t have a color grading or any system to distinguish between the keys they hold

6. Moon Rocket Wall Clock

If your mom loves all things space, then you can gift her the Moon Rock Clock. This simple yet unique-looking clock brings outer space to your home. It is crafted from specially polished stainless steel and has a circular shape that manages to capture the mystique and beauty of the moon with numbers that float around the edges and all in a minimal package that blends into any existing space.

Click Here to Buy Now: $276 $325 ($50 off). Mother’s Day sale ends in 48 hours!

Why is it noteworthy?

The numbers on the clock wane and wax just like the moon, creating a beautiful effect. The clock gives a gentle reminder to live life freely and with the spirit of adventure, in the same way, the rocket ship makes its way around the moon. This minimalist clock has a mesmerizing moon travel-inspired ethos.

What we like

  • The printed numbers seem to float and merge into the surface of the moon
  • The tiny rocket incorporated in the clock’s second hand is a beautiful, whimsical touch

What we dislike

  • The seemingly floating numbers may make it difficult to read when the clock is wall mounted

7. Jewelvase Mirror Stand

Dubbed the Jewelvase Mirror Stand, this lovely little minimal mirror doubles up as an accessory stand or vase. It makes for a fantastic Mother’s Day gift for your mom! It features an elegant and simple design that adds loads of character to your dresser, or any surface where you place it – giving you a chance to observe yourself, share a floral design in the vase or keep your knick knack safe – all in one tiny minimal package!

Click Here to Buy Now: $59

Why is it noteworthy?

It has dual functionality, which allows it to serve as both a mirror and a vase/accessory stand. The stand is made from a bioplastic material, which includes rice husks. The mirror stand has a pretty decorative quality to it, and it functions as a stylish yet functional home decor accent.

What we like

  • Elevates any dresser, table, desk, or furniture piece it is placed on

What we dislike

  • The design cannot be folded/minimised and stored when not in use.

8. Battery-Free Aroma Diffuser

Called the Battery-Free Aroma Diffuser, this tiny product brings fresh air into your home, letting you take deep breaths and relax without causing any kind of harm to the environment. This unique diffuser harnesses the power of a single candle through the medium of simple physics and science. If de-stressing after a long day is the key to your Mom’s routine, this diffuser elevates the ritual, with every step of switching it on becoming a part of the wellness routine that is sure to bring joy.

Click Here to Buy Now: $249

Why is it noteworthy?

The diffuser is battery-free, and it doesn’t need any external power sources to operate. It is crafted from sustainable materials, giving it a pretty eco-friendly ethos.

What we like

  • Made from recyclable materials
  • Compatible with various kinds of essential oil

What we dislike

  • Lacks electric controls, so it can be tough to adjust the intensity of the aroma

9. Rin Harmony Incense Holder

Called the Rin Harmony Incense Holder, this thoughtful little design allows you to enjoy the smokey and relaxing aroma of your chosen incense stick. It is the perfect Mother’s Day gift, letting your mom relax and calm down after a long day. It is made from natural walnut wood and has a storage space for the incense sticks as well.

Click Here to Buy Now: $199

Why is it noteworthy?

The brass plate functions as a safe space to hold the lit stick, and a matching cover lets you snuff out the flame, while also making sure that the ashes don’t fly around.

What we like

  • Unique dual-functional design with a minimalist form that amplifies any setting.

What we dislike

  • Only allows one incense to be lit at a time, making the reach of the aroma limited

10. Bookish Bookmark

Called the Bookish Bookmark, this beautiful, minimal product allows readers to enjoy a hands-free reading session, letting them keep their books open without having to use any awkward workarounds. With the Bookish Bookmark, you don’t need to put down the book with something heavy and ugly. The transparent design is perfect for anyone who loves to read books or follow cook books – always have your last read page ready to access and stay there in case of people meddling in your reading time!

Click Here to Buy Now: $65

Why is it noteworthy?

The bookmark is an excellent choice for those who want to display their favorite books as an element in their home. The bookmark has a clean transparent design, and it lets you keep your book open while adding a visually interesting element to your desk or bookshelf.

What we like

  • The bookmark allows you to display your favorite books in an aesthetic and neat manner

What we dislike

  • It might be too large for small books, and disliked by those who prefer discreet bookmarks

The post 10 Best Minimal Design Gifts to Easily Improve Your Mom’s Life This Mother’s Day first appeared on Yanko Design.
