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La Quadrature du Net contre-attaque face à la surveillance algorithmique

Plic, ploc, plic, ploc… Vous entendez ce bruit ? C’est celui de nos libertés qui s’érodent, goutte après goutte, sous les assauts répétés de la surveillance généralisée. Et le dernier tsunami en date n’est autre que la vidéosurveillance algorithmique (VSA), ce monstre tentaculaire qui s’apprête à transformer nos rues en un gigantesque panoptique à ciel ouvert. Mais heureusement, tel un David numérique face au Goliath de la Technopolice, La Quadrature du Net sort sa fronde et ses plus belles pierres pour contre-attaquer !

Première salve : le lancement d’une grande campagne de sensibilisation et de mobilisation citoyenne. L’idée est d’informer le grand public sur les dangers de ce 1984 à la sauce 2024 et donner des outils concrets pour riposter. Au menu : une brochure détaillée à diffuser sans modération, des affiches choc à placarder sur tous les murs, et même un compte Mastodon dédié, Attrap’Surveillance, pour suivre l’évolution de la menace et organiser la résistance. Ce compte analyse les recueils des actes administratifs des préfectures pour détecter les premières expérimentations de vidéosurveillance algorithmique, autorisées localement par des arrêtés préfectoraux dans le cadre de la loi du 24 janvier 2023. Parce que face à la prolifération des caméras biométriques, il va falloir plus que quelques bouts de scotchs ou coups de peinture sur les objectifs des caméras pour sauver notre vie privée !

Deuxième salve : le dépôt d’une plainte contre le projet Prevent PCP devant la CNIL. C’est quoi encore ce truc ? Et bien c’est une expérimentation grandeur nature de la reconnaissance biométrique dans les gares, présentée comme un outil miraculeux pour détecter les bagages abandonnés. Ce dispositif suit les personnes qui ont déposé un bagage à travers l’ensemble des caméras en utilisant de la reconnaissance de caractéristiques physiques. Sauf que derrière cette jolie vitrine se cache un véritable cheval de Troie sécuritaire, mené en catimini par un consortium d’entreprises et d’institutions publiques (dont ces chères SNCF et RATP). Un projet totalement illégal, en somme, que La Quadrature entend bien renvoyer sur les rails de l’État de droit.

Car ne nous y trompons pas, derrière les jolis slogans sur la « sécurité augmentée » et la « smart city » notamment survendue dans le cadre des Jeux Olympiques, c’est bien de contrôle social qu’il s’agit. Ces dispositifs de vidéosurveillance « intelligents » sont en réalité programmés pour repérer automatiquement certaines catégories d’événements, comme le franchissement ou la présence d’une personne dans une zone interdite ou sensible, une densité trop élevée de personnes, un mouvement de foule ou encore la présence d’objets abandonnés.

Autant d’informations précieuses pour ficher, tracer et réprimer toute personne ou comportement jugé « anormal » ou « à risque » par les autorités. Sans oublier les inévitables biais, bugs et détournements inhérents à ces technologies opaques et faillibles, qui risquent de transformer nos villes en véritables usines à discrimination et à exclusion.

Face à cette dystopie qui n’a plus rien de fictive, il est donc urgent de se mobiliser et de résister au contrôle permanent de nos faits et gestes. Et c’est précisément ce que propose La Quadrature avec sa campagne percutante et ses actions juridiques ciblées.

Bref n’attendez plus et rejoignez le combat, diffusez l’information, et montrez à Big Brother que la liberté n’est pas soluble dans ses algorithmes.

These Minions Wi-Fi Routers were probably the most brilliant devices we saw at CES 2024

Flying cars and AI assistants are a dime a dozen – but have you ever seen a router so adorable it would be the highlight of your interior decor??

The SmartAir Minions Routers were so oddly located in a corner of the Westgate area of the CES 2024 exhibition that it was easy to miss. As chance would have it, I headed to the Westgate area to look for another company, only to suddenly notice these minions through the corner of my eye sitting on a counter. Given the fact that CES is predominantly a tech show, I obviously wondered why these plush-looking toys were on display. A few seconds in it dawned on me – these lifelike characters from the Despicable Me franchise were, in fact, dual and triple-band WiFi 6E routers capable of multi-gigabit internet. The added bonus? They look more adorable and presentable than your existing WiFi router ever could.

Designer: Davolink

Click Here to Buy Now

The routers come in two models, designed to resemble the two key characters in the Minion-verse, the short and adorable Bob, and the tall and klutzy Kevin. The choice of these two characters play well into the routers’ features too – Bob, being smaller, offers dual-band WiFi connectivity, while the taller Kevin (and that tiny antenna-esque toupee of his) offer triple-band internet, giving you 2.4Ghz, 5Ghz, and even 6Ghz.

Together, both the routers provide a brilliant blend between wide coverage and high speeds, enabling everything from 8K streaming to even gaming. The routers eliminate dead zones too, ensuring every corner of your home has WiFi connectivity with a mesh feature to help maximize coverage.

The highlight, however, is the fact that they are a stunning replica of easily some of the most memorable and iconic characters of animated cinema in the past decade. I’ve always advocated for functional products ditching their industrial aesthetic (air purifiers and smart speakers don’t need to look horrendously industrial in today’s day and age), and it seems like it’s time that WiFi routers took that same approach. Bob and Kevin are designed to be the kind of routers that hide in plain sight. They’re adorable enough to be kept on your shelf or tabletop without feeling the need to conceal them behind curtains or other objects, and that’s really what makes them such a standout product. After all, wouldn’t you rather have a router that looks as cute as these little nitwits than something like the boring box you’re currently connected to as you read this article? My only worry is kids trying to play with these and accidentally bringing your entire home network down… but that’s a problem for another day!

Click Here to Buy Now

The post These Minions Wi-Fi Routers were probably the most brilliant devices we saw at CES 2024 first appeared on Yanko Design.

10 Most Innovative Designs Of 2023: Furniture

The furniture of a home is what truly makes or breaks it. When you pick the right kind of furniture design, you build the essence and soul of a home. And it is essential that the soul of our home reflects our soul. Hence, you need to pick furniture designs that truly and authentically represent your personality, while bringing out the best in your home. And, we’ve curated a collection of innovative, functional, and sophisticated furniture designs that we feel will make an excellent addition to your home. These are our top furniture picks from 2023 – enjoy!

1. The Time Table

This desk is a unique and innovative one, as it makes the passing of time visible and tangible, enabling people to maintain a personal relationship with time as they invest in activities, projects, and other work.

Why is it noteworthy?

The desk is equipped with a sub-table that moves up and down, and it changes its elevation as time passes, before simply returning to its base state at the lowest point. It is time as a reverse hourglass, in which the movement of time is displayed visually.

What we like

  • Enables users to measure, log, and be aware of how much time they’re spending there

What we dislike

  • The desk could also become a bit distracting, especially for those who have trouble concentrating

2. Flow Wall Desk

Dubbed the Flow Wall Desk, this excellent piece of office furniture is designed for offices with space constraints. It is functional and decorative, while also following a sustainable and simple design ideology. When propped against your wall, it looks like an exceptional piece of art, one that instantly catches your attention!

Why is it noteworthy?

When the Flow Wall Desk is stored and folded up it looks like an art piece on your wall owing to its minimalist and intriguing shape. However, when you unfold it, it transforms into a ‘spiraling caterpillar’ from a flat canvas, functioning as a desk where you work, read, and write.

What we like

  • Has a convenient flatpack form that is easy to store away
  • Multifunctional furniture design

What we dislike

  • Folding and unfolding the desk whenever you need to use it means we can’t have a constant, which could be inconvenient for some users

3. Tokyo

Called Tokyo, this ingenious multifunctional design functions as a shoe rack and a bench. It is the combination of two furniture pieces in the form of one individual furniture design.

Why is it noteworthy?

Tokyo is a unique and special furniture piece. It features a side leg that gently and seamlessly curves, softly embracing the cushion to build a top tray for daily essentials. It serves as a cozy and neat spot to store your souvenirs and knick-knacks.

What we like

  • Equipped with a bottom shelf that functions as a nifty storage space

What we dislike

  • It’s a conceptual design, so we’re not sure how functional it will be in reality

4. Bookgroove

This unique furniture design is truly one-of-a-kind as it functions as a bookrack and a table. It has a seamless and well-crafted body that makes it an ideal fit for contemporary homes. Dubbed the Bookgroove, it is a conceptual design that deserves to be converted into a real one.

Why is it noteworthy?

The Bookgrove is circular at first glance, but as you look closer you see it has a J-shaped carving on one side that can accommodate multiple books. It is an unusual way to store books, as they follow the shape of the built-in shelf on the side table.

What we like

  • The top section can accommodate a cup of coffee or a glass of wine
  • It’s a fun + unique way to store your favorite books

What we dislike

  • The books placed at the bottom of the curve can get damaged over time because of the way they are placed
  • Difficult to access books when you want to read them

5. Snowhouse Sofa

Called the Snowhouse Sofa, this interesting furniture is designed for pets and humans alike. If a wooden sofa experienced some snow and was coated with it, it would look like the Snowhouse Sofa!

Why is it noteworthy?

The wooden sofa is covered with cushy white cushions that give it the picturesque impression of fallen snow. The edges of the sofa are rounded, which adds a depth of softness and elegance to the furniture piece. The ends of the sofa are hollow, and marked with little spaces to accommodate books, magazines, and other miscellaneous items.

What we like

  • The upper section functions as a passage for your cats
  • Features smart storage spaces

What we dislike

  • The Snowhouse Sofa is currently a concept, so we don’t know how the actual product will turn out to be

6. Plot Twist Bookshelf

PLOT TWIST Bookshelves

PLOT TWIST Bookshelf Concept

Designed by Deniz Aktay, the Plot Twist Bookshelf features four separate twisted wooden elements that are connected to one another, building a stable and innovative form. The unconventional and mesmerizing design truly captures whoever looks at it!

Why is it noteworthy?

The bookshelf’s design can be accessed from every side. It is oddly satisfying and features curves that are seen in the designer’s other projects. Most of the furniture designs undergo bending and twisting like Aktay’s Wavelet, Tie Stool, and the Pet Table.

What we like

  • Similarly sized books can be easily arranged for a clutter-free look
  • Stable design that stands on its own

What we dislike

  • Space-consuming design, not well-suited for homes with space constraints

7. Alada Folding Desk

The Alada Folding Desk is a nifty and convenient space-saving desk that doubles up as an adorable decorative shelf. You can transform the desk into a display shelf in seconds, and it can hold your favorite souvenirs and potted plants.

Why is it noteworthy?

The Alada desk was designed to cater to the ever-growing need for smart and flexible desk designs for working at home. It is essential to have a transformative and space-saving workspace at home – one that can be stored away when the day ends!

What we like

  • Equipped with hidden storage spaces when folded up

What we dislike

  • Not the best option for people who prefer large and elaborate desks

8. Refold

Dubbed Refold, this foldable desk is made using cardboard. It uses a few pieces that can be folded down into a relatively thin rectangle that can be carried around with you and used as either a standing or sitting desk.

Why is it noteworthy?

The Refold is a sustainable and efficient option for those who want to set up a desk outdoors. It can be used indoors, to function as a space-saving desk that can be assembled and disassembled within a few minutes, or to offer a unique aesthetic.

What we like

  • Sustainable and flexible design

What we dislike

  • Will be difficult to carry a large canvas with you everywhere, and you may get funny looks from people

9. FTP Desk

This unique table design concept functions as a multi-purpose setup that can transform into something like a puzzle game, wherein different pieces can be fit into different places, depending on what is the needed functionality for the furniture design.

Why is it noteworthy?

Features an orange circle that can be moved around and away from the rest of the table. Moving this shape around and changing its position becomes both a symbol and a ritual that can help your mind shift to a different kind of activity, whichever one you decide to associate with its position.

What we like

  • Modular and shape-changing design that can be used for multiple functionalities

What we dislike

  • Shifting the various modules can be a major inconvenience for those who prefer one steady furniture piece

10. KNOT Stool

Called the KNOT Stool, this uniquely designed stool is flat all around and is made up of various layers of wood, which provides the stool with a raw and brutalist aesthetic.

Why is it noteworthy?

The three wooden pieces can be painted in the same or different colors. The decorative webbing strap that wraps around the top of the stool’s legs can also come in complementing or contrasting colors, not to mention being made of different materials.

What we like

  • Adds a whimsical + fun element to your interiors
  • Clean, minimal, and compact design

What we dislike

  • Seems to be designed more for viewing rather than sitting

The post 10 Most Innovative Designs Of 2023: Furniture first appeared on Yanko Design.

Windows 11 22H2 update KB5030219 causing BSOD, Slowness, Gaming & other issues for some users

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Windows 11 September update KB5030219 with new search box experience available now. Download link

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Windows 11 August update KB5029332 available now. Download link

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July updates for Windows 11 21H2 & Windows 10 22H2 available now with new features & fixes. Download link

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June updates for Windows 11 21H2 & Windows 10 available now with new features & fixes. Download link

Microsoft has now released the Windows 11 June update KB5027223 with Build 22000.2057 to everyone running version 21H2. It has also released Windows 10 update KB5027215 (Builds 19044.3086 and 19045.3086) to versions 22H2 and 21H2 respectively. The Windows 11 update KB5027223 addresses an issue that affects searchindexer.exe. It also brings multiple other fixes. Windows 10 update brings […]
