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Deadpool & Wolverine – le duo déjanté débarque dans le MCU cet été !

Par : Korben
22 avril 2024 à 17:33

Deadpool et Wolverine, le duo le plus dément et badass des comics, débarque enfin dans le MCU. Et croyez-moi, ça va dépoter ! Après des années de teasing et de spéculations, Ryan Reynolds et Hugh Jackman rempilent pour un film qui s’annonce déjà culte.

La bande-annonce vient de sortir et elle est aussi barjo que jouissive. On y retrouve un Deadpool fidèle à lui-même, avec ses vannes, ses références meta et son humour potache. Mais cette fois, il ne sera pas seul pour affronter ses ennemis et sauver le monde (ou le détruire, au choix). Il pourra compter sur son « pote » Wolverine et ses griffes en adamantium.

Et autant vous dire que la bromance risque de faire des étincelles ! Les chamailleries et les punchlines vont fuser entre les deux anti-héros et d’après les premières images, leur relation sera aussi électrique que jubilatoire. On devrait avoir droit à des combats épiques, des cascades démentes et des dialogues bien salés, comme on les aime.

Côté intrigue, la bande-annonce révèle que le Wolverine de ce film est une variante de celui qu’on connaît. Apparemment, il aurait échoué à sauver son monde d’une menace encore inconnue, ce qui semble introduire la principale antagoniste, Cassandra Nova. Deadpool devra donc faire équipe avec cette version alternative de Wolverine pour affronter cette nouvelle menace. Ce twist malin permet à Ryan Reynolds de ramener ce héros iconique sans effacer la fin que Hugh Jackman lui avait offerte dans Logan.

Le film est attendu dans les salles obscures pour le 26 juillet 2024. Et c’est une sacrée bonne nouvelle, parce que les films de super-héros commençaient à ronronner ces derniers temps. Entre les Ant-Man, les Gardiens de la Galaxie et autres Marvels, on avait un peu l’impression de bouffer la même soupe tiédasse.

Deadpool a toujours été le mouton noir du genre, avec sa violence, ses gros mots et son ton irrévérencieux et en faire un film R-Rated dans le MCU, c’est toujours un pari osé. Ça montre que Kevin Feige et sa bande ont encore des couilles (même si techniquement, Deadpool n’en a plus depuis X-Men Origins: Wolverine, mais passons).

Bref, j’ai hâte de voir ça !

Huggable robot concept delivers warmth, power, and comfort during disasters

Par : JC Torres
20 mars 2024 à 15:20

Natural disasters can take a heavy toll on life and property, even when we’ve prepared for the worst. Floods, earthquakes, fires, and volcanic eruptions can send people running to evacuation centers where they may be safe but are hardly intact both in the body and especially in the mind. These refuge centers are often only able to provide the bare necessities when it comes to shelter and food, with electric power and heating sometimes taking a lower priority. That’s not even considering the psychological pain that all evacuees experience during these dark times, which often take a backseat because of the state emergency. Of course, all of these are important factors to consider, and this concept for an add but cute robot tries to address them in its own little way to provide both physical and mental comfort to people who have been displaced by these calamities.

Designers: Taejeong Kim, Yeji Jeon

To be fair, such shelters have to focus on what human needs to survive, like food, clothing, and a stable roof over their heads. Electricity often isn’t even viable during natural disasters when power lines are down, but considering how much we rely on electric appliances and devices these days, it has become almost just as critical. Depending on the location and the nature of the disaster, keeping warm is also important, especially if the person is shivering from shock.

POWER HUG is a product design concept that tries to bring some of that on a personal level, just enough power and warmth to bring a little comfort and ease the worries of the person. It is pretty much a big power bank, one with outlets for both USB cables as well as typical power adapters. It also has a built-in warmer to keep the person toasty, especially at night when temperatures tend to drop drastically.

What makes the design notable, however, isn’t just the features but also its form. POWER HUG comes as a cylindrical robot with two soft, bendable tubes that wrap around each end like a wheel. It has a screen in the middle to show the robot’s face and deliver a more humane touch to the design. Unlike what you might expect from robots, however, this one is covered with a thin cushion and soft fabric so that you can wrap yours around it in an embrace. Paired with its heating capability, it can deliver much-needed warmth, comfort, and perhaps even peace to a troubled person.

Considering its use in emergency situations, it’s almost necessary for POWER HUG to be made accessible and sustainable materials. Its batteries can be sourced from unused electric vehicle batteries, while its fabric can be made from recycled materials. It’s definitely an interesting idea, even if the production of such a device might not be practical, as it emphasizes humans’ need for more than just food and shelter to survive a disaster.

The post Huggable robot concept delivers warmth, power, and comfort during disasters first appeared on Yanko Design.
