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Hier — 16 mai 2024Flux principal

Viginum – La sentinelle cyber qui lutte contre les ingérences étrangères

Par : Korben
16 mai 2024 à 00:52

Vous avez déjà entendu parler de Viginum ?

Alors, non, ce n’est pas un nouveau personnage dans Fortnite, mais le service de vigilance de l’État contre les ingérences numériques étrangères. Et en ce moment, ils ont du pain sur la planche, notamment en Nouvelle-Calédonie !

D’un côté, y’a la Chine, la Russie et l’Azerbaïdjan qui s’amusent à mettre leur grain de sel dans le débat public calédonien, via des campagnes de désinformation sur les réseaux sociaux. De l’autre, une petite équipe de geeks qui chez Viginum essaie de démêler le vrai du faux dans ce joyeux bordel numérique. Pas facile en effet de faire le tri entre les fake news des trolls russes, les mèmes des fermes à clics azerbaïdjanaises et la propagande des membres du « 50 Cent Party » (ou 五毛党 en chinois).

Dans ce contexte tendu, l’actualité brûlante et le blocage unilatéral de TikTok soulèvent des questions plutôt complexes c’est vrai. D’un côté, le réseau social étant détenu par l’entreprise chinoise ByteDance, il existe un risque réel d’ingérence de la part du gouvernement chinois. Bloquer TikTok pourrait donc être vu comme une mesure de protection de la souveraineté numérique. Mais d’un autre côté, couper l’accès à une application aussi populaire, surtout auprès des jeunes, pourrait être perçu comme une atteinte à la liberté d’expression et renforcer la défiance envers l’État.

De plus, les utilisateurs (et les trolls) finiront simplement par se disperser vers d’autres réseaux sociaux, ce qui rendra la mesure inefficace. Plutôt qu’une censure brutale, je pense qu’une approche plus nuancée, axée sur l’éducation aux médias et la lutte contre la désinformation, aurait été préférable. Mais bon, vu la situation d’urgence, c’est surement trop tard… Il aurait fallu se réveiller avant.

Face à ces défis, Viginium dispose d’un arsenal technique impressionnant. Ils collectent des données sur les réseaux sociaux en analysant notamment les métadonnées afin d’identifier les flux massifs d’informations suspectes venant de l’étranger. Par exemple, si un flot soudain de tweets pro-indépendance en Nouvelle-Calédonie provient de comptes basés à l’étranger, c’est un signal d’alarme pour eux. Notez quand même qu’ils ne se posent pas en arbitre de la vérité : leur rôle est simplement de détecter ces anomalies. Leurs alertes permettent ensuite au gouvernement d’étayer ses décisions.

Mais à quoi bon se donner tant de mal ?

L’enjeu est de taille puisqu’il s’agit ni plus ni moins que de la souveraineté nationale. En effet, des campagnes de désinformation bien orchestrées peuvent déstabiliser le débat public et influencer des résultats critiques, comme lors des référendums d’indépendance en Nouvelle-Calédonie. Le dernier, qui a eu lieu en décembre 2021, avait d’ailleurs fait l’objet d’une surveillance étroite de Viginum pour repérer les activités en ligne suspectes.

Bien qu’équipés de technologies avancées (algorithmes de détection de bots, OSINT…), les experts de Viginum opèrent dans un cadre légal bien défini, garantissant ainsi le respect des libertés individuelles. La législation actuelle encadre strictement leur actions : la collecte des données est soumise à décrets, leur conservation est limitée à six mois, et un comité éthique, présidé par un haut conseiller d’État, veille au respect des règles. Cet équilibre entre efficacité et protection des droits des citoyens est essentiel pour maintenir la confiance envers cette institution de notre cybersécurité nationale.

En fin de compte, Viginum joue un rôle plutôt méconnu mais crucial dans la défense de la souveraineté française face aux ingérences étrangères et je trouvais ça intéressant de vous en parler un peu. Vous trouverez plus d’infos ici.

What if AirPods had ChatGPT, could translate languages, and came with a touchscreen case?

Par : Sarang Sheth
16 mai 2024 à 01:45

Meet the Wooask TransBuds A8 – a pair of TWS earbuds that are so unique you’ll want to ditch your AirPods for them. Built with ChatGPT integration in the earbuds themselves, these wearables put the power of AI in your ear, actively translating 147 languages and accents in real-time, without an app. What’s better, if you do need to navigate through the TransBuds A8’s functionalities, you don’t even need to look at your smartphone, the earbuds case comes with a nifty 2-inch screen for both online or offline translation, as well as the ability to simply chat with ChatGPT the way Iron Man chats with JARVIS. Oh, and you can listen to music too.

Designer: Wooask Technology

Click Here to Buy Now: $179 $299 (40% off). Hurry, only 63/200 left!

The A8 translation earbuds facilitate real-time bidirectional translation, allowing two people to wear one earbud each for instant simultaneous interpretation.

The TransBuds A8 has a familiar design, albeit with a few VERY clever upgrades. Sure, you’ve got the white case with a flip-top lid that reveals two white earbuds… but on both hardware and software fronts, the TransBuds A8 are much more advanced than any regular TWS earbuds you’ll find on the market. For starters, the entire wearable has ChatGPT integration, giving you a voice assistant that is far more advanced than Google, Siri, or Alexa. You can simply tap the earphones to talk to ChatGPT, or access the AI through the unique interface built into the case. The case with a touchscreen is a welcome feature too – it eliminates the need for an app, and gives you a perfect standalone device that works without draining your phone’s battery or piggy-backing off your phone’s cellular network.

By leveraging ChatGPT’s vast knowledge base and natural language processing capabilities, users can enjoy more than just translation assistance.

The presence of AI isn’t just a bandwagon feature, it helps aid the TransBuds A8’s core value proposition – the ability to actively translate 77 languages and 70 accents in real-time, giving you the ability to pretty much travel anywhere in the world without a language barrier. The interaction is swift and seamless, either share an earbud with someone and have bi-directional conversations in two separate languages, and the earbuds will actively translate both of them simultaneously, or use the earbuds and case together to have a conversation with a local. The earbud-sharing method is perfect for in-person meetings and other long conversations. Each person wears one earbud like a Bluetooth earpiece of sorts, and the TransBuds A8 listens to what the opposite person is saying, and translates it for you right in your ear. A transcript of your entire conversation gets captured as a text thread on the TransBuds A8’s screen, and can be saved for later, allowing you to quickly and easily transcribe an entire meeting using the power of AI.

Alternatively, the case itself comes with a microphone and powerful speakers, allowing you to use just the case as a translator device. Hold it up and speak into it, and the TransBuds A8 lets you have a conversation with a local or a stranger without needing to share an earpiece. A powerful mic and speaker system allow you to easily converse with people even around ambient noise, while the display on the case does a good job of allowing people to read the translated text if they can’t hear the translated audio.

The case, frankly, is more of a smartphone that houses earbuds than just your average charging case. It runs on a Qualcomm Quad-Core Processor and earbuds use a Qualcomm 3040 chipset that allows it to translate 147 languages and accents with a latency of 0.5 seconds and an impressive 98% accuracy. The 2-inch screen has an app drawer that lets you access the TransBuds A8’s different features, even letting you tap into the offline translation feature that works with 16 popular languages. Buttons on the side of the case let you increase or decrease the case’s volume, or even go back to the home screen while navigating the interface.

The earbuds are remarkable too, with an ergonomic design, and a dual-mic setup that powers the ENC (Environment Noise Cancelation) feature to help you speak and hear clearly even if you’re in a noisy environment. The earbuds have a translation time of 5 hours, and a regular battery life of 35 hours along with the case that doubles as a charging dock for the buds. 16 gigabytes of in-built memory means you can even load your favorite MP3 files right onto the case, turning it into a makeshift iPod Touch that plays music directly without a streaming app or pairing with your phone. You can, however, pair the earbuds with your phone to listen to music, watch movies, or take calls too.

Quite the all-round device, the TransBuds A8 are for any and everyone. They work independently without your phone, translating over a hundred languages, transcribing conversations, and giving you the power of ChatGPT right in your ears. They also work as your standard TWS buds when you’re looking for something traditional, pairing with your phone via Bluetooth for answering calls, watching TikTok, or listening to music and podcasts. The buds are ideal for avid travelers, students, digital nomads, expats, and people working in multicultural companies and teams. The TransBuds A8 starts at a discounted $179 (an absolute steal considering the features it packs), which also includes one year of free ChatGPT integration. Subsequently, you’ll either be required to pay $9.9 per month or $40 annually for the AI features – online and offline translation remains free forever.

Click Here to Buy Now: $179 $299 (40% off). Hurry, only 63/200 left!

The post What if AirPods had ChatGPT, could translate languages, and came with a touchscreen case? first appeared on Yanko Design.

Western Digital portable HDDs are now more appealing than ever thanks to new 6TB capacities in small form factors

Today, Western Digital announced new 6TB capacities for three of its existing portable HDD lines. This means that the company now offers the highest capacity in a 2.5-inch drive.

Western Digital HHDs: My Passport Ultra, WD_BLACK P10 Game Drive, and SanDisk G-DRIVE ArmorATD.

À partir d’avant-hierFlux principal

Raspberry Pi Connect – Accédez à votre Pi depuis n’importe où !

Par : Korben
9 mai 2024 à 05:07

Ah, les joies du Raspberry Pi… On en achète un, puis deux, puis trois… Et avant de s’en rendre compte, on se retrouve avec une armée de petits ordinateurs dispersés aux quatre coins de la maison, du garage et du jardin. Du coup, pas facile de s’y retrouver, surtout quand il faut jongler avec VNC, SSH et autres joyeusetés pour y accéder à distance.

Mais ne vous inquiétez pas, les gens de la Raspberry Pi Foundation ont pensé à tout et viennent de nous pondre Raspberry Pi Connect, un nouvel outil bien pratique pour accéder aux Pi à distance, et ce, depuis n’importe quel navigateur web. Comme ça, plus besoin de se prendre la tête aevec la configuration réseau, des ports à ouvrir et des adresses IP à retenir.

Pour utiliser ce truc, il vous faut d’abord un Raspberry Pi 4, 5 ou 400 équipé d’une version 64 bits de Raspberry Pi OS Bookworm avec l’interface graphique Wayland. Une fois votre Pi à jour, ouvrez un terminal et entrez la commande magique :

sudo apt install rpi-connect

Quelques secondes plus tard, après un petit redémarrage, vous devriez voir apparaître une nouvelle icône dans la barre des tâches, en haut à droite de votre écran. Cliquez dessus, choisissez « Sign in » et suivez les instructions pour associer votre Pi à un compte Raspberry Pi. N’oubliez pas d’activer la double authentification.

Et là, c’est le moment « Waouh » : depuis n’importe quel ordinateur, tablette ou téléphone équipé d’un navigateur web, rendez-vous sur, connectez-vous et… tadaa ! Vous voilà en train d’utiliser votre Raspberry Pi à distance, via un accès sécurisé et chiffré à votre bureau.

En fait, quand vous utilisez Raspberry Pi Connect, une connexion pair-à-pair (P2P) est établie entre votre navigateur et votre Pi grâce à la technologie WebRTC (si vous ne connaissez pas, c’est ce qui est utilisé par Zoom, Slack ou Google Meet pour la visio). Le démon rpi-connect installé sur votre Pi se charge alors de négocier la meilleure connexion possible avec le serveur VNC intégré. Comme ça, dans la plupart des cas, une connexion directe est possible, sans passer par les serveurs de Raspberry Pi. Mais si jamais ce n’est pas faisable, pas de stress, le trafic sera alors relayé de manière sécurisée et chiffrée via les serveurs de la Raspberry Pi Foundation, en utilisant le protocole DTLS.

Pour le moment, il n’y a qu’un seul serveur relais, situé au Royaume-Uni, donc cela peut entraîner un peu de latence si vous êtes loin des côtes anglaises. Mais d’autres serveurs sont prévus pour garantir une bonne expérience utilisateur. Et vous pouvez même vérifier si votre connexion est directe ou relayée en passant votre souris sur l’icône de cadenas dans votre navigateur.

L’équipe de Raspberry Pi Connect a bien sûr l’intention de garder le service gratuit pour les utilisateurs, tant qu’une connexion directe est possible, et ce, quel que soit le nombre d’appareils utilisés. Et pour le moment, les connexions relayées sont, elles aussi gratuites, le temps de voir combien de personnes en ont besoin et quelle quantité de bande passante est nécessaire.

Bref, ça tombe à pic, surtout depuis le passage de Raspberry Pi OS à Wayland qui empêchait d’utiliser la fonction d’accès distant intégrée au protocole X11. Avec ce nouvel outil, on retrouve donc ce confort d’utilisation qui a fait la réputation des Pi et en quelques clics, on peut accéder à sa petite merveille et bidouiller tout ce qu’on veut depuis n’importe où.

Si ça vous dit, tout est expliqué ici !


With These 10 Productivity Boosting WFH Designs, Elevate Your Mom’s Work-Life Balance This Mother’s Day

8 mai 2024 à 23:30

Does your mum work from home, while also managing your chaotic home and your entire family?! Well, then she’s a superhero, like all mums, because they’re truly the masters of multitasking. And if you have a mum who handles the corporate world from the comforts of her home office, while also ensuring everyone in the house doesn’t go insane, we’ve found a couple of products to help her with the former. These ingenious products make for the perfect Mother’s Day gifts for all the WFH mommies! These thoughtful, well-designed and quality products will improve her work routine and productivity, while also helping her maintain a clearer and more streamlined mindset. From a pen that floats in the air and defies gravity to a fashionable AirPods necklace that ensures your mom never loses her AirPods again – these innovative and functional WFH accessories are excellent gifts for all the hardworking mums out there!

1. Levitating Pen 3.0

One of the most important accessories on someone’s desk is their pen, and this Mother’s Day you can gift your mom a pen that isn’t simply a writing instrument but is a symbol of creative potential and innovation. Called the Levitating Pen 3.0, this sleek and sharp pen defies gravity and features a unique appearance with a spacecraft-like appearance, and the ability to float in the air! Doubling also as a fidget spinner, a statement piece and functional design, this pen is sure to command attention on even Zoom calls.

Click Here to Buy Now: $116 $129 (10% off ). Hurry, Mother’s Day sale ends in 48 hours!

Why is it noteworthy?

The Levitating Pen 3.0 is unlike your ordinary office supply. It merges cutting-edge technology with a sleek, good-looking, and minimalist design. The pen balances at a 60-degree angle, and it even gently bobs in place, making note-taking a unique and awe-spiring experience.

What we like

  • The pen utilizes a magnetic field to levitate and spin, forming an intriguing visual effect
  • Offers a writing experience that is seamless, durable, and premium
  • The holder is redesigned to be more streamlined than ever

What we dislike

  • Although the pen is quite fascinating, it can be deemed a hassle to keep the pen refills handy for prolonged use.

2. Orbitkey Nest

Called the Orbitkey Nest, this little desk organizer is a reinvented version of the stationery box. It serves as a home for your desk accessories and everyday essentials – ranging from your pencils and erasers to your EDC too. It is an excellent option for your mum to store her chargers, AirPods, hard disks, SD cards, pen drives, and more, especially if she finds herself battling with a messy desk often.

Why is it noteworthy?

The nest holds and store your tech essentials, while also ensuring the desk is well-organized and neat. It is a great tool to facilitate productivity and ensure a clutter-free mind. The upper surface features a slight indentation, which can store keys or a watch, while a dedicated zone functions as a wireless charger for phones.

What we like

  • Made from top-grain leather upper, polycarbonate shell, and a nylon fabric base layer, giving it a clean and sophisticated appearance

What we dislike

  • The overall size maybe small for some owners and we would have liked a bigger size option was made available.

3. MagBoard Clipboard

Dubbed the MagBoard Clipboard, this innovative notepad/clipboard hybrid is designed for anyone working from home, who needs to integrate adaptability and efficiency into their work schedule. The flexible and minimal product is an excellent Mother’s Day present for your mum if she is a remote worker. It features a magnet and lever mechanism that holds loose sheets safely and securely in one place.

Click Here to Buy Now: $41 $45 (10% off). Hurry, Mother’s Day sale ends in 48 hours!

Why is it noteworthy?

If your mum is bored of typical notepads, then the MagBoard Clipboard is a good option for her. It has a unique design that works well for the environment of a home office, allowing her to take notes without the constraints of a traditional notebook.

What we like

  • The clipboard utilizes magnets and levers to hold and release papers
  • It has a lightweight and compact form, making it ideal for use at home or on the go

What we dislike

  • It works well with specific page sizes, so may not be able to cater to everyone’s needs

4. Fidget Cube

If your mum is a chronic fidgeter, and you often find her fidgeting away with random objects on her desk, then it may be time to gift her something that has been designed for ‘fidgeting’. Dubbed the Fidget Cube, this unusually addictive yet high-quality desk toy is designed to help users focus. It features six sides, and each side has something for your mum to fidget with, and calm her overworked mind.

Why is it noteworthy?

The Fidget Cube includes six versatile sides, and the different sides have something different for you to do. There is – Click, Glide, Flip, Breathe, Roll, and Spin. The Click side lets the clicker in your mom out, as she doesn’t need to click on any pens anymore. With the glide action, she can enjoy the gliding action of this joystick.

What we like

  • It is available in ten different color schemes, so you can pick the one your mum would like
  • Helps in focusing and streamlining thoughts

What we dislike

  • Fidgeting isn’t considered a positive activity by everyone, so the product may not be appreciated by some people

5. The Note

Quite simply called the Note, this little note-taking accessory is the perfect product for all work-from-home moms. The Note is essentially a compact desk whiteboard that lets you swiftly take down notes with ease and efficiency. And it doesn’t function as your everyday note-taker, no, it has a few innovative tricks up its sleeve to elevate your dreary workday.

Why is it noteworthy?

If your mum spends a lot of hours in her home office, and yet somehow manages to brilliantly manage your home and family, then having a whiteboard that lets her keep track of her tasks and daily routine is an absolute godsend. This unique whiteboard can be easily flipped over or twisted, providing abundant space to write down her notes. One side of the board has a dotted grid surface to help with diagrams, while the other side is plain, or you could even have the same design on both sides.

What we like

  • The Note is equipped with a multi-purpose vertical screen to view the time, manage your appointments, and keep an eye on the calendar

What we dislike

  • The screen doesn’t support showing videos, which is a function that can be important in certain people’s fields of work

6. ASMR Zen Ball

Does work stress get to your mum quite a bit? Well, then gifting her this compact little ball could be the ideal Mother’s Day present. Dubbed the ASMR Zen Ball, this unique little design merges natural and engineered elements to form an intriguing space-inspired design which offers a tranquil and calming experience to users. It features a meteorite-inspired porous surface that swiftly absorbs aroma oils.

Click Here to Buy Now: $89 $99 (10% off). Hurry, Mother’s Day sale ends in 48 hours!

Why is it noteworthy?

Crafted from genuine volcanic stone and matte aluminum alloy, the Zen Balls functions as a fidget toy as well, providing users with an interactive yet meditative experience, allowing them to foster a relationship with the natural energy of the earth. It is a useful and valuable addition to your mum’s desk space, allowing her to take breaks from work, and regulate her stress levels.

What we like

  • Serves as a fidget toy, offering sensory stimulation, and distracting users from stressful thoughts

What we dislike

  • If the ball is not attached to the base, it could start rolling due to accidental bumps

7. The Modular Bottle

Sitting at your work desk all day can often make you forget to keep drinking your water. And if you’re mum is one of those people, then you may want to gift her the Modular Bottle this Mother’s Day! Called TMB or The Modular Bottle, this bottle tends to meet drinking requirements in every kind of situation. Whether someone’s working at home, driving to work, or even heading to the gym. The bottle will cater to your mum’s different drinking needs!

Why is it noteworthy?

The interior of the bottle is made using durable borosilicate glass, providing drinks with the perfect taste, no matter how many times the bottle is used. This also makes the bottle quite easy to clean. The mid-section of the bottle is translucent so you can easily make out how much liquid is left inside.

What we like

  • It has an Infusion Module Add-On for tea and fruits
  • It has quite a large opening, making it easy to clean
  • There is a secret compartment for snacks

What we dislike

  • Since it is a glass bottle, it is easily breakable and must be handled with care

8. AirPods/AirPods Pro Neck Strap

If your mum is obsessed with her AirPods or AirPods Pro and needs them throughout her workday to attend to important calls or to listen to essential media, well then this clever little neck strap may be for her. This AirPods/AirPods Pro Neck Strap will ensure that she never loses them, and they’re always close to her heart. They’re also great for when she is commuting or moving around and needs easy access to them.

Click Here to Buy Now: $35$39 (10% off). Hurry, Mother’s Day sale ends in 48 hours!

Why is it noteworthy?

The neck strap is made up of a woven necklace, that ensures your AirPods are around your neck at all times. It merges fashion, good looks, and practicality to create an innovative Apple accessory with a patented One-Click Magnetic Lock, which keeps your mum’s earbuds safe and secure.

What we like

  • Eliminates the risk of losing your AirPods, especially if you are on the move
  • Provides easy and quick access to your AirPods

What we dislike

  • Since they’re attached to a necklace, the AirPods are easily exposed to damage, dirt, and weather elements

9. BetterBack

If your mum is sitting at her work desk in her home office all day long, then she is bound to suffer from some back pain. And if you want your mum to take better care of her back and posture, well then you better get her the BetterBack! The BetterBack provides instant relief from back pain. It lets the user sit effortlessly in the perfect posture, not only easing back pain but also helping to prevent it.

Why is it noteworthy?

The BetterBack features a lightweight and portable design, and it successfully makes every chair ergonomic. Your mum simply needs to wear it for 15 minutes a day, and it retrains her body’s default posture, allowing her to stand or sit properly without the BetterBack, in turn improving her posture.

What we like

  • Stabilizes the pelvis, and restores the spine’s natural curvature, in turn providing lumbar supports

What we dislike

  • You cannot clip it to your waist, so it can be a pain to stand up and sit down with it

10. Light-Up Desk Lamp

This desk lamp is called the Light-Up Desk Lamp, and quite interestingly, it is inspired by the story of a light switch, which according to the designer has more meaning when it is turned on, than when it illuminates a space. The designer believes that turning on the switch indicates a new beginning, which leads to the creation of the Light-Up Lamp. What a wonderful and thoughtful gift to give your mum this Mother’s Day, right?

Why is it noteworthy?

The Light-Up Lamp is designed to get your mum into ‘work mode’, the minute the lamp is switched on. The lamp doesn’t really have a very complicated design. It is simple and focused and aims to create a seamless work environment the second it is switched on. It doesn’t have any sudden color changes or any odd flickers.

What we like

  • It is designed to enhance productivity
  • It is also an excellent table organizer, as you can hold up sticky notes on it

What we dislike

  • It is a tall and bulky design, so it will occupy some precious real estate on your desk. Not the most compact desk lamp on the market

The post With These 10 Productivity Boosting WFH Designs, Elevate Your Mom’s Work-Life Balance This Mother’s Day first appeared on Yanko Design.

Why the M2 iPad Air Is Ideal for Students, Designers, and Everyone In Between

8 mai 2024 à 17:20

iPad Air M2

The iPad Air, now available in both 11-inch and 13-inch models, caters to a variety of needs and preferences. Whether you’re a student always on the move or a designer needing ample screen space for intricate visuals, there’s an option perfectly sized for you. The 11-inch version excels in portability, easily slipping into a small bag or backpack, making it the go-to device for students who juggle between classes and study sessions across campus. Meanwhile, the 13-inch model, with its expanded display, provides 30 percent more screen real estate, offering designers and students the luxury of a bigger canvas to work on complex projects or manage multiple applications side by side with iPadOS’s multitasking features.

Designer: Apple

The 11-inch iPad Air is super-portable, while the 13-inch model provides an even larger display, giving users more room to work, learn, and play.

Beyond size, the iPad Air boasts a Liquid Retina display with advanced technologies such as True Tone, high brightness, and anti-reflective coating, ensuring everything you see is detailed and vibrant. This is crucial when precision in color and detail plays a significant part in your coursework or professional projects. The support for P3 wide color gamut also means that the visuals are not just bright but incredibly accurate, which is especially important for design students and professionals who rely on true-to-life colors for their digital artistry.

The repositioned front-facing camera is another subtle yet impactful enhancement. Set along the landscape edge, the camera automatically keeps you in frame during video calls, thanks to the Center Stage technology. This feature is particularly beneficial now that remote collaboration has become more prevalent in both educational and professional settings. Whether you’re presenting a thesis to your class or brainstorming with colleagues over a video call, the camera adapts dynamically to ensure you are always seen, complemented by dual microphones that focus on your voice while minimizing background noise.

Moved to landscape edge, 12MP Ultra Wide front-facing camera with Center Stage improves call experience.

Performance-wise, the M2 chip in the iPad Air is a big leap forward, bringing not only speed but also efficiency to every task. This chip is tailored for advanced tasks such as photo and video editing, 3D modeling, and large-scale graphic designs, all while maintaining energy efficiency for all-day battery life. This means less time tied to a power outlet and more flexibility to work in settings that inspire you, be it a quiet corner of a library or lounging at your favorite cafe.

Moreover, the iPad Air now supports not only the Apple Pencil (2nd generation) but also the newly introduced Apple Pencil Pro, enhancing its utility for both students and designers. The Apple Pencil Pro includes a new sensor in its barrel that can detect squeezes, enabling users to quickly switch between tools, line weights, and colors effortlessly—ideal for designers working in applications such as Affinity Designer 2. Additionally, its custom haptic feedback provides tactile responses to actions like squeezing or double-tapping, enhancing the user’s interaction by confirming their inputs in a way that feels intuitive and direct. The inclusion of a gyroscope allows for fine control over tool orientation, mimicking the real-world experience of rotating a pen to achieve the desired stroke or effect.

Apple Pencil Pro enhances creativity with squeeze, barrel roll, and haptic feedback for intuitive marking, note-taking, and design in apps like Affinity Designer 2.

For those who are prone to misplacing their tools, the Apple Pencil Pro introduces support for Apple’s Find My network, a first for Apple’s stylus line. Both the Apple Pencil Pro and the Apple Pencil (2nd generation) attach magnetically to the side of the iPad Air, where they also charge, ensuring they are always ready for use and conveniently stored. This versatility makes the iPad Air an even more attractive option for anyone looking to maximize their productivity and creative output, whether they are annotating documents, taking detailed notes, sketching out a design, or navigating through complex creative software.

Connectivity is also an important feature of the iPad Air’s appeal. With the introduction of Wi-Fi 6E and the option for 5G connectivity, the device ensures that you can work from anywhere without lag or interruption. This is particularly valuable for students who need to download large resources quickly or for designers who must upload high-resolution files to cloud-based platforms.

Magic Keyboard: Floating cantilever design, magnetic attachment, multiple viewing angles, integrated trackpad, USB-C pass-through charging, and full iPad protection.

Traveling with tech can sometimes feel like a balancing act between staying productive and managing your gear effectively, especially for someone like myself who’s always on the move. One of the standout features of the iPad Air, from my perspective, is its versatility—particularly the ability to detach it from the Magic Keyboard. This becomes incredibly handy during air travel. Picture this: you’re on a flight, deeply absorbed in your latest design project or perhaps the climax of your favorite Netflix series. Just as the airplane prepares for takeoff, the usual announcement comes over the PA: “Please stow your laptops.” However, thanks to the iPad Air’s detachable setup, you can continue your work or entertainment seamlessly by simply detaching the iPad from its keyboard. It’s moments like these where the iPad Air proves its worth, allowing you to maintain your creative or entertainment zone without a hitch.

In terms of the operating system, I appreciate the straightforward and efficient design of iPadOS 17. It simplifies daily tasks and enhances user interaction, making everything from navigation to app management feel more fluid. The customization options in iPadOS 17 are particularly notable; they allow you to tailor the Lock Screen on both the 11-inch and new 13-inch displays. This personalization capability lets you set unique wallpapers and choose expressive fonts that truly reflect your personal style.

As WWDC 2024 approaches, while iPadOS 17 certainly gets the job done, I’m eager to see what iPadOS 18 will bring to the iPad. Anticipating new features and enhancements that could further refine and expand the functionality of this already versatile device adds an exciting layer of potential for iPad users looking forward to the next evolution in their device’s capabilities.

Interactive widgets on iPadOS 17 are also great for productivity. Imagine being able to glance at your screen and tap a widget to immediately capture a brilliant idea in the Notes app or adjust your schedule in Calendar. This kind of immediate interaction is perfect for someone who needs to stay flexible and react quickly to changes, which is often the case in both travel and creative professions.

iPad Air with M2 uses AI for features like Subject Lift, Visual Look Up, and Live Text.

The enhancements to Messages and FaceTime add a layer of fun and convenience. With new sticker features and the ability to leave video messages, staying connected feels more personal and engaging. For professionals, the Continuity Camera feature is particularly impressive. You can start a video call on your iPad Air and seamlessly hand it off to Apple TV, making it perfect for professional presentations or casual catch-ups.

Freeform’s new tools for drawing and collaboration are a boon for creatives. Whether you’re sketching out a quick concept or organizing a project with teammates, these tools make it easy to bring your ideas to life. And for someone who frequently deals with contracts or creative briefs, the enhanced PDF capabilities in the Notes app can be incredibly efficient, allowing you to annotate, fill out forms, and collaborate without ever needing to print or scan anything.

Lastly, the inclusion of features like Stage Manager, which lets you handle multiple overlapping windows, is ideal for multitasking. This feature, combined with AI-driven capabilities like Live Captions and intelligent accessibility features, ensures that the iPad Air isn’t just keeping up with the demands of mobile professionals and creatives—it’s anticipating them.

Every Apple product I’ve used, from my M1 MacBook Pro to an iPhone 12 Pro Max or a three-year-old iPad Pro with an M1 chip, continues to hold immense value. Remarkably, there has been very little performance degradation, and none feels obsolete. This changelessness is largely thanks to Apple’s timeless design concepts, which are consistently implemented across the product line.

Moreover, the new iPad Air reflects Apple’s ongoing commitment to environmental responsibility. It is crafted with 100% recycled aluminum for its enclosure, utilizes 100% recycled rare earth elements in all magnets, and features 100% recycled gold plating and tin soldering in multiple printed circuit boards. These efforts are complemented by packaging that is entirely fiber-based, aligning with Apple’s goal to eliminate plastic from all packaging by 2025. As part of a broader commitment, Apple aims to be carbon neutral across its entire manufacturing supply chain and the life cycle of every product by 2030. These steps not only reflect Apple’s dedication to reducing its environmental footprint but also enhance the appeal of the iPad Air to environmentally conscious consumers.

Whether you’re considering an upgrade or this might be your first Apple product, you can trust that in the next year, or even the year after, you won’t feel the need to upgrade unless you choose to. Apple’s commitment to quality, forward-thinking design, and environmental sustainability ensures that its products not only meet current demands but continue to remain relevant and perform excellently well into the future.

The post Why the M2 iPad Air Is Ideal for Students, Designers, and Everyone In Between first appeared on Yanko Design.

All-Metal AirTag Carabiner Secures Your Valuables with Apple’s Iconic Design

7 mai 2024 à 14:05

If you’re like me and tend to forget things, you’ve probably got an AirTag already or at least thought about getting one. But here’s the thing: AirTags aren’t designed to work on their own. Apple expects you to shell out extra for an AirTag ‘holder’ just to attach it to your keys, bags, or other belongings. And, sure, you can buy Apple’s version, but there’s always a better alternative out there. Enter the AirTag Carabiner – an all-metal clip that securely houses your AirTag in a sleek, hollow form.

Designer: Saegusa Design

Click Here to Buy Now: $107 $119 (10% off at checkout). Hurry, Apple Event sales end in 24 hours!

Why the AirTag Carabiner Stands Out

Durable, Reliable, and Stylish

The AirTag Carabiner sandwiches your Apple AirTag between two CNC-machined layers of Steel, Brass, or Duralumin alloy, making it robust, reliable, and easy to clip onto any of your belongings. It’s like a tiny vault for your AirTag, giving it the protection it needs.

All-Metal Build for Superior Strength

Unlike flimsy leather or plastic holders, this all-metal carabiner is built to last. Whether it’s Steel, Brass, or Duralumin, this thing will stand up to the rough and tumble of everyday life. After all, an AirTag isn’t useful if its holder breaks or falls apart, right?

Choose Your Perfect Carabiner


  • Appearance: Signature golden hue
  • Weight: Heaviest
  • Feature: Develops a unique patina over time that gradually darkens


  • Appearance: Sleek, balanced look
  • Weight: Moderate
  • Feature: Offers a balance between weight and aesthetics


  • Appearance: Lightweight, durable alloy
  • Weight: Lightest
  • Feature: Combines durability with portability

Made-to-Order Craftsmanship

This AirTag Carabiner is the result of high-quality materials and the labor of extremely talented professionals from Japan.

Carabiners are usually made by melting down metal, which is then poured into casting. This means that many carabiners can be made quite cheaply, especially overseas where labor costs are lower.

These Carabiners are different because they use solid metal! Each one is meticulously CNC-machined from a solid block of Steel, Brass, or Duralumin, resulting in unmatched precision and durability. The precision processing takes longer, but the result is a superior product.

Who Should Get the AirTag Carabiner?

  • Adventurers: Secure your AirTag to your backpack, bike, or gear and track your belongings anywhere.
  • Frequent Travelers: Clip onto luggage or carry-ons to keep tabs on your items.
  • Everyday Forgetful: Never misplace your keys or bag again with this secure, stylish AirTag Carabiner.

Conclusion: An AirTag Holder That’s Built to Last

If you’re looking for a better way to secure your AirTag, the AirTag Carabiner is your answer. Whether you go for the vintage brass look or the sleek steel finish, this holder is built to last. Say goodbye to those flimsy plastic and leather holders and invest in a reliable, all-metal carabiner that keeps your AirTag safe and adds a touch of style.

Click Here to Buy Now: $107 $119 (10% off at checkout). Hurry, Apple Event sales end in 24 hours!

The post All-Metal AirTag Carabiner Secures Your Valuables with Apple’s Iconic Design first appeared on Yanko Design.

This Camera System Lets You Unleash Your Creativity with Super-Telephoto Zoom and Capturing Power

7 mai 2024 à 01:45

Imagine zooming into distant wildlife or capturing expansive landscapes with crisp clarity directly from your smartphone. The Excope DT1 is designed to make this a reality, providing photography enthusiasts at all skill levels the power to take super-telephoto imagery effortlessly. Weighing just 1.32 pounds, the Excope DT1 is engineered for ease of use and portability. It features one-touch shooting and recording, with power and shutter buttons conveniently located on the right side of the grip for quick access.

Designer: BEAVERLAB Tech

Click Here to Buy Now: $219 $379 ($160 off). Hurry, only 4/158 left! Raised over $790,000.

The camera is powered by a large, non-removable 3,000mAh battery that supports fast charging via a Type-C connection and typically lasts for 2.5 hours on a full charge. For longer shoots, a power bank can be connected, providing extended use without interruption. The camera’s design includes a phone holder and grip that can be tilted up and down to adjust the camera angle and height for optimal shooting comfort and perspective. Additionally, the rotating focus ring on the lens allows for precise manual focusing, enhancing control over image sharpness and depth.

With a focal length of 400mm, Excope DT1 magnifies the distant subject 200 times and brings it to your phone screen.

With a 48-megapixel sensor, this camera ensures that every distant object is rendered in tack-sharp detail, whether it’s the fluttering wings of a bird or the intricate contours of far-off mountains. The Excope DT1 is well-equipped with two interchangeable lenses—40mm and 400mm—delivering sharp, high-quality images at fixed focal lengths. The 400mm lens, for example, brings your subject 200 times closer, making it feel like you’re standing right next to distant objects. This lens features a 12-layer coating, enhancing image quality by reducing reflections and increasing light transmission. Weighing 600g, the Lens 400 is surprisingly lightweight for its capabilities. The sensor size of 1/1.8″ and a pixel size of 2.0μm on the CMOS enhance its sensitivity, allowing it to perform exceptionally in various lighting conditions.

Powered by the large 1/1.8″, 2.0um CMOS sensor and image algorithm, Excope DT1 enables up to 48-megapixel resolution.

With plans to introduce a versatile zoom lens, the Excope DT1 is gearing up to meet a wide range of photographic needs. Stability during shoots is crucial, especially at long distances, and the Excope DT1 meets this challenge head-on with its advanced EIS gyroscope and AI algorithm anti-shake technology, ensuring that your captures are consistently clear and stable, no matter the conditions.

The Excope DT1 app is designed to significantly enhance your photography experience, allowing you to make real-time adjustments to settings, engage in high-speed burst shooting, and manage high-definition 4K videos and photos directly from your connected device. This seamless integration boosts the camera’s effectiveness, especially in varying lighting conditions. The camera is also equipped with a powerful 1.5Tops Novatek processor for advanced AI processing, HDR shooting capabilities, and wifi control, making it versatile and highly adaptive to complex photographic tasks.

Reduce noise level through algorithms to output a more clear image.

The Excope DT1 also offers six dedicated shooting modes tailored for various photography scenarios: Moon, Landscape, Portrait, Night Mode, Sports, and Cloudy. Each mode optimizes camera settings to ensure the best possible results under specific conditions. Whether you’re capturing the granular surface of the moon, vibrant landscapes, detailed portraits, dynamic sports actions, or scenes under cloudy skies, these modes make it easy to achieve stunning, professional-quality photos without needing to manually adjust settings.

Discover different kind of beauty in the night, see the unseen.

Additionally, the app’s Burst Shooting mode is perfect for capturing action sequences. It allows you to take up to 25 frames per second, ensuring you don’t miss the critical moment, whether it’s a bird in flight or a dramatic sports play. Beyond shooting, the Excope DT1 app simplifies photo and video management. You can conveniently browse, save, or delete files from online storage, streamlining how you handle your digital content. This integration focus is to save you time while also enhancing the overall user experience, making it easier to share and enjoy your creative work.

With 64GB of storage, the Excope DT1 accommodates an adequate amount of high-resolution photos and videos. It supports common image file formats such as JPG and RAW, providing flexibility in how you manage and process your images. Furthermore, the camera’s mounting mechanism is compatible with all straight-screen smartphones and standard tripods, ensuring it integrates seamlessly into your photography setup.

Click Here to Buy Now: $219 $379 ($160 off). Hurry, only 4/158 left! Raised over $790,000.

The post This Camera System Lets You Unleash Your Creativity with Super-Telephoto Zoom and Capturing Power first appeared on Yanko Design.

Top 10 Tiny Product Ideas For Mother’s Day That Will Become Your Mom’s Everyday Essentials

6 mai 2024 à 23:30

Mother’s Day is only a couple of days away, and this is the one day in the year when we get to shower some extra love on our moms and make them feel super special – although this should be every day. If you’re looking for a functional gift that’ll make her everyday life just a little bit easier then you’ve reached the right spot. We’ve curated a collection of tiny yet power-packed product designs that are thoughtful, functional and pretty effective at getting daily tasks done. They truly pack a punch with their unmatched utility, attention to detail, and not to mention their insanely good looks. In today’s world where space constraints are a major issue, we need belongings that occupy minimum space while doing their job perfectly

1. Pocket Everlasting Metal Pencil

Meet the Pocket Everlasting Metal Pencil – a unique pencil with a Wacom-like stylus with a tip you don’t need to sharpen or replace. The Pocket Everlasting Metal Pencil is a unique and innovative pencil that allows you to focus on the task at hand – whether it is drawing, sketching, or writing. It has a small compact form, which makes it easy to carry around with you and needs no sharpening. Best of all, it comes with a cover to keep from any accidental scratch marks ruining your bag.

Click Here to Buy Now: $18 $19.95 (10% off). Hurry, Mother’s Day sale ends in 48 hours!

Why is it noteworthy?

The octagonal shaft of the pencil is made from aluminum, and it features a special alloy core. This may give the impression that it could leave heavy grooves on the paper, but instead, it draws like an actual pencil, and the tip doesn’t even wear down even after making many marks.

What we like

  • Features a metal core (graphite and alloy), not a clay or charcoal one, so it wears away quite slowly while remaining sharp
  • Delivers upto 10 miles worth of scribbles

What we dislike

  • If you use smudging techniques, it is not the preferred pen for you, as it doesn’t smear or smudge like normal graphite

2. Nothing N(pod) 1

Dubbed the Nothing Npod (1), this resurrected iPod by Shreyansh Onial and Aditya Pandharpure is created to be a tribute to Apple’s beloved iconic iPod Shuffle with Nothing’s signature transparent aesthetic and glyph interaction. It perfectly merges the design elements of Apple and Nothing, making for a cool little design for your mom to listen to music to in her free time, and given the minimal interface, it’ll be a breeze to use. Be it while walking, listening to her favourite audiobook/podcast, cooking, working out or doing a random chores, this tiny gadget is sure to be her one thing she cannot do without!

Why is it noteworthy?

It features a signature control panel on the front, as well as a matching circular glyph interface on the back, truly functioning as a fan-made reinterpretation of the iPod Shuffle. It also has a wireless charging coil on the back, as well as a USB-C charger on the bottom.

What we like

  • Perfectly combines the design language of Apple and Nothing to create a unique audio device
  • Minimal size, maximum output

What we dislike

  • It doesn’t have a pocket clip so you cant attach it to your clothes

3. Miniature Bonfire Wood Diffuser Set

Named the Miniature Bonfire Wood Diffuser Set, this tiny design is the ultimate relaxation-inducing product for your mom. It recreates the smell and experience of an enchanting and relaxing outdoor fire. After a long day of battling with the world, this is the ideal design to help your mum relax, unwind and add some wonder to her space.

Click Here to Buy Now: $89 $99 (10% off). Hurry, Mother’s Day sale ends in 48 hours!

Why is it noteworthy?

The miniature hardwood is extracted from branches that are meant to be thrown away. They emit a smoky smell which burnt on the stainless steel oven. You can add a few drops of essential oils to create the aroma of the Mt.Hakusan trees, providing an excellent outdoor scent.

What we like

  • You can use them as a cooking or heating tool by adding wood
  • Can easily be kept as an aroma diffuser to match any space

What we dislike

  • Requires small pieces of wood of specific sizes

4. AirTag Carabiners

These AirTag Carabiners are unlike typical old carabiners. They are a new and upgraded version of metal carabiners, as they are precision-made with a non-bulky and lightweight form. These carabiners are portable and pretty easy to carry around, as well as easy to use and operate, ensuring your mom never really loses her keys!

Click Here to Buy Now: $107 $119 (10% off). Hurry, Mother’s Day sale ends in 48 hours!

Why is it noteworthy?

Meticulously handcrafted, the carabiners provide durability and sturdiness. Each carabiner is quite unique, as manufacturing conditions can alter the final product, forming a new design every single time.

What we like

  • Produced from premium-quality metal by hand
  • The Duralumin composite alloy used is suitable for use in water, making it an essential on rainly days

What we dislike

  • Attaching and detaching the carabiner isn’t the most easy and user-friendly task

5. Nike LED Mask

This conceptual Nike LED mask is perfect for some Mother’s Day grooming! This Nike LED mask is a unique conceptual design that allows users to take care of their skin, without visiting a facility to pamper their skin. It is a refreshing change from the typical face masks from Sephora. It has an intuitive and unique interface.

Why is it noteworthy?

The Nike LED mask features a user-friendly CMF which lets users get comfortable with it quickly, allowing them to handle it with ease. It has a pretty sporty and fun image, which makes it quite relatable and attracts people to use it.

What we like

  • Eliminates the need to touch your face with your hands
  • It has an accessible and user-friendly design

What we dislike

  • It is currently a conceptual design, so we are unsure how well it would work as a tangible product

6. 8-in-1 EDC Scissors

Coined the 8-in-1 EDC Scissor is an excellent tool for culinary adventures – whether indoors or outdoors. These tiny scissors can be pulled apart to form a set of knives. The scissors also have a nutcracker, can opener, fire starter, and built-in bottle opener – creating a tool that is compact, handy, and nifty. Actually, we’re surprised there are not many EDC’s catered to women – after all, who needs to be prepared for any situation better than a mom!

Click Here to Buy Now: $53 $59 (10% off). Hurry, Mother’s Day sale ends in 48 hours!

Why is it noteworthy?

The 8-in-1 EDC scissor has an innovative design with two knives, as well as a bunch of multitools for whenever the need arises. When put back together, the scissors can cut through cured meats and the serrated mid-section can be used to crack walnuts too.

What we like

  • Great for indoor and outdoor cooking sessions
  • Practical well-designed tool with a 8 distinct functionalities
  • Comes with a leather pouch to carry it around with ease

What we dislike

  • Comes in only one colour – a black oxidised film.

7. Key Holder Wakka

Does your mum have a tough time holding onto her keys and often has to follow up with you to keep track of your keys? Well, you need to gift her the Key Holder Wakka this Mother’s Day! This tiny yet functional product features a stylish key ring and a wooden base, which pair up to form a utilitarian yet good-looking product to safely store away keys.

Click Here to Buy Now: $40.5 $45 (10% off). Hurry, Mother’s Day sale ends in 48 hours!

Why is it noteworthy?

The Key Holder Wakka utilizes a strong neodymium magnet which ensures the keyring is always in the correct place, creating a brisk tapping sound when pulled away. You can pick between brass, iron, or stainless steel options in Silver/Maple and Silver/Walnut.

What we like

  • Converts storing away your keys into an engaging and fun activity
  • Ensures you don’t lose your keys ever again

What we dislike

  • The neodymium magnet cannot accommodate heavy sets of keys very well

8. POD

Dubbed POD, this tiny minimalist timer lets you enjoy the benefits of a Pomodoro timer without having to use a clunky analog timer, especially a design that will look quite awkward on your desk. POD has a compact and simple form that won’t occupy much space on your precious desk.

Why is it noteworthy?

It combines the feeling of an analog timer with the functionality and convenience of an electronic device. It adopts a compact, minimal, and appealing form, letting you start the countdown by pushing the puck down like a button.

What we like

  • The timer isn’t very distracting and only utilizes flashing lights instead of vibrations and sounds to get your attention

What we dislike

  • The battery needs to be replaced which can be quite annoying

9. Playful Palm Grater

Another thoughtful little design for your mother this Mother’s Day is the Playful Palm Grater. This wonderful product will add some functional amusement to your kitchen space, while also fitting perfectly in your mom’s palm, letting her grate some fresh garnishing onto the family meals or assign it to you on a busy day.

Click Here to Buy Now: $22.5 $25 (10% off). Hurry, Mother’s Day sale ends in 48 hours!

Why is it noteworthy?

The grater looks like a curled piece of paper and has a bunch of cool colors to pick from. You can pick the perfect color for your mom, one that matches her kitchen as well as her personality.

What we like

  • Offers a sturdy grip
  • Converts the mundane task of grating into something whimsical and fun

What we dislike

  • Although we love its small size, it is a drawback when it comes to grating large amounts of food

10. Bath Bot

This unique Bath Bot by Lush is designed to be your very own “digital bath bomb”. It offers a “custom light, sound, and color experience” whenever you take a bath. The Bath Bot uplifts your everyday bathing experience to create something that is extraordinary and comfortable. It makes for an excellent Mother’s Day gift – effectively creating a bath mood to reflect her day!

Why is it noteworthy?

The Bath Bot is the same size and shape as Lush’s typical bath bots. It also features a waterproof speaker that you can put in the bathtub or on the sink near your shower if you don’t have a bathtub in your bathroom.

What we like

  • It offers a 180-degree sound show so you can play your favorite music audiobook or podcast while enjoying a bath

What we dislike

  • It’s still available for preorder, so we hope the product will live up to its description

The post Top 10 Tiny Product Ideas For Mother’s Day That Will Become Your Mom’s Everyday Essentials first appeared on Yanko Design.

Odd pen holder has a unique way to showcase your favorite writing tool

Par : JC Torres
6 mai 2024 à 15:20

The key design elements for a pen holder or pen pot are pretty simple. It just needs to be tall enough to support writing instruments of different heights without them tipping over and would have enough room for at least a handful of pens, pencils, markers, and the like. Beyond that, the designer is free to interpret the shape of the container, and some even have dividers to segregate the different tools. But while pen holders are a convenient way to keep your pens together, they don’t really make it easy to pick out your favorite one from among the bundle. Some people would use a separate stand just for that single pen, which takes up unnecessary space on your desk. This concept design has a rather curious answer to the problem, one that pretty much leaves a conspicuous hole in the middle of the pill-shaped pot.

Designer: Liam de la Bedoyere

Usually, having a hole in the middle of a container is considered to be a defect, one that not only weakens the structure of the shape but also mars its visual integrity. After, something that cuts through an otherwise clean and whole form is sure to bother one’s aesthetic sense. In this case, however, that hole is not only intentional but also functional, setting the Void Pen Pot apart from your run-of-the-mill pen holders.

The hole that runs through the body of the pill-shaped container actually provides a convenient resting place for your most-used pen or pencil. Instead of wasting time and effort looking for that pen among half a dozen similar-looking rods, you can simply pull it out from its hole and start using it immediately. And when you’re done, you can just shove it back in to wait for the next time you need it.

Since that hole practically bisects the container, it also acts as a built-in divider that lets you group your pens into two. That said, this also means you’re not able to maximize the entire space of the container for your pens, specifically the area above and below the “tunnel” made by this hole.

The concept comes in two flavors, four if you consider the pen holder can be pill-shaped or a conventional can. One design employs a polished chrome body, while the other tries to adopt Japanese minimalist brand MUJI’s signature frosted polypropylene, both with cork bottoms. While the function of having an odd yet special place for your favorite pen is definitely useful, it still raises the question of whether such a quirky design will be appealing or off-putting instead, with a pen sticking out from an otherwise blemish-free surface.

The post Odd pen holder has a unique way to showcase your favorite writing tool first appeared on Yanko Design.

Innovative Bluetooth keyboard turns its surface into a giant touchpad

Par : JC Torres
6 mai 2024 à 13:20

Wireless keyboards are nothing new. Whether you’re on a desktop trying to escape the tangle of cables or on a laptop wanting to expand your limited set of keys, a wireless keyboard offers a bit more freedom and flexibility than other keyboards. That said, they still have the same limitations, namely, requiring a separate mouse or touchpad to move the computer cursor around. Not only does that take up more desk space, it also means another device you might forget or lose along the way. Some Bluetooth keyboards add a tiny touchpad off to the side, but that comes at the cost of reducing the number of keys available on the keyboard. This ingenious solution gives the best of both worlds by practically turning the entire keyboard into one giant touchpad you can swipe and pinch, just like any other touchpad.

Designer: Igor Solovyov (Industrial Designer, Clevetura)

Laptops have the advantage of having both a keyboard and a pointing device in a single body, but their arrangement is hardly the best in terms of ergonomics and flexibility. Wireless keyboards with built-in trackpads, on the other hand, try to cram this component in an already small space but still manage to sacrifice keys like the numeric keypad. It’s almost as if there’s no ideal design that solves this problem, but the CLVX 1 boldly tries to think outside the box while offering a keyboard that, at least on paper, matches the functionality of many Bluetooth keyboards in the market today.


In a nutshell, the middle area of the CLVX 1 keyboard is touch-sensitive and functions like a giant touchpad. Thanks to a special slippery coating, you can effortlessly glide your finger across that area to move the mouse around without snagging on the edges of the keys. You can even pinch to zoom or perform any other touch gestures, just like a normal trackpad. As a bonus, the top row of function keys also functions as a slider that you can smoothly swipe without even having to look, making it just as easy to control the volume or any other function you program into the gesture. The keyboard promises that it won’t mix up typing and gestures, as it automatically disables touch detection once you press a key. And in case you’re wondering about mouse button presses, the keyboard has dedicated physical buttons below the spacebar for those actions.

In all other aspects, the CLVX 1 boasts a laundry list of features available on many wireless keyboards and then some. It has a 110-key layout, which is far more than your typical Bluetooth keyboard, and uses scissor switches. The RGB lighting also has a few tricks, like following your finger as you glide over the keys. You can pair up to three devices with it via Bluetooth, but you can also connect to a device using USB-C for a fourth connection.

The CLVX 1 is definitely an intriguing design, but its mettle still needs to be tested in real-world use. The smoothness of swiping over keys will definitely be the biggest point of concern, but the typing experience of having those keys so close together is also an important consideration. Nevertheless, it definitely deserves some praise for thinking outside the box to deliver a design that doesn’t compromise just to mix two functions in one.

The post Innovative Bluetooth keyboard turns its surface into a giant touchpad first appeared on Yanko Design.

Mini drum washing machine concept lets you clean small loads of clothes

Par : Ida Torres
6 mai 2024 à 10:07

Washing machines are normally pretty big and bulky, especially since you want to put in as many pieces of clothing as possible in one load. It has made washing clothes easier of course but it’s still a pretty tedious chore. If you live in a tiny space though, having a full sized machine may not be so feasible. Or if you have a child or children, constant washing and disinfecting of clothes is required, not necessarily needing the whole traditional machine.

Designer: Az

This concept for a mini drum washing machine may be the answer to space and size problems. Augenstern looks more like a rice cooker at first glance but it is a portable and smart machine that can disinfect clothes for babies and young children. It has a carrying handle since the idea is that you can carry it anywhere in the house or maybe even outside of your house if needed. There is a mention of wall-mounting by the designer but the renders don’t really show that.

The machine probably doesn’t fully function like your usual washing machines since there isn’t any of the usual tubes and things that you see. There seems to be a bottom suction cup somewhere there that is supposed to reduce the vibration and noise of the machine which should be useful if you have babies that wake up at the slightest noise. This means you can wash or disinfect their clothes even as they’re napping or sleeping.

It’s a pretty interesting concept especially for those that don’t have enough space to have a washing machine. But it may be a bit too small and therefore it means that you’ll have to do several loads, which may defeat the purpose. It would also be nice if there could be more information about the features but the design itself seems to be interesting and feasible.

The post Mini drum washing machine concept lets you clean small loads of clothes first appeared on Yanko Design.

ALTO’s ART 01 is a Gallery of Time on Your Wrist Where Art Meets Precision

3 mai 2024 à 17:20

In the ticking heart of the watchmaking universe, a bold new contender named ALTO—short for ‘Art and Limited Time Objects’—strides forward, intent on redefining the very essence of timekeeping. Thibaud Guittard, the visionary behind this audacious enterprise, brings a resume that reads like a passionate love letter to horology. His creation, the ART 01, is beautiful timepiece that’s a defiant manifesto of artistic and mechanical rebellion. With this spectacular debut, Guittard is doing more than just dipping his toes into the waters of watch design. Consider him diving in headfirst, ready to disrupt the calm surface with waves of beauty and unprecedented style, where we’ve seen others play it safe. This launch marks ALTO’s commitment to blending of art with the precision of timekeeping in ways previously unimagined.

Designer: ALTO + Thibaud Guittard

Picture this: The ART 01 is a watch that tells a story, one of art, ambition, and audacity. With its angular, octagonal embrace, it whispers tales of Greek temples and brutalist skyscrapers, daring its wearer to dream differently about the seconds slipping by. In my eyes, art meeting precision on the wrist is a visual feast for the heart and soul with every glance. It’s an invitation to explore a masterpiece of movement and a revolution in the reading of time.

Speaking of movement, the ART 01 features a mechanical marvel, expertly crafted by Nussbaumer and the esteemed Cercle des Horlogers in La Chaux-de-Fonds. This innovative movement redefines tradition with its automatic micro-rotor caliber, which powers the watch through a counterclockwise motion—an audacious deviation from the usual clockwise routine. This unique twist isn’t just a display of exceptional craftsmanship but also a bold break from the conventional, inviting admiration through the watch’s transparent sapphire back. Here, the unique and elegant architecture of the A01 movement is fully visible, turning the act of checking the time into an experience of aesthetic appreciation.

ALTO ART 01: Movement

The ART 01’s titanium case blends durability with elegance. It feels as if ancient sculptors and modern architects collaborated to mold its shape. Inside, the unconventional A01 movement features a micro-rotor that uniquely spins against the norm. Observing its secondhand moving counter to the usual tick-tock is like listening to a punk rock anthem amid classical music—it turns every tick into a statement of artistry.

Drawing inspiration from Greek sculptures and architecture, the dial is an art piece set against a matte black lacquered brass backdrop. The slatted openings allow for a captivating interplay between light and shadow, paying homage to light, a key artistic inspiration for the timepiece. Each glance at the wrist becomes a personal ticket to an ever-present performance where time, the star, plays its role with both elegance and edge.

The ART 01 timepiece will be produced as a limited edition, with only 25 numbered examples available. Each watch is priced at 18,450 CHF (approximately $20,286 USD).

The post ALTO’s ART 01 is a Gallery of Time on Your Wrist Where Art Meets Precision first appeared on Yanko Design.

Top 5 Global Cyber Security Trends of 2023, According to Google Report

3 mai 2024 à 16:52
According to the M-Trends report, the average time it takes for an organisation to detect an attacker in their environment has decreased from 16 days in 2022 to 10 days in 2023.

Les disques durs seraient de plus en plus fiables

Par : Korben
3 mai 2024 à 07:26

Ça faisait un bail que je ne vous avais pas parlé stockage et j’ai reçu dans ma boite mail le dernier rapport de Backblaze sur les taux de panne des disques durs au premier trimestre 2024. Moi, ça m’intéresse toujours du coup, je vais vous faire un petit résumé de ce qu’ils racontent. Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas, Backblaze c’est le gourou du stockage dans le cloud puisqu’ils ont des milliers et des milliers de disques dans leurs datacenters et publient régulièrement des stats sur leur fiabilité.

Alors, qu’est-ce que ça donne pour ce premier trimestre ?

Déjà, le taux de panne global est en baisse, et passe à 1,41% contre 1,53% au trimestre précédent. C’est plutôt une bonne nouvelle et ça s’explique notamment par le remplacement progressif des vieux disques de 4 To qui commençaient à fatiguer. Le taux de panne annualisé (AFR) des 4 To est ainsi passé de 2,33% à 1,36%. Comme quoi, la retraite, ça a du bon.

Mais le plus intéressant, c’est de regarder les taux par modèle et par fabricant. Et là, on a quelques surprises. D’abord, trois modèles Seagate n’ont eu aucune défaillance sur la période : le 16 To ST16000NM002J, le 8 To ST8000NM000A et le 6 To ST6000DX000. Chapeau bas même s’il faut nuancer un peu car l’intervalle de confiance est encore un peu haut sur les deux premiers. Mais le 6 To avec ses 9 ans de service sans broncher, c’est quand même impressionnant.

Côté déceptions, on retrouve des modèles avec des AFR au-dessus de 3,5%, notamment des Seagate 10 To et 14 To, des Toshiba 14 To et des HGST 12 To. Le pompon du fail revient au Seagate 12 To ST12000NM0007 avec un taux de panne annualisé de presque 13% ! Autant dire qu’il ne fait pas bon avoir ce modèle dans son NAS.

En regardant l’âge moyen de panne, on constate aussi une tendance intéressante. Il est passé de 2 ans et demi en 2023 à 2 ans et 10 mois début 2024. Bon, c’est encore tôt pour crier victoire et dire que les disques deviennent de plus en plus robustes, mais c’est un signal encourageant. D’autant que les modèles « actifs » (ceux encore en prod) ont maintenant une moyenne de 2 ans et 11 mois avant la panne. On se rapproche doucement des 3 ans, psychologiquement ça fait une différence.

Pour info, cette tendance suit ce qu’on appelle la courbe en baignoire (bathtub curve en anglais) qui modélise le taux de panne des disques durs au fil du temps. En gros, il y a pas mal de pannes au début (mortalité infantile), puis ça se stabilise pendant quelques années avant de remonter en fin de vie.

Si on zoome sur les disques hautes capacités, qui nous intéressent le plus car les plus fiables, voici ce qui se dégage :

  • En 12 To, les HGST (Hitachi) sont très fiables mais difficiles à trouver. Et les WD qui les ont remplacés commencent à faire leurs preuves.
  • En 14 To, les WD WUH721414ALE6L4, Toshiba MG07ACA14TA et Seagate ST14000NM001G sont de bonnes options. Les deux autres modèles 14 To par contre, bof bof.
  • En 16 To, le choix est large avec 6 modèles au top, surtout chez WD.

En bonus, le rapport nous livre quelques infos intéressantes :

  • Les 4 To, principalement des Toshiba MD04ABA400V qui ont tiré leur révérence, après des années de bons et loyaux services, ont été remplacés par des petits jeunes de 16 To.
  • Backblaze surveille la température des disques et vire ceux qui dépassent les specs du constructeur. Ils ont ainsi mis 275 disques au piquet ce trimestre. Si ça ce n’est pas du management thermique respecté, je sais pas ce que c’est !
  • Et il y a un groupe de 641 disques « à part », qui n’ont pas assez de jours au compteur pour être statistiquement pertinents. Mais ils les surveillent quand même du coin de l’oeil, des fois qu’un d’eux fasse des étincelles.

Voilà, vous savez tout sur ce rapport ! N’hésitez pas à le consulter, et Backblaze publie toutes les données brutes sur leur site. Vous pouvez jouer avec, faire vos propres analyses, identifier les pépites ou les boulets. C’est toujours intéressant de regarder sous le capot comment se comportent ces petites bêtes de stockage.

+ d’infos ici.

Death Star Popcorn Maker Gives You The Finest Popcorn In The Cosmos Without Butter Or Oil

Par : Sarang Sheth
2 mai 2024 à 20:45

I guess the exploding Death Star metaphor works well here considering it also explodes kernels of corn.

Meet the Death Star Popcorn Maker, an intergalactic-themed appliance that gets you ready for any movie night in minutes. Designed to look like Darth Vader’s cosmic headquarters, this contraption whips up a bowl of popcorn without relying on a drop of oil or butter. It uses a clever vortex of hot air that super-heats the corn kernels up, making them pop. The air then carries the popped kernels out of the heat chamber, giving you popcorn that’s perfectly cooked without getting burnt… and without any unpopped kernels.

Designer: Uncanny Brands

Click Here to Buy Now

Created by the folks at Uncanny Brands, this popcorn maker is perfect for your May 4th ritual of watching every Star Wars movie made (you may require the entire weekend for that program if you commit to it). The Death Star Popcorn Maker comes in two parts, the base of the planet is where the action happens – corn is popped without oil or butter, using pure heated air. Once it’s popped, the corn rises to the top where it collects in a transparent cloche, getting dispensed in the upper half of the Death Star, which conveniently becomes your popcorn bowl!

The air vortex technology is clever for a bunch of reasons. From just a health point of view, the idea of having popcorn without copious amounts of butter or oil just feels less sinful – sure, you can absolutely add butter to your corn after it’s popped. The lack of grease means the Popcorn Maker doesn’t need cleaning up after either – all you need to do is empty out any unpopped kernels. Popcorn pops evenly with a nearly 98% success rate, and the air vortex automatically pushes the popped corn upwards and out into the bowl, so you’re never left with any burnt flavor. You can then easily season your corn with powders and spices of your choice.

When all’s said and done, simply lift the transparent cover and place the popcorn bowl back on top and your popcorn maker magically transforms back into a Death Star replica, looking less like a kitchen appliance and more like fan memorabilia!

Click Here to Buy Now

The post Death Star Popcorn Maker Gives You The Finest Popcorn In The Cosmos Without Butter Or Oil first appeared on Yanko Design.

This Wearable Climate Controller Keeps You Comfortable in Extreme Weather

2 mai 2024 à 19:15

In places like Phoenix, where temperatures can reach 115 degrees Fahrenheit, or Florida, with its oppressive humidity, staying comfortable outdoors often feels like an overwhelming challenge. Sony’s latest update to their wearable thermal device, the REON POCKET 5, is a cutting-edge wearable climate controller that integrates effortlessly into daily life. For me, this accessory is indispensable.

Designer: Sony

This advanced wearable activates to cool or warm as soon as it contacts your neck and deactivates upon removal without manual controls. This automatic function liberates you from the hassle of manual adjustments, allowing a smooth transition from vigorous yard work to business meetings without the discomfort of sweat-stained clothing. As a parent, I hardly ever miss a tennis lesson or match, regardless of the weather. It can get chilly in the winter when you’re not moving much, and standing under the scorching sun isn’t enjoyable in the summer. This is why I’m extremely excited about this product.

Its sophisticated sensor array and thermal design technology are at the heart of the REON POCKET 5’s effectiveness. The device is equipped with five sensors: three dedicated temperature sensors, one combined temperature and humidity sensor, and an acceleration sensor for detecting motion. This comprehensive sensing capability allows the REON POCKET 5 to provide situation-specific adjustments finely tuned to environmental conditions and user activity. Whether facing a sudden rise in temperature or an increase in physical activity, the device adjusts its output to maintain optimal comfort.

Sony’s expertise in mobile device design is evident in the thermal management of the REON POCKET 5. The heat dissipation mechanism, perfected through hundreds of simulations, is crucial for maximizing the efficiency of the device’s Peltier element. This element, a core component of the device, uses electrical current to produce a cooling effect on one side and a warming effect on the other, making it ideal for both cooling and warming applications, depending on your needs. 

Moreover, the REON POCKET 5 is robust, being splash- and dust-resistant, making it suitable for both rigorous outdoor activities and everyday urban use. This durability ensures that the device can perform under various environmental conditions without faltering.

For commuters and those frequently transitioning between different environments, the REON POCKET 5’s SMART COOL⇔WARM MODE proves invaluable. This feature automatically adjusts the cooling or warming temperatures by detecting both the temperature inside your clothing and the ambient temperature around the device. It seamlessly switches modes based on environmental changes, even during days with significant temperature fluctuations, enhancing comfort without any manual input required.

The REON POCKET 5 also focuses on comfort and adaptability. Its innovative triple-layer construction features a flexible mechanical tube, a shape-holding wireframe, and a soft silicone cover, ensuring the device fits securely and comfortably for prolonged periods. The adjustable neckband is designed to accommodate a wide range of neck sizes and maintain the chosen position, providing personalized comfort that adapts to the wearer’s unique body dimensions.

Scheduled for release in Singapore in May 2024, with subsequent availability in Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam, the REON POCKET 5 is a game-changer for anyone facing extreme temperatures. Its up to 17-hour battery life ensures all-day comfort, and it is capable of handling anything from an intensely hot day to a cold conference hall.

The post This Wearable Climate Controller Keeps You Comfortable in Extreme Weather first appeared on Yanko Design.
