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Dosdude1 ressuscite un Mac Mini DTK #hackintosh

Par : Korben
16 mai 2024 à 08:01

Dosdude1 est un hacker assez connu dans le petit monde du hackintosh et dernièrement, il a réussi un exploit : ressusciter un Mac Mini DTK ! Pour ceux qui ne sont pas familiers avec ce nom, le DTK est un prototype de Mac Mini équipé d’une puce A12Z, qu’Apple avait distribué à quelques développeurs triés sur le volet en 2020 pour qu’ils adaptent leurs applications à l’architecture ARM.

Ce DTK était donc censé être temporaire… les développeurs avaient le droit de le garder 6 mois, puis devaient le renvoyer à Apple pour destruction. Mais comme souvent, certains exemplaires ont fini par tomber du camion poubelle et se sont retrouvés en Chine pour y être recyclés. C’est là que l’histoire devient intéressante puisqueDosdude1 a réussi à mettre la main sur un de ces DTK en piteux état. La carte mère était sérieusement endommagée, les puces de stockage avaient disparu, bref ce n’était pas gagné.

Mais ce serait mal connaître notre bidouilleur de génie qui armé de patience et de talent, a entrepris un véritable travail d’orfèvre pour restaurer cette épave. En gros, il a réparé les circuits de la carte mère au dremel et à la lime, remplacé les condensateurs défectueux, et surtout il a ressoudé une nouvelle puce de stockage après l’avoir flashée avec le bon firmware. Un vrai travail de titan !

Après de longues heures de labeur, le verdict tombe : la machine démarre et s’affiche en DFU ! Bon, elle n’est pas encore complètement fonctionnelle, il faut encore restaurer macOS et l’activer mais quand on connaît le niveau de sécurité des puces Apple, c’est déjà un sacré exploit d’en arriver là !

Pour restaurer le DTK, dosdude1 va alors devoir ruser. Impossible de se servir des firmwares génériques comme pour un hackintosh, vu que la puce est verrouillée mais le bricoleur est ingénieux et décide d’utiliser les serveurs de récupération d’Apple pour obtenir les bons fichiers du DTK en se basant sur son numéro de série. Pas con 🙂

Une fois macOS restauré, il faut encore activer la machine et là, mauvaise surprise, ça ne marche pas ! En fait, le numéro de série a changé mais dosdude1 a plus d’un tour dans son sac. Il parvient à retrouver le numéro de série et l’adresse MAC d’origine en interrogeant une nouvelle fois les serveurs d’activation d’Apple puis il les réinjecte dans la puce de stockage, effectue une dernière restauration, et là… Ça fonctionne !

Le DTK est enfin pleinement opérationnel sous macOS 11.2, la dernière version supportée. En prime, il lui ajoute un boîtier complet de Mac Mini 2018 avec tous les accessoires et le résultat est incroyable ! On dirait un Mac Mini tout droit sorti d’usine !

Respect dosdude1 car malgré tous les efforts d’Apple pour verrouiller ses appareils, y’a toujours un mec qui réussira à les obstacles et ça c’est cool !


Ebury – Un cheval de Troie Linux furtif qui court depuis 15 ans

Par : Korben
16 mai 2024 à 07:36

C’est vraiment une histoire incroyable que je découvre là… Un groupe de cyber criminels a réussi l’exploit de pirater plus de 400 000 serveurs Linux depuis 15 ans, et tout le monde est passé à côté. Et tout cela grâce à un cheval de Troie appelé Ebury qui se planque discrètement dans le système.

Techniquement, Ebury s’infiltre via OpenSSH, le protocole qui permet de se connecter à distance à un serveur et une fois installé, ce parasite ouvre une porte dérobée pour que les pirates puissent entrer et sortir comme dans un moulin. Et le pire, c’est qu’il est super discret : il efface ses traces et se fait passer pour un processus légitime. Un vrai caméléon !

Très contents de mettre la main sur tous ces serveurs, les hackers ont aussi réussi à récupérer les mots de passe chiffrés de plus de 500 utilisateurs. Un trésor de guerre qui leur a permis de craquer la moitié des comptes et de se balader tranquille sur les machines infectées. D’après les experts en sécurité d’Eset, Ebury aurait commencé à sévir dès 2009, en s’attaquant aux serveurs de, le sanctuaire du noyau Linux. Puis au fil des années, il s’est propagé un peu partout, en passant par des fournisseurs d’accès, des hébergeurs web, jusqu’à créer un méga botnet de plus de 400 000 zombies. Un peu flippant quand même…

Mais alors pourquoi personne n’a rien vu pendant tout ce temps ?

Eh bien, en 2011 déjà, des petits malins avaient repéré un truc louche et donné l’alerte. Les boss de avaient alors promis de mener l’enquête… mais sans jamais donner de nouvelles. Un silence radio qui en dit long sur l’ampleur de la catastrophe !

Le pire dans tout ça, c’est qu’Ebury est toujours actif et continue de contaminer de nouvelles victimes grâce notamment à des failles 0-day dans des outils d’administration, du phishing, des attaques par dictionnaire sur SSH… Bref, l’attirail classique du parfait petit pirate. Sans oublier une méthode bien vicieuse : le gang vole carrément les identifiants d’autres cybercriminels et les utilise pour louer des serveurs et brouiller les pistes.

Ainsi, une fois qu’ils ont mis la main sur un maximum de machines, ils minent de la cryptomonnaie, volent des données bancaires, envoient du spam et redirigent du trafic web pour se faire du blé. La routine du cybercriminel, quoi… Mais rassurez-vous, il y a quand même des trucs à faire pour éviter de se faire piéger comme un bleu.

Déjà, oubliez le mot de passe unique et passez à l’authentification multi-facteurs sur SSH. Ensuite, surveillez vos logs et les connexions douteuses. Et si vous êtes sysadmin, appliquez direct les patchs de sécurité et surveillez régulièrement vos serveurs. Pour vous dire à quel point ces mecs sont doués, réussir à passer inaperçu pendant 15 piges et pirater autant de serveurs, c’est quand même pas rien ! Alors c’est pas une raison pour baisser la garde en touillant votre petit café !

Pour en savoir plus sur Ebury et ses impacts, n’hésitez pas à consulter ce rapport détaillé disponibles en ligne.

Bon courage 🙂


Android renforce sa sécurité avec de nouvelles protections antivol

Par : Korben
15 mai 2024 à 21:00

Google vous connaît bien et il sait que vous adorez votre smartphone Android… Mais il sait aussi que vous êtes ce genre de boulet qui le laisse dans sa poche arrière ou trainer sur une table en terrasse… Heureusement, voici quelques nouvelles fonctionnalités impressionnantes conçues pour vous protéger des voleurs de smartphones.

Premièrement, Android renforce la dissuasion. La protection par réinitialisation d’usine est améliorée pour rendre un téléphone volé inutilisable et invendable sans vos identifiants. Comme chez Apple donc. De plus, il sera possible de vous créer un espace privé caché et verrouillé par un code pour y planquer vos applis sensibles. Et pour modifier les paramètres critiques comme le délai de mise en veille, il faudra s’authentifier. Comme ça, pas touche à vos réglages ! Bref, de quoi faire réfléchir à deux fois les pickpockets !

Ensuite, place à la protection automatique dès que votre téléphone vous fausse compagnie. La fonction Theft Detection Lock utilise l’IA de Google pour détecter si un voleur vous arrache votre précieux des mains et se fait la malle. Si c’est le cas, hop, écran verrouillé direct, même pas le temps de dire ouf ! Et si le voleur essaie de couper la connexion, le Offline Device Lock se déclenche pour protéger vos données.

Enfin, si malgré toutes ces précautions votre téléphone finit quand même par se faire la belle, pas de panique. Vous pourrez le verrouiller à distance en deux clics, juste avec votre numéro, ce qui vous laissera le temps de traquer le fuyard depuis l’outil de localisation de votre appareil et atomiser toutes vos données à distance. Et si le brigand essaie de deviner votre code une fois de trop, bim, écran verrouillé.

Vous l’aurez compris, toutes ces nouveautés de folie débarqueront sur les appareils Android à partir de la version 10 dans le courant de l’année, et certaines seront même exclusives à Android 15. Bref, quand vous vous ferez voler votre téléphone celui-ci sera surement recyclé par le voleur pour ses pièces détachées mais au moins, vos données seront en sécurité. Enfin, j’espère…


Top 10 Powerful & Sleek Automotive Concepts We Need To See On The Road ASAP

16 mai 2024 à 11:40

Here at YD, we’re always coming across super cool and powerful automotive designs, but somehow the conceptual ones seem to take the cake. And we’ve really encountered some amazing automotive designs recently Each automotive design was cutthroat and innovative, bringing in something that we don’t usually see in the market. From killer speed to dashing good looks, to impenetrable safety standards, every automotive we featured at YD broke some design barrier for us, and hopefully, they did the same for you as well. Hence, we’ve curated a collection of automotive designs that we feel were the best of the lot.  Each of these drool-worthy automobile concepts is mercilessly pushing the boundaries of the automotive industry.

1. Diode

Dubbed Diode, this visually intriguing e-bike concept is created by Tien Hung, and it features a super cool neo-minimalistic design that celebrates the future of the electric power train. The bike has an aesthetic which is almost invisible, except for one singular horizontal pillar, which runs gently from the dashboard to the taillight, accentuated by a massive battery module underneath it. The bike is also equipped with a powerful rear-wheel drivetrain and a comfy seat.

2. Polestar 8

Designed by Turin-based Salvatore Ville – this is the Polestar 8. It is an SUV concept that beautifully embraces minimalism but with an interesting twist. Vurin imparted the car with a powerful and dominating silhouette, instead of only clean surfaces. This menacing automotive looks like the Polestar 3 on steroids! It features a wider and more brutish design. It does maintain a clean design but with a more roguish personality.

3. Mercedes-Benz Dresscode

The Mercedes-Benz Dresscode is the epitome of iconic luxury and encapsulates it through the shapes of collars and rich volumes and of a formal dress. If you observe the hypercar, you’ll notice that it mimics the form of a white shirt with a tie on top, and a black jacket placed over it. The white sections serve as the shirt with the edged surfaces, while the black body that covers the car reminds you of a jacket. The doors have been created to resemble the process of taking off a suit!

4. Palladio

Dubbed Palladio, this concept for a hybrid yacht is designed to be ultra-light and can speed up to 55 knots maximum. It looks straight out of a sci-fi movie set in water and features a futuristic, mouth-shaped, avant-garde design that gives the impression that a pod is cruising through the waters. The yacht is made from carbon fiber propelled via twin Castoldi jets, and powered by two FTP engines.

5. H-Box

Dubbed the H-Box, this conceptual automotive design converts a car into a box-like machine. It is a two-seater model with chairs that are placed at the back of the cabin. However, you still need to pay attention to the manual control form in this car, unlike most self-driving automotive concepts. The driver’s seat can be moved forward to handle the steering if needed. This creates an even bigger gap between the two seats, which is great for two people who want their own space in the car.

6. Swift Pod

The Swift Pod looks like a massive motorcycle that stands on two wheels only! And this innovative automotive has such a unique shape to hold two adult-sized beds inside, one on each side of the triangle. Besides having two beds, it also houses two chairs, amenities, and the vehicle’s hardware and different bits. This is a fascinating mode of transport that lets you sleep through your commute or journey if you wish to.


Named MOQBA, this innovative conceptual design is a dynamic mix of a bike and an e-scooter. This fascinating automotive can climb stairs! It was created to be a next-gen mobility ride for users who may have difficulty with mobility. You can ride this unconventional automotive on four independent legs with wheel extensions. The MOQBA is intended to be a one-of-a-kind and exceptional mini mecha of the future.

8. BMW Motorrad CH4 Superbike

Called the BMW Motorrad CH4 Superbike – this exceptional café racer is designed by Sabino Leerentvled, and it is a ride fit for Tony Stark and his quests to take on the bad guys. The superbike has an aerodynamic geometric shape and big fat wheels which offer it a high-speed adrenaline rush. The bike truly has a massive Tony Stark influence, and it would look amazing zipping through the crowded streets in pursuit of the bad guys.

9. Apple iCar

Dubbed the Apple iCar – this conceptual automotive concept has a luxurious supercar-inspired appeal to it. It has influences of the Audi R8 and the lesser-known Lamborghini Asterion in the iCar. The automotive has an aggressive, speedy silhouette, stunning headlights and taillights, and a rounded back. It features an Apple logo on the front, and each wheel is equipped with stunning rims with the Apple logos on them.

10. Yamaev’s Scooter Concept

This tricycle scooter concept is made up of a unique rectangular side profile that gently pierces through the air, in the same manner a credit card would swipe through a payment machine. The scooter also features a wheel setup with a large front wheel which covers the scooter’s transparent cockpit. The cockpit is bubble-shaped, and it has two rear wheels which separate at lower speeds to provide stability. The wheels also combine at higher speeds for maneuverability.

The post Top 10 Powerful & Sleek Automotive Concepts We Need To See On The Road ASAP first appeared on Yanko Design.

This compact, detachable hot plate is designed for on the go convenience and ease of storage

Par : Gaurav Sood
16 mai 2024 à 10:07

Working overtime and getting home late almost every day to find your dinner cold and unsavory? I’m sure a family member or your spouse has to wait through the night and then serve you hot food. It’s still fine on hot summer days, but the long winter nights can really get tough for everyone; you cannot have a cold meal at all! Hot plates have been a solution to this culinary conundrum through the years. But traditional warming boards only add bulk to your kitchen and do not do much to your meal.

What if you could have piping hot dishes on your table without taking up extra space? Whether you’re working late or hosting friends, the idea of a hot, delicious meal awaiting you at the table is a sublime feeling for many, including the designer of this electrically powered, folding and detachable heating plate that would be your biggest help when you’re hosting family or friends at home, partying at the pool, or out camping with your pooch.

Designer: Wenhua Xu

Conceptualized with the simple idea of ensuring a warm, delectable meal every time; this hot plate in pastel colors, functions on rapid heat transfer technology to ensure your food is at an ideal temperature, and it is constantly heated to maintain it as long as you want. The construction material of this heating board is anyone’s guess at the moment but from the images, it is easy to confirm that it is safe and easy to clean.

Besides, the overall concept – with an adjustable control panel – excels in heat retention. It helps preserve your food’s warmth and flavor with its three different temperature settings, keeping the heat maintained for almost eight hours. Interestingly, the warming board is ideal for heating dishes, milk, and drying food – all ensuring a delightful dining experience.

Add to that the convenience of detaching the three individual heating plates that comprise the entire unit. It can be used together or separately – thanks to the tri-folding design – to work with metal, ceramic, glass, or enamel utensils, serving bowls and other kitchenware. You can pack it in the bag for travel convenience, simultaneously warm up to six dishes, and keep the food warm and fresh every time. This portable and detachable marvel can be effortlessly stored to maximize space in your kitchen.

The post This compact, detachable hot plate is designed for on the go convenience and ease of storage first appeared on Yanko Design.

Record-breaking Drone hit 510km/h speeds, dethroning Red Bull for the World’s Fastest Drone

Par : Sarang Sheth
15 mai 2024 à 20:45

Earlier this year, Dutch Drone Gods, in partnership with Red Bull, unveiled the World’s Fastest Drone that went head-to-head with Max Verstappen behind the wheel of an F1 car. With a top speed of 350km/h, that drone held the title for barely a few months before YouTuber Luke Maximo Bell decided to challenge it.

Taking on the entire design and R&D team of Red Bull Racing, Bell managed to 3D-print a drone that was nearly 50% faster, hitting high speeds of 500km/h (310mph) and setting a new record, verified by the team at Guinness Book of World Records. The video above captures Bell’s entire journey, from prototype to building to tuning, and finally FPV footage of the world’s fastest drone. To think that one YouTuber with a BambuLabs printer managed to outpace a drone built out of carbon fiber by the elites at Red Bull Racing known for manufacturing the world’s leading F1 cars…

Designer: Luke Maximo Bell

Bell’s design process was a reiteration of one of his older drones named Peregreen, which could hit speeds of up to 400km/h. If you look at the shape of the drone you’ll quickly realise how even Red Bull and DDG opted for a similar format. The drone isn’t your average quadcopter or even FPV racer. Instead, it has a missile-style design with propellers at the bottom that give it an eVTOL style ability to vertically take off, tilt forward to race ahead, and then land vertically too.

The backbone of Peregreen 2’s success lies in its meticulous design and the use of high-quality materials. The frame, constructed from carbon fiber, was chosen for its exceptional strength and wide availability. Custom frames were precision-cut using a CNC machine at Flying Robot in Cape Town. Despite initial setbacks with incorrect mounting hole dimensions, which required manual adjustments, the final product was a high-precision, robust frame capable of withstanding the rigors of high-speed flight. Building on data from the original Peregreen, Bell and his father (who helped build the original Peregreen) selected larger motors, propellers, and batteries. However, this brought a new set of challenges. The initial batteries overheated, reaching temperatures above 130°C, leading to failures. Additionally, the motor wires were not thick enough, causing them to overheat and even catch fire during bench tests. After extensive testing and adjustments, the team switched to thicker wires and sourced new batteries that maintained a stable temperature below 80°C. These changes were crucial in ensuring the drone could operate at high speeds without the risk of overheating or component failure.

A cheap reliable way to test aerodynamics, simply hold it outside a car’s window!

Aerodynamics played a pivotal role in the drone’s performance. Initial designs faced stability issues at high speeds, necessitating extensive experimentation with tail lengths and fin sizes. The goal was to achieve a stable flight profile with a low drag coefficient. By creating and testing various models (often by simply 3D printing them and holding them out of a car window at high speeds), the team eventually found a configuration that provided the necessary stability. This iterative process of refinement led to a design that not only looked sleek but also performed exceptionally well in high-speed conditions. The final aerodynamic model was a testament to the team’s dedication to optimizing every aspect of the drone’s performance.

Once a drone’s built, its performance needs to be tuned by programming all its components to work in sync so that there isn’t a malfunction in the sky. Despite several initial failures during test flights, the team sought the expertise of Chris Raser, a renowned FPV drone specialist. His insights and detailed tuning guides were instrumental in resolving stability issues and fine-tuning the drone’s flight characteristics. This collaborative approach underscored the importance of seeking specialized knowledge and continuously learning from each phase of the project. The resulting improvements were significant, allowing the drone to perform high-speed maneuvers with precision and reliability.

The testing phase was rigorous and demanding, marked by numerous iterations and rebuilds. The drone was 3D printed using the Bambu Lab X1 Carbon printer, which proved to be an excellent tool for creating precise and durable components. Through a series of high-speed runs, the Peregreen 2 eventually achieved speeds of 500 km/h, a milestone that underscored the success of the design and engineering efforts. This achievement was officially recognized by Guinness, solidifying the team’s place in the record books.

Beyond setting a world record, the Peregreen 2 project also focused on capturing stunning cinematic footage. By incorporating a new open canopy for the camera (shown below), the team was able to obtain clear, distortion-free shots. The Insta360 Go 3 camera, known for its small size and lightweight, was integral in capturing high-speed footage. The drone’s performance in endurance tests was equally impressive, managing a flight of 7.5 km at an average speed of 180 km/h. These accomplishments highlight the drone’s versatility and potential for various applications.

The post Record-breaking Drone hit 510km/h speeds, dethroning Red Bull for the World’s Fastest Drone first appeared on Yanko Design.

Unitree G1 – Le robot humanoïde à tout faire pour 16 000$

Par : Korben
14 mai 2024 à 10:37

Unitree, le fabricant chinois de robots bien connu (sauf par moi visiblement) pour ses quadrupèdes comme le Go2 et le B2, nous réserve une sacrée surprise avec son nouveau robot humanoïde baptisé G1. Et apparemment, ce n’est pas un gadget de geek.

Avec un prix de départ à 16 000 $, le G1 est une « affaire intéressante » comparé à d’autres robots humanoïdes comme l’Atlas de Boston Dynamics (qui coûte bien plus cher). Ce qui frappe d’emblée quand on regarde la vidéo, c’est la flexibilité hallucinante de ce robot. Grâce à ses 23 degrés de liberté dans les articulations, il peut bouger dans tous les sens, bien au-delà des capacités humaines. C’est un peu flippant ^^. Il peut même se plier pour se ranger facilement dans un coin.

Mais ce n’est pas qu’un contorsionniste en manque de reconnaissance. C’est aussi un sacré costaud avec ses 35kg (ou 47 kg… les infos divergent…) et sa vitesse de déplacement de 2 m/s. Ses moteurs délivrent jusqu’à 120 Nm de couple, de quoi soulever des charges d’environ 3 kg avec ses petits bras. Et avec sa batterie de 9000 mAh, il peut tenir environ 2 heures sur une seule charge (sur le papier). Bref, de quoi l’utiliser pour divers travaux sans craindre qu’il tombe à plat trop vite.

Côté look, Unitree a joué la carte du robot futuriste avec son casque aux allures de Daft Punk et son visage illuminé qui cache des capteurs 3D LiDAR et une caméra de profondeur. Mais ce sont surtout ses mains robotiques à trois doigts qui impressionnent le plus. Elles lui permettent d’attraper et de manipuler des objets avec une précision et une dextérité bluffantes.

Ce robot apprend aussi en permanence grâce à des techniques d’imitation et d’apprentissage par renforcement. Il peut simuler les mouvements humains et acquérir de nouvelles compétences au fur et à mesure. Son cerveau embarque 8 cœurs haute performance pour un traitement ultra-rapide des informations. Et avec le WiFi 6 et le Bluetooth 5.2, il est hyper connecté ! Pour ceux qui cherchent à le développer davantage, le modèle G1 EDU inclut même en option le module de calcul haute performance NVIDIA Jetson Orin.

Alors Terminator en devenir ou pas ? Bien qu’il puisse encaisser des coups, il reste très docile. Enfin, pour l’instant… Car Unitree prévoit de l’entraîner dans des environnements simulés pour muscler encore plus son IA.

Bref, ce G1 de Unitree apporte un peu de fraicheur, surtout qu’à ce prix, ça commence à devenir accessible pour le commun des friqués. Certaines de ses fonctionnalités impressionnantes sont encore en développement, mais avec le rythme auquel avancent les technologies robotiques, ce n’est qu’une question de temps avant qu’il ne devienne encore plus polyvalent et sache se rendre indispensable.

Bref, pour en savoir plus, rendez vous sur le site Unitree.

Perso, je me porte volontaire pour le tester.


Motorola Razr+ 2024 foldable phone: News, Rumors, Price, and Release Date

Par : JC Torres
15 mai 2024 à 15:20

Google I/O 2024 has come and gone, and despite rumors and expectations, a new foldable phone was nowhere in sight. Of course, the Google Pixel Fold is hardly the only game in town, nor is it the only one that’s expected to debut really soon. Perhaps beating both Google and Samsung to the punch, Motorola’s next-gen foldable could be hitting shelves as early as June, though it will still be competing with the likes of the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip rather than the OnePlus Open and other larger foldables. Unofficial information about the device is quite thin, but the ones we’ve already heard are quite substantial and paint an interesting picture, one that could make the Motorola Razr+ 2024 or Motorola Razr 50 Ultra the clamshell foldable to beat this year.

Designer: Motorola

Motorola Razr+ 2024: Design

According to sources, this year’s Motorola foldable would look exactly like last year’s Motorola foldable, save for some changes in screen size. That means the Motorola Razr+ 2024’s external screen will still cover the entire surface of the upper half of the phone’s back, leaving only room for the camera lenses themselves. It might sound like a letdown and a sign of lack of innovation over at Motorola, but sticking to a design that works is also a sign of maturity, especially since the design is only a year old.

Image courtesy of: MSPoweruser

Motorola’s design for its Cover Screen is admittedly divisive. On the one hand, it’s the only foldable of its kind that utilizes the whole area, while others make do with tiny rectangles, even tinier circles, or a square with an uneven cutout to make way for cameras. On the other hand, this also makes for a weird arrangement that actually cuts out part of the display anyway, making the image or text in that area inaccessible.

Motorola is also the only brand that allows normal apps to run on that external screen, which is both an advantage and a disadvantage. Regardless, it seems to be sticking to its guns for one more year, offering an experience that, while faithful to the design spirit of the original RAZR, isn’t afraid to go beyond to offer something new and useful.

Motorola Razr+ 2024: Specs and Software

While the Moto Razr+ 2024, or Moto Razr 50 Ultra, won’t look any different on the outside, it will be a very different beast on the inside. Of course, there’s the new Qualcomm Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 leading the changes, and there will supposedly be a larger external screen at 3.9 inches up from last year’s 3.6-inch Cover Screen. There will also be 12GB of RAM paired with 256GB of storage, while the battery has been expanded from 3,800mAh to 4,000mAh.

Given the expected launch windows, the 2024 Razr will be running Android 14 out of the box, and while it might sound like Motorola would upgrade it once Android 15 comes out, there’s not really any certainty. After all, the Motorola Razr+ 2023, which launched with Android 13, still received Android 14 half a year later. Despite being once owned by Google (now under Lenovo’s stewardship), Motorola’s track record for Android updates sadly isn’t that impressive.

Motorola Razr+ 2024: Cameras

Part of the big upgrades coming to the Motorola Razr+ 2024 according to those rumors is an upgrade to the camera system. It will now have not one but two 50MP cameras, one of which has a wide lens while the other is capable of 2x telephoto zoom. Given how Motorola advertises its foldable phone as a sort of mini camcorder, more capable cameras are definitely in order. The 32MP selfie camera, on the other, might remain the same as last year.

Motorola Razr+ 2024: Price and Release Date

There has been no word on the exact date when the Motorola Razr+ 2024 will be launched, which might go by the name of Motorola Razr 50 Ultra in other markets, but all signs point to yet another June release. In fact, the device was spotted making its way through a certification process, suggesting that its debut is close at hand. The leak also confirms what we’ve heard about the design, that it would be a dead knocker for last year’s model.

Image courtesy of: 91mobiles

That leak also “revealed” the color options for the Razr+ 2024, which include Blue, Orange, and Green instead of last year’s Black, Magenta, and Peach. But the more interesting detail about the phone is its starting price of $999 for the base model with 12GB of RAM and 256GB of storage. That’s the same price for half the capacity last year, so it will definitely make the Motorola Razr+ 2024 the cheapest flagship foldable in the market.

Motorola Razr+ 2024: Final Thoughts

Although they are younger than the larger foldables like the Galaxy Z Fold, clamshell-style foldables have become better accepted and sought after. They’re usually more affordable and look more stylish, bringing to mind the flip phones of old. They’re pocketability makes a bit more sense to most people who don’t need a phone that turns into a tablet, and their accessible price tag makes them feel more like regular flagships rather than overpriced novelties.

Of the many foldable flip phones in the market right now, the Motorola Razr+ 2024 seems to offer a more reasonable balance of features and price, especially one from a reputable brand. It looks like this year will show a significant upgrade, at least internally, while still keeping the design that has won fans. That said, Motorola’s Android updates don’t inspire confidence, and we’ve yet to see it make any improvements in that regard.

The post Motorola Razr+ 2024 foldable phone: News, Rumors, Price, and Release Date first appeared on Yanko Design.

This tailored Mercedes-Benz hypercar concept adapts the volumes of a classy suit for its dynamic shape

Par : Gaurav Sood
14 mai 2024 à 19:15

Mercedes-Benz has been a name synonym for panache and luxury ever since it was first established in 1926. Headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany, the automotive giant has set the bar high for four-wheelers of the present and the future world. The AMG GT introduced in 2014 is still one of the most liked supercars in the industry and Concept VISION AVTR is setting the precedence for electric cars of the future already.

While the brand is one of the few big names inclined towards electric concept designs, it is understandable how many concept designers gravitate towards the Mercedes name for building their imaginative four wheels that could someday actually land them at one of the renowned brand’s design nests. The Mercedes-Benz Dresscode is one such iteration that has a unique take on what a British hypercar of the future could be like.

Designer: Jeongtae Lee

The design direction of the car interprets iconic luxury through the shapes of collar and rich volumes of a formal dress. If you look closely the hypercar adapts the form of a white shirt with a tie on top and a black jacket layered over it. Yes, the white sections represent the shirt with edged surfaces while the black body wraps the entire car in a large volume reminiscent of a jacket. The rear of the vehicle is like the back of a person wearing a suit – simple and chic. Unlike other supercars having luxurious gull-winged doors (or scissor doors) which can be tricky to get in and out, the Dresscode concept has doors designed to feel like the process of taking off a suit which is elegant and easy.

The side profile of the car is inspired by the seam lines on the shoulder of a jacket, wherein the lines flow from the front to the rear. Those wheel parts are rotatable through these lines. Also, the seam stitches on the shoulder of a suit jacket are reinterpreted as Mercedes patterns on the hypercar. In a true sense, this is a tailored Mercedes concept maintaining an aggressive yet elegant stance with its dynamic shape.

The post This tailored Mercedes-Benz hypercar concept adapts the volumes of a classy suit for its dynamic shape first appeared on Yanko Design.

AlphaFold 3 – Un sacré bond en avant pour la modélisation des molécules du vivant

Par : Korben
9 mai 2024 à 05:34

Vous vous souvenez d’AlphaFold 2, ce modèle d’IA assez dingue de Google DeepMind qui avait fait des avancées majeures dans la prédiction des structures de protéines ? Eh bien, la version 3 vient de débarquer et elle repousse encore un peu plus les limites !

AlphaFold 3, c’est comme si on passait d’un film noir et blanc du genre la Vache et Le Prisonnier à un film en 3D style Avatar, car non seulement il prédit avec une précision impressionnante la structure 3D des protéines, mais il est également capable de modéliser leurs interactions avec tout un tas d’autres molécules : l’ADN, l’ARN, les petites molécules organiques comme les médicaments, et même les modifications chimiques.

Concrètement, ça veut dire qu’on va pouvoir mieux comprendre comment toutes ces molécules qui nous composent s’assemblent et fonctionnent ensemble, comme les rouages de l’horloge cosmique de la viiiie. Un sacré bond en avant pour décrypter les processus biologiques fondamentaux et leurs dysfonctionnements à l’origine des maladies.

Son secret, évidemment, c’est une architecture de réseau de neurones encore plus puissante et entraînée sur une montagne de données moléculaires. Le cœur du système repose sur un module Evoformer amélioré, couplé à une nouvelle approche basée sur des réseaux de diffusion qui partent d’un nuage d’atomes pour converger vers la structure moléculaire la plus probable.

Et les résultats sont vraiment impressionnants puisque sur les jeux de données de référence, AlphaFold 3 bat des records avec des améliorations significatives par rapport aux méthodes existantes. Pour certaines catégories d’interactions, comme celles avec les médicaments, il augmente même nettement la précision des prédictions. Et tout ça sans même avoir besoin de données structurales en entrée.

Mais le plus cool, c’est que c’est open source (Edit : Apparemment, ça ne l’est plus malheureusement – Merci à Enthuo pour la correction) et accessible gratuitement à la communauté scientifique via le nouveau serveur AlphaFold. Cet outil permet à n’importe quel chercheur de générer des prédictions pour ses protéines d’intérêt en quelques clics, là où il fallait avant un travail titanesque et des moyens conséquents. Bref, de quoi démocratiser la biologie structurale et accélérer les découvertes !

Évidemment, avec une telle puissance vient aussi de grandes responsabilités, alors les gros cerveaux derrière DeepMind ont longuement planché avec de nombreux experts et organismes pour définir un cadre éthique et limiter les risques de mésusage comme on dit. Parce qu’autant un AlphaFold entre de bonnes mains, ça peut faire avancer la science et la médecine de façon spectaculaire, autant on n’a pas envie de voir débarquer des virus ou des prions tueurs conçus par des apprentis sorciers.

Mais j’ai hâte de voir ce que la communauté scientifique va réussir à faire avec cet outil génial. Peut-être de nouvelles enzymes pour des applications industrielles, des matériaux bio-inspirés aux propriétés uniques, ou des protéines thérapeutiques plus efficaces ? En tout cas une chose est sûre, la révolution biotech ne fait que commencer et nul doute qu’AlphaFold 3 en sera l’un des acteurs clés !


These are the new standard in denim versatility and they’re definitely not your grandpa’s jeans

9 mai 2024 à 01:45

Denim has clung to its roots like a stubborn old cat to its favorite sunlit spot, toughing it out from its humble beginnings in the 17th-century mines of Europe and North America to become today’s fashion must-have. Originally crafted for the grit and grime of the California Gold Rush, denim’s sturdy, breathable, and versatile chops quickly made it the go-to getup for laborers. Then came 1873, when Levi Strauss threw in some rivets and catapulted denim into the wardrobe hall of fame. Despite a world buzzing with tech innovations, the fundamental jeans blueprint hasn’t wavered much—until now. Enter stage left: world adventurers and dedicated explorers with their brainchild, the Standard Issue Denim 001, a nifty modern twist on the old classic.

Designer: S Jordan Berman and Peter McDougald Juhl

Click Here to Buy Now: $110 $130 ($20 off). Hurry, deal ends in 72-hours!

This dynamic duo, who met in 2010 while climbing at a gym in Brooklyn, NY, envisioned merging fashion with function right from the start. Their journey led them to create “Wares for All Reasons,” a brand born out of a desire to blend climbing utility with everyday style. The Standard Issue Denim 001 stands as their peak achievement, distinctly crafted to endure the most rigorous activities without sacrificing real-world denim’s chic, timeless look. Think of these jeans as your go-to for every conceivable adventure, built to withstand time and trends.

Inspired by the needs of urban athletes and adventurers, these pants are crafted from our proprietary workwear-weight HSTech Denim fabric and are designed for maximum comfort and flexibility, without
compromising style.

HSTech Denim has a 13% stretch factor on its diagonal, in line with the stretchiest, most flexible men’s denim available.

These jeans are specifically engineered for the urban outdoors—ultra-durable, with the rugged, iconic 5-pocket silhouette expected from a classic pair of jeans, yet flexible enough to move with you wherever the day takes you. The Standard Issue Denim 001 jazzes up the traditional jean scene, serving up a recipe that suits both the adrenaline junkie and the serial Netflix binger. Whether you’re dodging taxis in the city streets or glued to your sofa, these jeans merge flair with function without breaking a sweat. The secret sauce? Their revolutionary HSTech Denim boasts a 13% diagonal stretch factor, aligning it with the stretchiest, most flexible men’s denim available, all while maintaining that timeless denim vibe with 98% cotton. It’s like your body got a hug from a cloud—comfortable, stylish, and ludicrously adaptive.

Standard Issue Denim 001 jeans are crafted with globally sourced, top – grade materials.

The Standard Issue Denim 001 comes in 8 sizes with one classic color option—and more of each color on the way, ensuring that these jeans are not just versatile in use but also in style. Each pair is crafted with sustainability in mind, featuring a circular product life-cycle to minimize environmental impact. They are vegan, manufactured ethically, and built to last through thousands of washes and tens of thousands of wears. This might just be the last pair of jeans you’ll ever need to buy. In the rare event they wear out, they can be returned to the manufacturers for repair or to receive a 10% discount on your next pair.

Talk about a chameleon of the closet! These jeans effortlessly flip between semi-formal and kick-back casual and are tough enough to take on the great outdoors. Thanks to their ninja-like 4-way stretch fabric, imagine jeans that could handle a yoga session. No belt? No problem. The ingenious split waist design ensures a snug fit, expanding or contracting with your every move—ideal for those post-buffet moments when you need just a little more room. They are kitted out with high-step knee darts for when you need to high-kick, zippered pockets for stashing treasures, and a slim profile to keep things sleek. The redesigned front pocket layout holds items securely, preventing them from running amok. Night owls, rejoice: there’s a reflective ankle strap for those after-dark escapades, plus a handy webbing key loop that keeps keys out of the way.

These jeans outperform typical denim, proving to be the Swiss Army knife of apparel. Ready for anything, they are equipped to accompany the most dynamic lifestyles, seamlessly blending durability with style. Whether you’re conquering a mountain or navigating city chaos, these jeans are designed to support your every endeavor, proving that style and function are inseparable. They are crafted by people who live and breathe adventures for today’s doers and dreamers, making the Standard Issue Denim 001 a true standout in the world of denim.

Click Here to Buy Now: $110 $130 ($20 off). Hurry, deal ends in 72-hours!

The post These are the new standard in denim versatility and they’re definitely not your grandpa’s jeans first appeared on Yanko Design.

With These 10 Productivity Boosting WFH Designs, Elevate Your Mom’s Work-Life Balance This Mother’s Day

8 mai 2024 à 23:30

Does your mum work from home, while also managing your chaotic home and your entire family?! Well, then she’s a superhero, like all mums, because they’re truly the masters of multitasking. And if you have a mum who handles the corporate world from the comforts of her home office, while also ensuring everyone in the house doesn’t go insane, we’ve found a couple of products to help her with the former. These ingenious products make for the perfect Mother’s Day gifts for all the WFH mommies! These thoughtful, well-designed and quality products will improve her work routine and productivity, while also helping her maintain a clearer and more streamlined mindset. From a pen that floats in the air and defies gravity to a fashionable AirPods necklace that ensures your mom never loses her AirPods again – these innovative and functional WFH accessories are excellent gifts for all the hardworking mums out there!

1. Levitating Pen 3.0

One of the most important accessories on someone’s desk is their pen, and this Mother’s Day you can gift your mom a pen that isn’t simply a writing instrument but is a symbol of creative potential and innovation. Called the Levitating Pen 3.0, this sleek and sharp pen defies gravity and features a unique appearance with a spacecraft-like appearance, and the ability to float in the air! Doubling also as a fidget spinner, a statement piece and functional design, this pen is sure to command attention on even Zoom calls.

Click Here to Buy Now: $116 $129 (10% off ). Hurry, Mother’s Day sale ends in 48 hours!

Why is it noteworthy?

The Levitating Pen 3.0 is unlike your ordinary office supply. It merges cutting-edge technology with a sleek, good-looking, and minimalist design. The pen balances at a 60-degree angle, and it even gently bobs in place, making note-taking a unique and awe-spiring experience.

What we like

  • The pen utilizes a magnetic field to levitate and spin, forming an intriguing visual effect
  • Offers a writing experience that is seamless, durable, and premium
  • The holder is redesigned to be more streamlined than ever

What we dislike

  • Although the pen is quite fascinating, it can be deemed a hassle to keep the pen refills handy for prolonged use.

2. Orbitkey Nest

Called the Orbitkey Nest, this little desk organizer is a reinvented version of the stationery box. It serves as a home for your desk accessories and everyday essentials – ranging from your pencils and erasers to your EDC too. It is an excellent option for your mum to store her chargers, AirPods, hard disks, SD cards, pen drives, and more, especially if she finds herself battling with a messy desk often.

Why is it noteworthy?

The nest holds and store your tech essentials, while also ensuring the desk is well-organized and neat. It is a great tool to facilitate productivity and ensure a clutter-free mind. The upper surface features a slight indentation, which can store keys or a watch, while a dedicated zone functions as a wireless charger for phones.

What we like

  • Made from top-grain leather upper, polycarbonate shell, and a nylon fabric base layer, giving it a clean and sophisticated appearance

What we dislike

  • The overall size maybe small for some owners and we would have liked a bigger size option was made available.

3. MagBoard Clipboard

Dubbed the MagBoard Clipboard, this innovative notepad/clipboard hybrid is designed for anyone working from home, who needs to integrate adaptability and efficiency into their work schedule. The flexible and minimal product is an excellent Mother’s Day present for your mum if she is a remote worker. It features a magnet and lever mechanism that holds loose sheets safely and securely in one place.

Click Here to Buy Now: $41 $45 (10% off). Hurry, Mother’s Day sale ends in 48 hours!

Why is it noteworthy?

If your mum is bored of typical notepads, then the MagBoard Clipboard is a good option for her. It has a unique design that works well for the environment of a home office, allowing her to take notes without the constraints of a traditional notebook.

What we like

  • The clipboard utilizes magnets and levers to hold and release papers
  • It has a lightweight and compact form, making it ideal for use at home or on the go

What we dislike

  • It works well with specific page sizes, so may not be able to cater to everyone’s needs

4. Fidget Cube

If your mum is a chronic fidgeter, and you often find her fidgeting away with random objects on her desk, then it may be time to gift her something that has been designed for ‘fidgeting’. Dubbed the Fidget Cube, this unusually addictive yet high-quality desk toy is designed to help users focus. It features six sides, and each side has something for your mum to fidget with, and calm her overworked mind.

Why is it noteworthy?

The Fidget Cube includes six versatile sides, and the different sides have something different for you to do. There is – Click, Glide, Flip, Breathe, Roll, and Spin. The Click side lets the clicker in your mom out, as she doesn’t need to click on any pens anymore. With the glide action, she can enjoy the gliding action of this joystick.

What we like

  • It is available in ten different color schemes, so you can pick the one your mum would like
  • Helps in focusing and streamlining thoughts

What we dislike

  • Fidgeting isn’t considered a positive activity by everyone, so the product may not be appreciated by some people

5. The Note

Quite simply called the Note, this little note-taking accessory is the perfect product for all work-from-home moms. The Note is essentially a compact desk whiteboard that lets you swiftly take down notes with ease and efficiency. And it doesn’t function as your everyday note-taker, no, it has a few innovative tricks up its sleeve to elevate your dreary workday.

Why is it noteworthy?

If your mum spends a lot of hours in her home office, and yet somehow manages to brilliantly manage your home and family, then having a whiteboard that lets her keep track of her tasks and daily routine is an absolute godsend. This unique whiteboard can be easily flipped over or twisted, providing abundant space to write down her notes. One side of the board has a dotted grid surface to help with diagrams, while the other side is plain, or you could even have the same design on both sides.

What we like

  • The Note is equipped with a multi-purpose vertical screen to view the time, manage your appointments, and keep an eye on the calendar

What we dislike

  • The screen doesn’t support showing videos, which is a function that can be important in certain people’s fields of work

6. ASMR Zen Ball

Does work stress get to your mum quite a bit? Well, then gifting her this compact little ball could be the ideal Mother’s Day present. Dubbed the ASMR Zen Ball, this unique little design merges natural and engineered elements to form an intriguing space-inspired design which offers a tranquil and calming experience to users. It features a meteorite-inspired porous surface that swiftly absorbs aroma oils.

Click Here to Buy Now: $89 $99 (10% off). Hurry, Mother’s Day sale ends in 48 hours!

Why is it noteworthy?

Crafted from genuine volcanic stone and matte aluminum alloy, the Zen Balls functions as a fidget toy as well, providing users with an interactive yet meditative experience, allowing them to foster a relationship with the natural energy of the earth. It is a useful and valuable addition to your mum’s desk space, allowing her to take breaks from work, and regulate her stress levels.

What we like

  • Serves as a fidget toy, offering sensory stimulation, and distracting users from stressful thoughts

What we dislike

  • If the ball is not attached to the base, it could start rolling due to accidental bumps

7. The Modular Bottle

Sitting at your work desk all day can often make you forget to keep drinking your water. And if you’re mum is one of those people, then you may want to gift her the Modular Bottle this Mother’s Day! Called TMB or The Modular Bottle, this bottle tends to meet drinking requirements in every kind of situation. Whether someone’s working at home, driving to work, or even heading to the gym. The bottle will cater to your mum’s different drinking needs!

Why is it noteworthy?

The interior of the bottle is made using durable borosilicate glass, providing drinks with the perfect taste, no matter how many times the bottle is used. This also makes the bottle quite easy to clean. The mid-section of the bottle is translucent so you can easily make out how much liquid is left inside.

What we like

  • It has an Infusion Module Add-On for tea and fruits
  • It has quite a large opening, making it easy to clean
  • There is a secret compartment for snacks

What we dislike

  • Since it is a glass bottle, it is easily breakable and must be handled with care

8. AirPods/AirPods Pro Neck Strap

If your mum is obsessed with her AirPods or AirPods Pro and needs them throughout her workday to attend to important calls or to listen to essential media, well then this clever little neck strap may be for her. This AirPods/AirPods Pro Neck Strap will ensure that she never loses them, and they’re always close to her heart. They’re also great for when she is commuting or moving around and needs easy access to them.

Click Here to Buy Now: $35$39 (10% off). Hurry, Mother’s Day sale ends in 48 hours!

Why is it noteworthy?

The neck strap is made up of a woven necklace, that ensures your AirPods are around your neck at all times. It merges fashion, good looks, and practicality to create an innovative Apple accessory with a patented One-Click Magnetic Lock, which keeps your mum’s earbuds safe and secure.

What we like

  • Eliminates the risk of losing your AirPods, especially if you are on the move
  • Provides easy and quick access to your AirPods

What we dislike

  • Since they’re attached to a necklace, the AirPods are easily exposed to damage, dirt, and weather elements

9. BetterBack

If your mum is sitting at her work desk in her home office all day long, then she is bound to suffer from some back pain. And if you want your mum to take better care of her back and posture, well then you better get her the BetterBack! The BetterBack provides instant relief from back pain. It lets the user sit effortlessly in the perfect posture, not only easing back pain but also helping to prevent it.

Why is it noteworthy?

The BetterBack features a lightweight and portable design, and it successfully makes every chair ergonomic. Your mum simply needs to wear it for 15 minutes a day, and it retrains her body’s default posture, allowing her to stand or sit properly without the BetterBack, in turn improving her posture.

What we like

  • Stabilizes the pelvis, and restores the spine’s natural curvature, in turn providing lumbar supports

What we dislike

  • You cannot clip it to your waist, so it can be a pain to stand up and sit down with it

10. Light-Up Desk Lamp

This desk lamp is called the Light-Up Desk Lamp, and quite interestingly, it is inspired by the story of a light switch, which according to the designer has more meaning when it is turned on, than when it illuminates a space. The designer believes that turning on the switch indicates a new beginning, which leads to the creation of the Light-Up Lamp. What a wonderful and thoughtful gift to give your mum this Mother’s Day, right?

Why is it noteworthy?

The Light-Up Lamp is designed to get your mum into ‘work mode’, the minute the lamp is switched on. The lamp doesn’t really have a very complicated design. It is simple and focused and aims to create a seamless work environment the second it is switched on. It doesn’t have any sudden color changes or any odd flickers.

What we like

  • It is designed to enhance productivity
  • It is also an excellent table organizer, as you can hold up sticky notes on it

What we dislike

  • It is a tall and bulky design, so it will occupy some precious real estate on your desk. Not the most compact desk lamp on the market

The post With These 10 Productivity Boosting WFH Designs, Elevate Your Mom’s Work-Life Balance This Mother’s Day first appeared on Yanko Design.

Polestar Fenrir is a sophisticated electric hot rod straight from the Hot Wheels universe

Par : Gaurav Sood
8 mai 2024 à 19:15

Polestar as an electric car manufacturer has taken the heat to Tesla in the last few years. The Swedish brand has proved its metal with the Polestar 2 EV, even when stacked against the Tesla Model 3. There’s a whole lot to like and the brand is evolving in the right direction.

The Polestar 6 slated for production in 2026 as an open-top grand tourer has got the challenge very well accepted for future dominance, at least in the electric roadster domain. We though, are always on the hunt for something larger than life in the concept world. Just like this Hot Wheels-inspired Polestar hot rod that would be perfect for the Japanese street racing scene.

Designer: Henrique Alves

This electric concept named Polestar Fenrir imagined for the 2024 Polestar design contest hits the nail right on its head with the Hot Wheels theme. That’s because the contest is done in collaboration with Hot Wheels. The only doubt in Henrique’s mind was if the vehicle should be a Monster Truck, Surf Van or Dune Buggy. Ultimately he went for the obvious choice of a hot rod, since Hot Wheels is all about cool street racers. The idea was to fuse the Hot Rod DNA to a modern electric car aesthetic that the designer creatively achieved with the form.

The contours are maintained at the right places while the heavy influence of an EV is not ignored at all. Muscular element also follows in with a forward-leaning stance that’s exemplified by the fat rear, both in the body and the size of the wheels. This broadening stance from the front to the back makes space for a unique two-seater configuration. The low ride height barely enough to slip through a sheet of paper means the hot rod will have to avoid any bumps or speed breakers.

The designer expresses the creation as a 2-seater hot rod with some goofiness and playful feelings. He adds that the Polestar Fenrir is a well-proportionated EV racer with minimal lines and shapes that complement the Polestar’s visual identity. Surely we second that thought and a Polestar concept of the future could draw inspiration from this model.

The post Polestar Fenrir is a sophisticated electric hot rod straight from the Hot Wheels universe first appeared on Yanko Design.

The Top 5 Pipedrive Alternatives for 2024

Discover the top alternatives to Pipedrive. Explore a curated list of CRM platforms with similar features, pricing and pros and cons to find the best fit for your business.

Discutez avec les interviews de Steve Jobs !

Par : Korben
7 mai 2024 à 05:00

Fans de Steve Jobs, réjouissez-vous !

Grâce à la magie de l’intelligence artificielle, vous allez pouvoir discuter avec votre gourou préféré. Enfin, quand je dis « discuter », c’est un bien grand mot. Disons plutôt que vous allez pouvoir poser des questions à un modèle de langage entraîné sur une petite quantité d’interviews et discours de Steve Jobs himself.

Pour cela, le créateur de ce chatbot a utilisé un service nommé qui permet justement de chatter avec des vidéos et le résultat est plutôt cool, même si le chatbot n’incarne pas directement Steve Jobs (pour des questions éthiques j’imagine et pour n’énerver personne…)

Bref, de quoi vous inspirer et vous motiver sans forcement mater des heures et des heures d’interviews.

Top 10 Tiny Product Ideas For Mother’s Day That Will Become Your Mom’s Everyday Essentials

6 mai 2024 à 23:30

Mother’s Day is only a couple of days away, and this is the one day in the year when we get to shower some extra love on our moms and make them feel super special – although this should be every day. If you’re looking for a functional gift that’ll make her everyday life just a little bit easier then you’ve reached the right spot. We’ve curated a collection of tiny yet power-packed product designs that are thoughtful, functional and pretty effective at getting daily tasks done. They truly pack a punch with their unmatched utility, attention to detail, and not to mention their insanely good looks. In today’s world where space constraints are a major issue, we need belongings that occupy minimum space while doing their job perfectly

1. Pocket Everlasting Metal Pencil

Meet the Pocket Everlasting Metal Pencil – a unique pencil with a Wacom-like stylus with a tip you don’t need to sharpen or replace. The Pocket Everlasting Metal Pencil is a unique and innovative pencil that allows you to focus on the task at hand – whether it is drawing, sketching, or writing. It has a small compact form, which makes it easy to carry around with you and needs no sharpening. Best of all, it comes with a cover to keep from any accidental scratch marks ruining your bag.

Click Here to Buy Now: $18 $19.95 (10% off). Hurry, Mother’s Day sale ends in 48 hours!

Why is it noteworthy?

The octagonal shaft of the pencil is made from aluminum, and it features a special alloy core. This may give the impression that it could leave heavy grooves on the paper, but instead, it draws like an actual pencil, and the tip doesn’t even wear down even after making many marks.

What we like

  • Features a metal core (graphite and alloy), not a clay or charcoal one, so it wears away quite slowly while remaining sharp
  • Delivers upto 10 miles worth of scribbles

What we dislike

  • If you use smudging techniques, it is not the preferred pen for you, as it doesn’t smear or smudge like normal graphite

2. Nothing N(pod) 1

Dubbed the Nothing Npod (1), this resurrected iPod by Shreyansh Onial and Aditya Pandharpure is created to be a tribute to Apple’s beloved iconic iPod Shuffle with Nothing’s signature transparent aesthetic and glyph interaction. It perfectly merges the design elements of Apple and Nothing, making for a cool little design for your mom to listen to music to in her free time, and given the minimal interface, it’ll be a breeze to use. Be it while walking, listening to her favourite audiobook/podcast, cooking, working out or doing a random chores, this tiny gadget is sure to be her one thing she cannot do without!

Why is it noteworthy?

It features a signature control panel on the front, as well as a matching circular glyph interface on the back, truly functioning as a fan-made reinterpretation of the iPod Shuffle. It also has a wireless charging coil on the back, as well as a USB-C charger on the bottom.

What we like

  • Perfectly combines the design language of Apple and Nothing to create a unique audio device
  • Minimal size, maximum output

What we dislike

  • It doesn’t have a pocket clip so you cant attach it to your clothes

3. Miniature Bonfire Wood Diffuser Set

Named the Miniature Bonfire Wood Diffuser Set, this tiny design is the ultimate relaxation-inducing product for your mom. It recreates the smell and experience of an enchanting and relaxing outdoor fire. After a long day of battling with the world, this is the ideal design to help your mum relax, unwind and add some wonder to her space.

Click Here to Buy Now: $89 $99 (10% off). Hurry, Mother’s Day sale ends in 48 hours!

Why is it noteworthy?

The miniature hardwood is extracted from branches that are meant to be thrown away. They emit a smoky smell which burnt on the stainless steel oven. You can add a few drops of essential oils to create the aroma of the Mt.Hakusan trees, providing an excellent outdoor scent.

What we like

  • You can use them as a cooking or heating tool by adding wood
  • Can easily be kept as an aroma diffuser to match any space

What we dislike

  • Requires small pieces of wood of specific sizes

4. AirTag Carabiners

These AirTag Carabiners are unlike typical old carabiners. They are a new and upgraded version of metal carabiners, as they are precision-made with a non-bulky and lightweight form. These carabiners are portable and pretty easy to carry around, as well as easy to use and operate, ensuring your mom never really loses her keys!

Click Here to Buy Now: $107 $119 (10% off). Hurry, Mother’s Day sale ends in 48 hours!

Why is it noteworthy?

Meticulously handcrafted, the carabiners provide durability and sturdiness. Each carabiner is quite unique, as manufacturing conditions can alter the final product, forming a new design every single time.

What we like

  • Produced from premium-quality metal by hand
  • The Duralumin composite alloy used is suitable for use in water, making it an essential on rainly days

What we dislike

  • Attaching and detaching the carabiner isn’t the most easy and user-friendly task

5. Nike LED Mask

This conceptual Nike LED mask is perfect for some Mother’s Day grooming! This Nike LED mask is a unique conceptual design that allows users to take care of their skin, without visiting a facility to pamper their skin. It is a refreshing change from the typical face masks from Sephora. It has an intuitive and unique interface.

Why is it noteworthy?

The Nike LED mask features a user-friendly CMF which lets users get comfortable with it quickly, allowing them to handle it with ease. It has a pretty sporty and fun image, which makes it quite relatable and attracts people to use it.

What we like

  • Eliminates the need to touch your face with your hands
  • It has an accessible and user-friendly design

What we dislike

  • It is currently a conceptual design, so we are unsure how well it would work as a tangible product

6. 8-in-1 EDC Scissors

Coined the 8-in-1 EDC Scissor is an excellent tool for culinary adventures – whether indoors or outdoors. These tiny scissors can be pulled apart to form a set of knives. The scissors also have a nutcracker, can opener, fire starter, and built-in bottle opener – creating a tool that is compact, handy, and nifty. Actually, we’re surprised there are not many EDC’s catered to women – after all, who needs to be prepared for any situation better than a mom!

Click Here to Buy Now: $53 $59 (10% off). Hurry, Mother’s Day sale ends in 48 hours!

Why is it noteworthy?

The 8-in-1 EDC scissor has an innovative design with two knives, as well as a bunch of multitools for whenever the need arises. When put back together, the scissors can cut through cured meats and the serrated mid-section can be used to crack walnuts too.

What we like

  • Great for indoor and outdoor cooking sessions
  • Practical well-designed tool with a 8 distinct functionalities
  • Comes with a leather pouch to carry it around with ease

What we dislike

  • Comes in only one colour – a black oxidised film.

7. Key Holder Wakka

Does your mum have a tough time holding onto her keys and often has to follow up with you to keep track of your keys? Well, you need to gift her the Key Holder Wakka this Mother’s Day! This tiny yet functional product features a stylish key ring and a wooden base, which pair up to form a utilitarian yet good-looking product to safely store away keys.

Click Here to Buy Now: $40.5 $45 (10% off). Hurry, Mother’s Day sale ends in 48 hours!

Why is it noteworthy?

The Key Holder Wakka utilizes a strong neodymium magnet which ensures the keyring is always in the correct place, creating a brisk tapping sound when pulled away. You can pick between brass, iron, or stainless steel options in Silver/Maple and Silver/Walnut.

What we like

  • Converts storing away your keys into an engaging and fun activity
  • Ensures you don’t lose your keys ever again

What we dislike

  • The neodymium magnet cannot accommodate heavy sets of keys very well

8. POD

Dubbed POD, this tiny minimalist timer lets you enjoy the benefits of a Pomodoro timer without having to use a clunky analog timer, especially a design that will look quite awkward on your desk. POD has a compact and simple form that won’t occupy much space on your precious desk.

Why is it noteworthy?

It combines the feeling of an analog timer with the functionality and convenience of an electronic device. It adopts a compact, minimal, and appealing form, letting you start the countdown by pushing the puck down like a button.

What we like

  • The timer isn’t very distracting and only utilizes flashing lights instead of vibrations and sounds to get your attention

What we dislike

  • The battery needs to be replaced which can be quite annoying

9. Playful Palm Grater

Another thoughtful little design for your mother this Mother’s Day is the Playful Palm Grater. This wonderful product will add some functional amusement to your kitchen space, while also fitting perfectly in your mom’s palm, letting her grate some fresh garnishing onto the family meals or assign it to you on a busy day.

Click Here to Buy Now: $22.5 $25 (10% off). Hurry, Mother’s Day sale ends in 48 hours!

Why is it noteworthy?

The grater looks like a curled piece of paper and has a bunch of cool colors to pick from. You can pick the perfect color for your mom, one that matches her kitchen as well as her personality.

What we like

  • Offers a sturdy grip
  • Converts the mundane task of grating into something whimsical and fun

What we dislike

  • Although we love its small size, it is a drawback when it comes to grating large amounts of food

10. Bath Bot

This unique Bath Bot by Lush is designed to be your very own “digital bath bomb”. It offers a “custom light, sound, and color experience” whenever you take a bath. The Bath Bot uplifts your everyday bathing experience to create something that is extraordinary and comfortable. It makes for an excellent Mother’s Day gift – effectively creating a bath mood to reflect her day!

Why is it noteworthy?

The Bath Bot is the same size and shape as Lush’s typical bath bots. It also features a waterproof speaker that you can put in the bathtub or on the sink near your shower if you don’t have a bathtub in your bathroom.

What we like

  • It offers a 180-degree sound show so you can play your favorite music audiobook or podcast while enjoying a bath

What we dislike

  • It’s still available for preorder, so we hope the product will live up to its description

The post Top 10 Tiny Product Ideas For Mother’s Day That Will Become Your Mom’s Everyday Essentials first appeared on Yanko Design.
