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8 Fascinating LEGO Builds Based On Iconic Paintings That Art Aficionados Cannot Miss

9 mai 2024 à 11:40

It’s really quite extraordinary how there is a wonderful LEGO build for almost everything out there. Whether it’s a bowl of ramen, a scene from the show Friends, or even the Batmobile – honestly you can find LEGO’s adorable tendrils creeping almost everywhere, and we absolutely love it! So, it is a given that LEGO will eventually find itself in the prestigious and beautiful world of art. In this collection of LEGO builds, we’ve curated LEGO creations based on iconic paintings! From da Vinci’s Mona Lisa to the iconic Greate Wave of Kanagawa – we’ve curated a collection of beautiful LEGO builds inspired by tremendous works of art.

1. The Great Wave Of Kanagawa

One of the most iconic and beloved paintings in the art world is The Great Wave of Kanagawa. It is a significant and precious hallmark of Japan’s Ukioy-e art movement, and LEGO Art has recreated a LEGO version utilizing plastic blocks and a brick count of 1810 pieces. The piece includes a special brick with the artist Hokusai’s signature. The build includes multiple dot-shaped bricks which impart the painting with a pointillism effect.

2. Girl With A Pearl Earring

Made from 1619 LEGO bricks, the ‘Girl with a Pearl Earring’ LEGO build perfectly replicates the painting, and has some actual depth to it. Since LEGO bricks were used to build the piece, it does lack some of the finer details, but this is what makes it even more charming and unique. The girl in the build has the same blue and yellow headscarf, and a contemplative expression paired up with the pretty pearl earring which is the star feature of the painting.

3. The Scream

Edvard Munch’s The Scream painting was converted into an intriguing LEGO build! It perfectly captures the anxiety and fear Munch wanted to create in his painting, around 130 years ago. Created by LEGO builder Spacemanship, the build is made using 2999 pieces. He wanted to give people suffering from anxiety an outlet or channel for their emotions, and he really did a great job with this LEGO kit. The LEGO Ideas submission garnered a 10,000 votes milestone, and will soon be converted into a buyable LEGO kit.

4. The Portrait of a Woman in a Hat

Made by LEGO user Mecesoo, this intriguing brick-based portrait captures and recreates the essence of Picasso’s stroke by using colorful plastic bricks instead. The portrait is built using 1070 bricks without any loose bricks or collisions. The build is almost true in size to the original, hence serving as a brilliant replica. The painting is teamed up with a Minifigure of Picasso, an easel with his canvas on it, as well as two Picasso quotes with the artist’s signature.

5. LEGO Van Gogh’s Sunflowers

Van Gogh’s sunflowers become quite popular on Instagram, garnering a whole lot of attention. And LEGO master builder Chi Hsin Wei converted it into a stunning LEGO rendition. The pretty MOC includes a frame, and a fantastic three-dimensional rendition of the painting, with the flowers popping out of the canvas, and welcoming you with their simple beauty and charm.

6. The Starry Night

Vincent van Gogh The Starry Night LEGO Set

Vincent van Gogh The Starry Night LEGO Set

The Starry Night LEGO Set is based on Vincent van Gogh’s namesake painting. It is a 3D representation of the iconic oil-on-canvas painting by the Dutch Post-Impressionist painter. The build is another product of a LEGO designer’s imagination being put into production, and being converted to reality from an idea. This final production set is up for purchase, and LEGO lovers can create their own Starry Night recreation.

7. Mona Lisa

Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa is brought to LEGO life with the LEGO® Art Mona Lisa (31213) painting building kit. You can recreate your own interpretation of da Vinci’s iconic painting. It features a bluer hue to reflect the colors that were used by da Vinci around 500 years ago, before paint evolved and changed with time. It serves as a beautiful wall art, or even as a lovely home decor gift for art lovers.

8. Andy Warhol’s Marilyn Monroe Portrait

The LEGO Art 31197 Andy Warhol’s Marilyn Monroe is for all the Andy Warhol and Marilyn Monroe fans out there! This fascinating set lets you recreate Andy Warhol’s famous pop art portrait of Marilyn Monroe. Once completed, the build features an exclusive signature tile and can be displayed as art on a wall or shelf. You are able to reproduce and recreate the iconic, mass-reproduced piece of pop art from the 1960s.

The post 8 Fascinating LEGO Builds Based On Iconic Paintings That Art Aficionados Cannot Miss first appeared on Yanko Design.

The Avalon Is A Spacious Three Bedroom Tiny Home For A Small Family

3 mai 2024 à 15:20

Designed by Dragon Tiny Homes, the Avalon home has an economical price tag, and packs a punch by fitting in three bedrooms inside a compact and cozy frame. This home has been designed for a small family and lets you enjoy a tiny home with a sense of spaciousness and some luxury. Based on a double-axle trailer and measuring 24 feet long, the Avalon home has a width of 8.6 feet, allowing it to be towed on a public road in North America without any permit. The exterior of the home features a finish in engineered wood.

Designer: Dragon Tiny Homes

Measuring almost 204 square feet, the home has been clad in shiplap. The interior of the home is placed around a central living/cooking area which contains a kitchen and a sofa. The amenities are a bit basic, but they’re almost a bit expensive. It features quartz countertops and stainless steel fittings, as well as a sink, electric stove, and space for a fridge and other appliances. There is also some cabinetry.

The bathroom is adjacent to the sink and can be entered via a sliding door. The bathroom includes a vanity sink, shower, and a flushing toilet. The main bedroom is downstairs and on the opposite end of the bathroom. The bedroom can be entered via a sliding door, and it has loads of headroom to stand straight. The space also includes a double bed. The Avalon also includes two typical tiny house-style lofts and both the bedrooms have low ceilings, and can be accessed via a removable ladder. One of the bedrooms is a standard bedroom, while the other is a playroom though it could also be used as an office, third bedroom, or storage space.

The Avalon is currently priced at US$74,950, but Dragon Tiny Homes can elevate the finish and furniture for an extra cost, so you can customize and uplift the home according to your liking and preference.

The post The Avalon Is A Spacious Three Bedroom Tiny Home For A Small Family first appeared on Yanko Design.

Top 5 Global Cyber Security Trends of 2023, According to Google Report

3 mai 2024 à 16:52
According to the M-Trends report, the average time it takes for an organisation to detect an attacker in their environment has decreased from 16 days in 2022 to 10 days in 2023.

La Quadrature du Net contre-attaque face à la surveillance algorithmique

Par : Korben
2 mai 2024 à 15:28

Plic, ploc, plic, ploc… Vous entendez ce bruit ? C’est celui de nos libertés qui s’érodent, goutte après goutte, sous les assauts répétés de la surveillance généralisée. Et le dernier tsunami en date n’est autre que la vidéosurveillance algorithmique (VSA), ce monstre tentaculaire qui s’apprête à transformer nos rues en un gigantesque panoptique à ciel ouvert. Mais heureusement, tel un David numérique face au Goliath de la Technopolice, La Quadrature du Net sort sa fronde et ses plus belles pierres pour contre-attaquer !

Première salve : le lancement d’une grande campagne de sensibilisation et de mobilisation citoyenne. L’idée est d’informer le grand public sur les dangers de ce 1984 à la sauce 2024 et donner des outils concrets pour riposter. Au menu : une brochure détaillée à diffuser sans modération, des affiches choc à placarder sur tous les murs, et même un compte Mastodon dédié, Attrap’Surveillance, pour suivre l’évolution de la menace et organiser la résistance. Ce compte analyse les recueils des actes administratifs des préfectures pour détecter les premières expérimentations de vidéosurveillance algorithmique, autorisées localement par des arrêtés préfectoraux dans le cadre de la loi du 24 janvier 2023. Parce que face à la prolifération des caméras biométriques, il va falloir plus que quelques bouts de scotchs ou coups de peinture sur les objectifs des caméras pour sauver notre vie privée !

Deuxième salve : le dépôt d’une plainte contre le projet Prevent PCP devant la CNIL. C’est quoi encore ce truc ? Et bien c’est une expérimentation grandeur nature de la reconnaissance biométrique dans les gares, présentée comme un outil miraculeux pour détecter les bagages abandonnés. Ce dispositif suit les personnes qui ont déposé un bagage à travers l’ensemble des caméras en utilisant de la reconnaissance de caractéristiques physiques. Sauf que derrière cette jolie vitrine se cache un véritable cheval de Troie sécuritaire, mené en catimini par un consortium d’entreprises et d’institutions publiques (dont ces chères SNCF et RATP). Un projet totalement illégal, en somme, que La Quadrature entend bien renvoyer sur les rails de l’État de droit.

Car ne nous y trompons pas, derrière les jolis slogans sur la « sécurité augmentée » et la « smart city » notamment survendue dans le cadre des Jeux Olympiques, c’est bien de contrôle social qu’il s’agit. Ces dispositifs de vidéosurveillance « intelligents » sont en réalité programmés pour repérer automatiquement certaines catégories d’événements, comme le franchissement ou la présence d’une personne dans une zone interdite ou sensible, une densité trop élevée de personnes, un mouvement de foule ou encore la présence d’objets abandonnés.

Autant d’informations précieuses pour ficher, tracer et réprimer toute personne ou comportement jugé « anormal » ou « à risque » par les autorités. Sans oublier les inévitables biais, bugs et détournements inhérents à ces technologies opaques et faillibles, qui risquent de transformer nos villes en véritables usines à discrimination et à exclusion.

Face à cette dystopie qui n’a plus rien de fictive, il est donc urgent de se mobiliser et de résister au contrôle permanent de nos faits et gestes. Et c’est précisément ce que propose La Quadrature avec sa campagne percutante et ses actions juridiques ciblées.

Bref n’attendez plus et rejoignez le combat, diffusez l’information, et montrez à Big Brother que la liberté n’est pas soluble dans ses algorithmes.

Google Pixel Fold 2: News, Rumors, Price, and Release Date

Par : JC Torres
24 avril 2024 à 15:20

Despite developing an operating system that’s used on a variety of devices and computers, Google has practically snubbed anything other than a smartphone. It’s notorious for having a love-hate relationship with tablets, for example, so it was a bit of a surprise that Google would launch its own foldable device. Perhaps even more surprising is how it might actually release a second-gen foldable phone. Given its pedigree, the next Google foldable is definitely going to pique people’s curiosity, whether it will be called the Pixel Fold 2 or the Pixel 9 Pro Fold. Judging from what we’ve been hearing so far, this foldable phone will be undergoing several significant changes, though not all of them might appeal to Pixel fans and onlookers alike.

Designer: Google (renders courtesy of Smartprix, @OnLeaks)

Google Pixel Fold 2: Design

For three generations since the Pixel 6 in 2021, Google seemed to have settled on a signature design that, unusual as it may have been, gave its phones a unique personality. It seems, however, that Google has gotten tired of that look and will be moving to a different design for the Pixel 9 series. For better or for worse, that change is apparently happening to the foldable version of the Pixel as well, but not in the same way as leaks and renders would have it.

The camera bump, which was a horizontal bar across the width of the Pixel Fold’s “back,” has now been reduced to a more conventional rectangle. But unlike the ones you’d see on other smartphones, Google opted for an odd horizontal layout, with black pill-shaped markings that hold the actual camera lenses. It’s definitely an unusual design, but unlike the current “visor” shape, many might find it visually unappealing.

Fortunately, there will be even more important design changes in store for the Pixel Fold 2 (or Pixel 9 Pro Fold), though they might be a bit more subtle. According to rumors and at least one leaked prototype, the next Google foldable will have an outer screen that is taller than its predecessor, yielding an unfolded shape that is more square than the first Pixel Fold as well. Whereas the Pixel Fold had a rectangular shape that resembled a small notebook, the Pixel Fold 2 could be more like a minuscule iPad mini.

This change in screen aspect ratios isn’t just cosmetic and will have important usability implications. It won’t be as tall and narrow as the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5, which is notorious for being almost unusable as a regular phone, but it could make it a bit more awkward to use the Pixel Fold 2 in folded form, at least with a single hand. Those who loved the current wider design of the Pixel Fold might be disappointed, but those who missed using a 16:9 phone will welcome this change.

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2

Google Pixel Fold 2: Specs and Software

With the change in screen aspect ratios come changes in screen sizes as well, and everyone will probably love what’s rumored so far. The Pixel Fold 2/Pixel 9 Pro Fold is expected to have bigger screens on both sides, though there is some agreement on the exact sizes. Some claim that the external Cover Screen will be 6.4 inches and the main foldable screen will be 7.9 inches, while another source uses 6.29 inches and 8.02 inches for those same screens, respectively. Either way, it will still be a significant size boost compared to the current Pixel Fold’s 5.8-inch exterior and 7.6-inch interior displays.

As far as the hardware is concerned, Google might debut a new Tensor G4 on the Pixel Fold 2, a very big leap from the Tensor G2 on the OG Pixel Fold. Details on this new processor are still extremely slim at this point, but you can expect significant performance improvements, especially on Google’s favorite AI features. Uncharacteristically, Google might also be extra generous and give the Pixel Fold 2 as much as 16GB of RAM, something that even the Galaxy Z Fold 6 isn’t expected to have.

There seems to be some disagreement on which version of Android the Pixel Fold 2 will ship with, but that mostly depends on when the foldable device will actually launch. It could go with Android 14, which is the current version in circulation, or it could delay it to coincide with the release of Android 15. Pushing the Pixel 9 Pro Fold’s launch to the end of the year might sound unreasonable, but there might be one very good reason for doing so. Android 15 betas have revealed that Google implemented improvements to the behavior of apps on foldable phones, something that its Pixel Fold badly needed.

Google Pixel Fold 2: Cameras

It’s a bit surprising that there hasn’t been any news on the kind of cameras that the Pixel Fold 2 will bear. The new camera design on the back may look like Google was making room for an additional camera, but the lack of news in that department suggests otherwise. In short, the new Pixel Fold may still be using the exact same three sensors as the current model, with some additional lenses for focusing or maybe a thermal sensor for taking temperatures. It wouldn’t be unheard of for Google, since it prefers to rely on software solutions to improve image quality.

Another big camera design change will be the internal selfie camera which used to sit on the Pixel Fold’s ugly thick bezels. According to leaks and renders, the Pixel Fold 2 will do away with those atrocities, which means there’s a need to move the camera to a different place. The consensus is that it will take the form of an under-display camera similar to the Galaxy Z Fold, but it’s also possible Google will opt for a simpler solution that has a traditional punch-hole cutout for the camera.

Google Pixel Fold 2: Price and Release Date

Although the Pixel Fold 2, or Pixel 9 Pro Fold, will be advertised as an upgrade, it doesn’t seem like a huge generational leap if not for the difference in design and the new Tensor G4 processor. As such, it’s probably only reasonable to expect that the price tag won’t go higher than the $1,800 that the first Pixel Fold launched with. At the same time, it’s also not expected to go lower than that either.

As for its launch date, that could depend on whether Google wants to delay it to sync with Android 15’s release. If it’s fine with having it run Android 14 out of the box, it could follow the same schedule last year that saw the Pixel Fold hit shelves in June. Otherwise, we might be looking at an October date after Android 15 goes gold. Either way, we’ll definitely find out more next month when Google reveals the real deal at I/O 2024.

Google Pixel Fold 2: Final Thoughts

The first Pixel Fold was definitely a surprise for Google fans. It managed to carry some of the personality of the Pixel design language to a foldable phone, along with Google’s blessed flavor of the Android user experience. At the same time, however, it really failed to stand up to other options in the market, and its very thick bezels were a big turn-off for more design-conscious consumers.

Fortunately, the Pixel Fold 2 will be improving on those pain points, but it raises the question of whether it’s actually enough or if they’re the right changes to make. The screens will be larger and have thinner bezels, but Google is also moving away from an aspect ratio that was praised by some reviewers as one of its winning traits. The camera design will definitely be divisive, especially if it doesn’t bring significant improvements to the camera system anyway. While the Pixel Fold 2, or Pixel 9 Pro Fold, will catch the attention of Pixel fans and market watchers, it might not end up being the big hit that Google wants it to be, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy of low sales that will lead to the early demise of Google’s foldable phone line.

The post Google Pixel Fold 2: News, Rumors, Price, and Release Date first appeared on Yanko Design.

Elago Game Boy style MagSafe iPhone charger looks fun but comes up short

Par : JC Torres
24 avril 2024 à 13:20

Nostalgia is a powerful emotion, as proven by the number of successful crowdfunded projects and launched products that try to capitalize on this ongoing retro trend, especially in the gaming industry. Vintage designs of the past are today’s quirky oddities, and there are many who are quick to jump on the bandwagon. While many of these retro designs try to also recreate the experience of holding a real gaming console or turntable with some modern features and conveniences, others are just content to copy the aesthetics of old-school products and leave it at that. This MagSafe iPhone charger might be in that latter category, and while it is charming in the way it brings back fun, playful memories, it could have probably gone further if it really wanted to.

Designer: Elago

To be fair, the Elago WS M5 Charging Stand does exactly what it says it does, which is to offer a fun MagSafe charger in the design of the Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP. In that regard, it does its job well, providing a stable and useful stand for charging the phone. The fixed 30-degree angle, for example, is claimed to be perfect for watching videos or using iOS Standby Mode at night. It even has helpful support on its back to prevent the charger from tipping backward from the weight of the phone.

Elago never claimed that the stand was a functional gaming device, despite all visual indicators. It’s simply meant to inspire a trip down memory lane and nothing more. The buttons do nothing and you can’t fold the charger close like the original handheld it was based on. For a $25 MagSafe charging stand, that’s a bit disappointing. It sort of raises expectations and then dashes them quickly, making those good old days really feel more like a distant memory.

It’s also a missed opportunity for innovation and distinction. Sure, it won’t make much sense to turn it into a makeshift game controller, but having the buttons trigger some action on the phone or do anything at all is significantly better than making you feel like an idiot for expecting that a button press would actually result in something. A clamshell design would have also made this charging stand a bit more portable while relying on a kickstand mechanism to provide that same stability and support.

What this Game Boy-like MagSafe charger really accomplishes is to demonstrate the biggest benefit of this magnetic wireless charging technology. Sure, charging without cables is convenient, but its speed still leaves a lot to be desired. Instead, it’s the freedom to design a wider variety of accessories, from chargers to stands to docks, that MagSafe really shines, and this Elago WS M5, underwhelming as it might be, is just the tip of the iceberg of what’s possible.

The post Elago Game Boy style MagSafe iPhone charger looks fun but comes up short first appeared on Yanko Design.
