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Hier — 16 mai 2024Flux principal

Cisco’s Splunk Acquisition Should Help Security Pros See Threats Sooner in Australia and New Zealand

Par : Ben Abbott
16 mai 2024 à 13:23
Cisco’s Splunk acquisition was finalised in March 2024. Splunk’s Craig Bates says the combined offering could enhance observability and put data to work for security professionals in an age of AI threat defence.

Portable AI device uses camera, projectors, sensors to make you more productive

Par : Ida Torres
16 mai 2024 à 13:20

For better or for worse, depending on where you stand on the debate, artificial intelligence has changed and will continue changing how we create and communicate. Services like ChatGPT, Midjourney, Gemini, and Copilot are pretty popular with those who are adventurous enough to experiment with AI. We can expect that over the next few years, we’ll see more services, gadgets, and devices that can help us use the technology and integrate it into our workflow and every day lives.

Designers: Mingwan Bae, Sohyun An, Junyoung Min, Youngsuh Yoo

Lay is a concept for a portable AI device that is equipped with a wide-angle camera, a projector, and a sensing module. The 48MP wide-angle camera has a 13mm focal length and is able to recognize objects and space as well as have text recognition and upscale objects it can scan. The 4K UHD projector can project up to 30 inches screen with auto keystone and has under 10cm ultra-short throw distance and high brightness and contrast. The sensing module, which includes LiDAR, ambient light, and proximity sensors, is able to sense its surroundings in real time.

The device basically scans your surroundings and then leverage AI to make suggestions and give assistance on tasks that you can do to as you’re working, drawing, reading, scribbling, building, creating, or just leisurely browsing. It looks like a small spherical robot with a round head that moves around and that you can carry around and place on your desk or space as it helps you make your workflow smoother. It projects onto a surface which will serve as your screen as you do your different tasks. It can recognize and select text, drawings, photos, sketches and then all the content and information are updated in your real-time cloud.

The device still seems to be mostly theoretical and specific tasks you can do or that it can suggest are still a bit vague. But it’s an interesting concept for an AI-powered device that you can carry around with you especially if you’re a digital nomad. And with the speed at which some digital natives and early adapters are using and exploring AI, this can actually be a real device soon.

The post Portable AI device uses camera, projectors, sensors to make you more productive first appeared on Yanko Design.

Une visite guidée impressionnante des locaux de !

Par : Korben
15 mai 2024 à 23:52

Malgré l’heure tardive, j’espère que vous êtes bien réveillé parce que je vous emmène dans une visite incroyable au cœur des coulisses d’une entreprise que j’aime beaucoup : ! Les esprits brillants qui travaillent là bas, on eu la gentillesse d’ouvrir grand les portes de leurs bureaux à San Diego dans un live Youtube aujourd’hui, et croyez-moi, ça en vaut la peine !

Alors, pour ceux qui sont à la masse, c’est une startup fondée par George Hotz, qui carbure à l’innovation et qui s’attaque à rien de moins qu’au défi de la voiture autonome ! Et malgré ce qu’on pourrait penser quand on regarde les médias grands publics, on n’est pas du tout dans du vaporware puisque ça fonctionne très bien… D’ailleurs bien mieux que ce qu’il y a sur Tesla.

Avec ses algorithmes avancés d’apprentissage automatique et une intégration hardware plutôt sophistiquée et robuste, ce boitier transforme n’importe quelle voiture compatible en un véhicule semi-autonome (niveau 2 voire 2 et demi). D’ailleurs, leur produit est déjà opérationnel sur le terrain et utilisé par des milliers de personnes dont les retours sont très positif.

Mais ce qui fait la particularité de cette entreprise, c’est que leurs ingénieurs développent leur produit de A à Z, du hardware au logiciel en passant par les modèles IA…etc. C’est ce qu’on appelle une véritable boîte tech !

Et ne se contente pas de rêver, ils réalisent et ils livrent. Leur approche, qui allie matériel ouvert et logiciels libres, permet à une communauté mondiale de contributeurs d’améliorer leurs systèmes en continu. De plus, la transparence et la collaboration sont au cœur de leurs valeurs, ce qui permet de rendre les véhicules plus « intelligents », la conduite plus « chill » et les routes plus sûres.

Et si vous aimez les défis techniques, la conception, l’IA…etc et que vous êtes super bon, peu importe vos diplômes, sachez que Comma recrute à fond en ce moment… Je dis ça, je dis rien.

Et justement dans cette vidéo, vous allez découvrir leur fameux produit, le Comma 3, en pleine fabrication. Les gars nous font visiter leur « Comma Factory », là où la magie opère et où chaque élément est conçu avec une précision méticuleuse, de la conception des cartes à leur assemblage final. Vous aurez ainsi un aperçu unique de l’environnement de développement, mais également des défis techniques rencontrés et des innovations mises en place.

Enfin, si la sécurité en ligne vous intéresse, sachez qu’ils mettent un point d’honneur à protéger les informations de leurs utilisateurs et chaque ligne de code est scrutée à la loupe pour garantir une robustesse maximale contre les attaques potentielles.

Bref, retenez bien le nom de cette société car grâce à cette bande de geeks, le futur des voitures autonomes… c’est déjà le présent.

What if AirPods had ChatGPT, could translate languages, and came with a touchscreen case?

Par : Sarang Sheth
16 mai 2024 à 01:45

Meet the Wooask TransBuds A8 – a pair of TWS earbuds that are so unique you’ll want to ditch your AirPods for them. Built with ChatGPT integration in the earbuds themselves, these wearables put the power of AI in your ear, actively translating 147 languages and accents in real-time, without an app. What’s better, if you do need to navigate through the TransBuds A8’s functionalities, you don’t even need to look at your smartphone, the earbuds case comes with a nifty 2-inch screen for both online or offline translation, as well as the ability to simply chat with ChatGPT the way Iron Man chats with JARVIS. Oh, and you can listen to music too.

Designer: Wooask Technology

Click Here to Buy Now: $179 $299 (40% off). Hurry, only 63/200 left!

The A8 translation earbuds facilitate real-time bidirectional translation, allowing two people to wear one earbud each for instant simultaneous interpretation.

The TransBuds A8 has a familiar design, albeit with a few VERY clever upgrades. Sure, you’ve got the white case with a flip-top lid that reveals two white earbuds… but on both hardware and software fronts, the TransBuds A8 are much more advanced than any regular TWS earbuds you’ll find on the market. For starters, the entire wearable has ChatGPT integration, giving you a voice assistant that is far more advanced than Google, Siri, or Alexa. You can simply tap the earphones to talk to ChatGPT, or access the AI through the unique interface built into the case. The case with a touchscreen is a welcome feature too – it eliminates the need for an app, and gives you a perfect standalone device that works without draining your phone’s battery or piggy-backing off your phone’s cellular network.

By leveraging ChatGPT’s vast knowledge base and natural language processing capabilities, users can enjoy more than just translation assistance.

The presence of AI isn’t just a bandwagon feature, it helps aid the TransBuds A8’s core value proposition – the ability to actively translate 77 languages and 70 accents in real-time, giving you the ability to pretty much travel anywhere in the world without a language barrier. The interaction is swift and seamless, either share an earbud with someone and have bi-directional conversations in two separate languages, and the earbuds will actively translate both of them simultaneously, or use the earbuds and case together to have a conversation with a local. The earbud-sharing method is perfect for in-person meetings and other long conversations. Each person wears one earbud like a Bluetooth earpiece of sorts, and the TransBuds A8 listens to what the opposite person is saying, and translates it for you right in your ear. A transcript of your entire conversation gets captured as a text thread on the TransBuds A8’s screen, and can be saved for later, allowing you to quickly and easily transcribe an entire meeting using the power of AI.

Alternatively, the case itself comes with a microphone and powerful speakers, allowing you to use just the case as a translator device. Hold it up and speak into it, and the TransBuds A8 lets you have a conversation with a local or a stranger without needing to share an earpiece. A powerful mic and speaker system allow you to easily converse with people even around ambient noise, while the display on the case does a good job of allowing people to read the translated text if they can’t hear the translated audio.

The case, frankly, is more of a smartphone that houses earbuds than just your average charging case. It runs on a Qualcomm Quad-Core Processor and earbuds use a Qualcomm 3040 chipset that allows it to translate 147 languages and accents with a latency of 0.5 seconds and an impressive 98% accuracy. The 2-inch screen has an app drawer that lets you access the TransBuds A8’s different features, even letting you tap into the offline translation feature that works with 16 popular languages. Buttons on the side of the case let you increase or decrease the case’s volume, or even go back to the home screen while navigating the interface.

The earbuds are remarkable too, with an ergonomic design, and a dual-mic setup that powers the ENC (Environment Noise Cancelation) feature to help you speak and hear clearly even if you’re in a noisy environment. The earbuds have a translation time of 5 hours, and a regular battery life of 35 hours along with the case that doubles as a charging dock for the buds. 16 gigabytes of in-built memory means you can even load your favorite MP3 files right onto the case, turning it into a makeshift iPod Touch that plays music directly without a streaming app or pairing with your phone. You can, however, pair the earbuds with your phone to listen to music, watch movies, or take calls too.

Quite the all-round device, the TransBuds A8 are for any and everyone. They work independently without your phone, translating over a hundred languages, transcribing conversations, and giving you the power of ChatGPT right in your ears. They also work as your standard TWS buds when you’re looking for something traditional, pairing with your phone via Bluetooth for answering calls, watching TikTok, or listening to music and podcasts. The buds are ideal for avid travelers, students, digital nomads, expats, and people working in multicultural companies and teams. The TransBuds A8 starts at a discounted $179 (an absolute steal considering the features it packs), which also includes one year of free ChatGPT integration. Subsequently, you’ll either be required to pay $9.9 per month or $40 annually for the AI features – online and offline translation remains free forever.

Click Here to Buy Now: $179 $299 (40% off). Hurry, only 63/200 left!

The post What if AirPods had ChatGPT, could translate languages, and came with a touchscreen case? first appeared on Yanko Design.

À partir d’avant-hierFlux principal

Project IDX – L’IDE nouvelle génération de Google arrive en bêta publique !

Par : Korben
15 mai 2024 à 14:17

Project IDX, le petit dernier de Google dans la famille des IDE, sort enfin de sa phase d’incubation pour se frotter au grand public ! Fini le club sélect des happy few triés sur le volet, maintenant tout le monde peut mettre les mains dans le cambouis de cet environnement de dev’ d’un nouveau genre.

Oubliez vos bon vieux IDE installés sur votre bécane, là on parle d’un Visual Studio Code en ligne propulsé à l’IA Google, c’est à dire Gemini 1.5. IDX intègre une armada d’outils et de fonctionnalités censées vous faciliter la vie : templates pour les frameworks tendances du moment (React, Vue, Angular, Flutter…), autocomplétion et suggestions de code intelligentes, debugger intégré, prévisualisation en direct, et même des émulateurs iOS et Android pour tester vos créations immédiatement.

Mais la vraie star du show, c’est donc Gemini, le modèle d’IA de Google spécialisé en dev. Cette petite merveille est capable de comprendre votre code, de vous aider à le débugger ou à l’optimiser, et même de générer des bouts de programme entiers à partir de vos instructions en langage naturel.

Par exemple, vous lui dites « crée-moi une todolist en Rust » (ce que j’ai fait) et hop, Gemini vous sort le code presque clé en main mais pas trop quand même !

Car après avoir testé la bête, je vais pas vous mentir, c’est pas encore totalement au point. Des fois Gemini part en vrille et sort du code incomplet ou bancal.

Et l’ergonomie générale de l’IDE est parfois un peu brouillonne. Ça se voit que c’est encore une bêta. Perso, j’ai une petite préférence pour l’IDE Cursor (payant) qui intègre aussi de l’IA (GPT-4o ou Claude ou ce que vous voulez) mais de façon plus fonctionnel et efficace je trouve. Mais bon, ça c’est l’avis de quelqu’un qui a ses petites habitudes. Je ne doute pas que Google va rapidement améliorer et peaufiner son bébé.

Bref, si vous voulez essayer le dernier joujou à la mode, foncez sur pour vous inscrire et mettre les mains dans vos premiers Project IDX.

Amusez-vous bien et codez bien !


Waydroid – Pour exécuter des applications Android sous Linux comme un pro !

Par : Korben
15 mai 2024 à 07:00

Si vous avez très très envie de faire tourner des applications Android sur votre Linux, ne cherchez plus, Waydroid est là pour réaliser votre rêve !

Waydroid peut fonctionner en multi-tâche et grâce à son mode multi-fenêtres, vous pourrez utiliser vos applications Android et Linux en même temps, côte à côte. Et si vous êtes plutôt du genre « une app à la fois », pas de problème, Waydroid propose aussi un mode plein écran pour une expérience 100% Android.

En utilisant Wayland et la version AOSP de Mesa, il tire également le meilleur parti de votre matériel pour une expérience fluide et réactive. Donc, fini les lags et les ralentissements que vous avez d’habitude avec vos émulateurs Android, même avec les jeux les plus gourmands. C’est comme si vous aviez un vrai appareil Android entre les mains.

Avant de vous lancer, assurez-vous d’avoir une distribution basée sur Ubuntu ou Debian. Ça tombe bien, c’est ce qu’on utilise tous, non ?

Ensuite, ouvrez un terminal et tapez ces petites commandes magiques :

sudo apt update

sudo apt upgrade

sudo apt install waydroid

Et voilà, Waydroid est prêt à l’emploi ! Maintenant, passons aux choses sérieuses : installer une application Android.

Première étape, récupérez le fichier APK de l’application que vous voulez installer. Vous pouvez le télécharger depuis le Play Store ou depuis des sites spécialisés comme APKMirror.

Une fois votre précieux APK en poche, retournez dans le terminal et entrez la commande suivante :

waydroid app install chemin/vers/votre/fichier.apk

Et boom ! L’application est installée et prête à être utilisée. Vous la retrouverez dans votre menu d’applications habituel.

Maintenant si vous voulez épater vos amis en lançant l’application depuis le terminal comme un vrai pro, c’est possible aussi ! Il vous suffit de connaître le nom du paquet de l’application ( et de taper :

waydroid app launch

Un petit conseil quand même avant de vous lancer : les fichiers APK qu’on trouve sur le web sont souvent uniquement compatibles avec les processeurs ARM. Donc si vous avez un processeur x86_64, ça risque de coincer. Mais sinon, vous êtes parés pour profiter d’Android sur votre Linux adoré !

Bref, avec Waydroid, vous avez le meilleur des deux mondes : la flexibilité de Linux et la richesse de l’écosystème Android. Pour plus d’infos, je vous conseille de jeter un œil au site officiel de Waydroid

Allez, amusez-vous bien et n’oubliez pas : dans le doute, sudo !

What Makes a Watch Design Timeless Over 70 Years

15 mai 2024 à 17:20

Rolex: first Datejust 1945

Wristwatches have gone through many changes over the past 70 years, but some designs have stayed popular through it all. What’s the secret to a watch that never goes out of style? It’s a blend of simplicity, versatility, quality craftsmanship, innovation, and a nod to history. Let’s dive into how brands like Rolex, Omega, Audemars Piguet, Casio, and Swatch have kept their designs timeless.

1950s: The Golden Age of Elegance

The 1950s were all about elegance. After the war, people craved refined accessories. Watches from this era were clean and simple. The Rolex Datejust, introduced in 1945, became notable in the 1950s with its straightforward dial and comfortable Jubilee bracelet. Its 36mm case size was just right—not too big, not too small.

Rolex: Datejust

Introduced in 1948, the Omega Seamaster quickly rose to prominence and became a favorite among watch enthusiasts and casual wearers alike. Its design, balancing robustness and elegance, ensured its suitability for various occasions. Whether for a casual outing or a formal event, the Seamaster proved to be a versatile accessory. Its case was crafted from durable stainless steel, enhancing the watch’s practicality for everyday wear. Additionally, the watch was equipped with waterproof features, emphasizing Omega’s commitment to functionality without compromising design. Its sleek and refined look made it both practical and stylish.

Another impressive timepiece from this era is the Patek Philippe Calatrava. This watch stands out because of its minimalist design, characterized by a clean and uncluttered dial with simple hour markers. Its slim case enhances its refined and subtle aesthetic. The craftsmanship that goes into this piece is top-notch, with every detail meticulously executed. The Calatrava, with its understated elegance, has set a high bar for future designs in the watchmaking industry.

1960s: The Rise of Versatility

The 1960s marked an era of change and acceleration in lifestyle, necessitating timepieces that could keep up with the pace. The Rolex Submariner emerged as a symbol of both adventure and style. Its easy-to-read dial, rotating bezel, and superior water resistance make it an attractive timepiece for adventurers. It was designed to perform optimally underwater and also held its own in formal settings, making it a versatile accessory.

This era also saw the rise of the Omega Speedmaster, famously known as the “Moonwatch,” after it was worn during the Apollo moon landings. The Omega Speedmaster was chosen for its functionality and precision. Its tachymeter bezel allowed for the accurate measurement of speed, a feature integral for both astronauts and car enthusiasts. Its chronograph functions made it a perfect blend of style and functionality.

OMEGA Speedmaster Moonwatch, 1965

The Rolex Daytona, first introduced in 1963, became synonymous with auto racing. Named after the famous Daytona International Speedway, the watch was designed to meet the needs of professional race car drivers. The Daytona’s chronograph function, coupled with a tachymeter bezel, allowed drivers to measure average speeds up to 400 kilometers or miles per hour. The watch featured a distinctive dial layout with three sub-dials and was initially available in both stainless steel and gold. Its robust design and high-performance movement made it a favorite among motorsport enthusiasts and collectors alike.

Paul Newman Daytona Ref. 6239
Photo: Courtesy Sotheby’s

Introduced in 1963, the Heuer Carrera appealed to race car drivers and professionals alike. The watch stood out for its chronograph function and bold, easy-to-read dial. These attributes allowed users to keep accurate time while adding a fashionable touch to their ensemble. The success of the Heuer Carrera underscored the idea that form and function can coexist in a well-designed timepiece.

1970s: Breaking the Mold

The 1970s was a transformative decade that shattered pre-existing norms. The quartz revolution introduced cutting-edge technology into watchmaking, leading to more audacious designs. The Seiko Astron, the world’s first quartz watch, offered remarkable accuracy and affordability, setting a new industry standard for precision.

Seiko Quartz-Astron 35SQ

During the same period, the Audemars Piguet Royal Oak emerged in 1972, shaking up conventional luxury watch design with its distinct octagonal bezel and integrated bracelet. Designed by Gérald Genta, the Royal Oak’s stainless steel case and bold design were revolutionary at a time when luxury watches were typically crafted from precious metals. The Royal Oak’s bold design and unconventional material choice set a new standard in watchmaking.

Audemars Piguet 1972 Royal Oak 5402ST

Rolex introduced the Explorer II in 1971. With its 24-hour bezel and robust construction, it was also specifically crafted for adventurers. The Explorer II catered to the growing trend of sports and adventure watches, blending functionality with rugged good looks.

1980s: Digital and Classic Converge

The 1980s saw a blend of digital sophistication and traditional aesthetics in watch design. Casio introduced the G-Shock line, bringing tough, functional watches that appealed to active people. The G-Shock’s shock resistance and multifunctional digital displays set a new standard in watch design. These watches were designed to withstand extreme conditions, making them a favorite among athletes and outdoor enthusiasts.

At the same time, classic designs like the Patek Philippe Calatrava remained popular for their simple, elegant looks. The Calatrava’s timeless design continued to attract those who appreciated traditional watchmaking.

TAG Heuer made a splash with the Formula 1, introduced in 1986. This watch combined sporty looks with quartz technology, appealing to a younger audience and cementing TAG Heuer’s reputation in motorsports.

1990s: Return to Heritage

The 1990s marked a return to heritage within horology. Watchmakers began reissuing classic models with contemporary updates, blending the old with the new. One such model was the Omega Speedmaster Professional, linked to the Apollo moon landings. Its practical and functional design ensured its continued relevance.

Jaeger LeCoultre Reverso 18k 1990s

The 1990s also saw the resurgence of the Jaeger-LeCoultre Reverso, a model originally designed in the 1930s. Known for its unique reversible case, the Reverso became a symbol of timeless elegance and innovative design. The reissued models combined vintage charm with modern precision.

Another model that gained iconic status during this period was the Rolex GMT-Master II. Introduced in 1983, it came into its own in the ’90s. Its dual-time-zone function was a boon for frequent travelers. Moreover, its robust design meant it could withstand the rigors of international travel, making it a trusted travel companion.

The Rolex Daytona, first introduced in 1963, also saw renewed popularity in the 1990s. Its association with auto racing and robust chronograph function made it a standout model. Its design, featuring a tachymeter bezel and high-performance movement, appealed to both collectors and motorsport enthusiasts.

2000s: Embracing Boldness

In the early 21st century, the trend in watches shifted towards larger models. Brands like Panerai and Hublot embraced large cases for individuals who wanted their timepieces to stand out. Panerai’s designs, rooted in military diving, featured oversized dials and bold numerals, making them highly legible and stylish.

In 2005, Hublot launched its Big Bang series, marked by its large cases and innovative use of materials like rubber and ceramic. The Big Bang series offered a refreshing change from traditional watch designs, appealing to watch enthusiasts seeking something different.

The Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Offshore first launched in 1993 but gained prominence in the 2000s. It expanded the original Royal Oak design with larger cases and more rugged features. This bold approach to watch design appealed to a new generation of watch lovers seeking a statement piece.

2010s: Balance and Innovation

The 2010s marked a shift towards balanced designs. Watch sizes typically ranged from 38mm to 42mm, catering to a broader audience. The Swatch Sistem51 won over watch enthusiasts with its unique approach to automatic watch production, featuring a construction of just 51 parts and a fully automated manufacturing process.

In 2012, the Tudor Black Bay reappeared, drawing on elements from Tudor’s iconic dive watches of the 1950s and 1960s. The Black Bay blended vintage design cues with modern materials and technology, resulting in a timepiece recognized as a classic.

In 2018, the Omega Seamaster Diver 300M was reintroduced with updates like ceramic materials and a modernized movement while preserving the iconic design elements.

2020s: Comfort, Versatility, and Sustainability

Today, the focus is on comfort, versatility, and sustainability. Watchmakers are incorporating recycled materials and adopting eco-friendly processes without compromising design. The Swatch x Omega MoonSwatch collaboration blends the iconic look of the Omega Speedmaster with Swatch’s innovative materials.

The Oris Aquis Date Upcycle features a dial made from recycled ocean plastic, emphasizing sustainability and giving each watch a unique look.

The Rolex Oyster Perpetual, refreshed in 2020 with vibrant dial colors, combines classic design with modern aesthetics. Its simplicity and robustness, enhanced with new color options, make it versatile and stylish.

ROLEX: TURQUOISE BLUE DIAL – Named ‘Celebration’


What makes a watch timeless? It’s a blend of simplicity, versatility, quality craftsmanship, innovation, and a touch of history. Watches like the Rolex Datejust, Omega Speedmaster, and Swatch Sistem51 show how these elements combine to withstand time. Versatility is vital, as a timeless watch should look good in both a boardroom and on a beach. The Rolex Submariner exemplifies this with its dual role as both a tool watch and a dress watch.

Quality craftsmanship is fundamental, with the use of premium materials and meticulous attention to detail elevating a watch. The Patek Philippe Calatrava and Audemars Piguet Royal Oak demonstrate that quality renders a watch truly timeless. Innovation also keeps the watch industry lively, from the quartz revolution to the integration of new materials and digital features. Staying ahead in technology without compromising the core design is crucial.

A connection to heritage endows a watch with historical significance, with vintage reissues and designs influenced by a brand’s archives reminding us of the traditions that have shaped watchmaking. These elements have characterized the most iconic watches for the past 70 years. While trends may change, these principles ensure a watch’s appeal to generations. Whether it’s a vintage reissue, a modern classic, or a bold new design, a timeless watch stands the test of time and trends.

OMEGA: Seamaster models of 1948

Thank you for joining me on this journey through the history of timeless watch designs. I truly appreciate your continued support and enthusiasm for Wristwatch Wednesday. If you’re new to this column, welcome!

The post What Makes a Watch Design Timeless Over 70 Years first appeared on Yanko Design.

Top 5 Quirky Phone Designs That Actually Make Sense

Par : JC Torres
14 mai 2024 à 16:40

Smartphones today seem to look very similar, varying only in the shape of the camera bump and the color of their backs. Sometimes, the materials might be different, too, but the same large-sized “candy bar” form factor has become the standard for all the smartphones currently in the market. There was a time, however, when companies were a bit more daring, experimenting with phone designs and features in an attempt to stand out from the crowd. That did lead to some rather eccentric and sometimes even ridiculous designs that make us question the sanity of the minds behind them. But there are times when those odd designs of the past actually have important relevance today. Here are five such phone design oddities that we wished existed or still exist, and some alternatives in case you may have been smitten by their quirky appearance.

Designer: Google, Motorola

Undying Handset: Project Ara

Google’s Project Ara inspired the idea of a modular smartphone whose components you can easily swap to upgrade or repair parts. In theory, this would make the phone last forever, or at least as long as the base is intact and parts continue to be manufactured for it. In practice, it was a very ambitious endeavor that could neither meet expectations nor present a viable business model that wouldn’t bankrupt manufacturers. In the end, that sustainable and immortal smartphone remained just a dream, at least in that idealistic and perfect form.

Alternative: Fairphone 5

Designer: Fairphone

Fortunately, a part of that dream is actually possible and even sustainable in more ways than one. Although you can’t hot swap components on the fly, the Fairphone 5 at least offers a way for owners to change important parts of the phone, like batteries or even cameras, to keep them running almost forever. There are some limitations, of course, but if all you want is a phone that will last you for almost a decade instead of just two years, this self-repairable design pretty much has that in the bag.

Mobile Shutterbug: Nokia N90

One of the biggest uses for smartphones today next to social media is taking photos and videos. In the days even before the term “smartphone” was coined, even the most advanced handsets from the likes of Nokia could barely hold a candle to point-and-click cameras. That’s why the quirky Nokia N90 was prophetic and way ahead of its time, envisioning a day when smartphones would be used like camcorders, though with a bit more awkwardness due to their inflexible designs.

Alternative: Nokia x Nothing Concept

Designer: Viet Doan Duc

While clamshell phones are back in season thanks to foldable screens, the folding and twisting design of the original Nokia N90 remains a distant memory. This concept tries to answer the question of “what if?” and mixes two famed brands’ design languages to craft what could be the perfect camera phone. It makes you feel like a pro photographer or cinematographer, holding up your phone not with shame but with pride, capturing not only the moment but also people’s attention in a good way.

Pocket Book: YotaPhone Dual-Screen Phone

Designer: YotaDevices

E Ink devices are becoming more popular these days, especially after the addition of features like stylus support and color. These displays are easy on the eyes and the battery, allowing the screen to show the same thing for days without requiring a recharge. A few years back, a small company tried to bring those benefits to the smartphone in the oddest way, by putting an E Ink screen on its back. Although it can be used for reading e-books on the go, its main purpose was to have a battery-saving always-on display that is a bit more dynamic and useful than typical AOD implementations.

Alternative: Onyx BOOX Palma

Designer: BOOX

That said, a phone-sized Android device with an E Ink display might be an even more efficient design, which is what the Onyx BOOX Palma is offering. Technically, it’s an e-book reader that’s the size of a regular phone and actually runs Android, which is the standard for BOOX’s devices. This means it has access to the same apps you have on your regular phone, but without color. You also don’t have cellular connectivity via a SIM card, which might be a deal-breaker for a phone but a great deal for distraction-free reading and mobility.

Productive Minimalism: Minimal Phone

Designer: The Minimal Company

BlackBerry might have joined the likes of Nokia and LG as just parts of the annals of mobile history, but its squarish shape and QWERTY keyboard are forever etched in the consciousness of even the least tech-savvy person on the planet. Many have tried to recreate that magic, but this rather elegant yet odd phone puts a twist to it. It combines the iconic BlackBerry design with an E Ink screen and a minimalist aesthetic, promising distraction-free productivity by actually limiting what you can do on the device. It can even make it easier to actually reply to or post on social media, though the drab grayscale screen is probably going to make that a little less enjoyable anyway.

Alternative: Clicks QWERTY Case

Designer: Clicks

The idea of a BlackBerry-like experience might tickle the fancy of smartphone users, but none of them will be willing to ditch their powerful, colorful, and highly functional smartphones. Clicks is a case that tries to bring the best of both worlds, and it’s practically just a case that slides onto an iPhone to provide that tactile typing experience. You won’t have to give up your favorite apps, especially the ones you need to actually be productive, but the burden of being disciplined and ignoring distractions is now on you instead.

Shapeshifting Multitasker: Astro Slide 5G

Designer: Planet Computers

A phone that opens like a mini typewriter has actually been around since the days of the Nokia Communicator and its kin, but that design proved to be more complicated than they’re worth. After playing with that same design, PlanetComputing shifted to a slider that still provides that typing experience while retaining the exact same functions as a phone. Unfortunately, such a mechanism proved to be just as clunky and unreliable, and the software platform didn’t exactly lend itself well to a landscape screen.

Alternative: Any Foldable Phone

Designer: OPPO

These days, you don’t have to rely on a physical qwerty keyboard to have that same mini laptop experience. With foldable phones now more common, you can tap away on a more flexible on-screen keyboard when the device is only half-folded. At the same time, however, you have both phone and tablet functionality in your hands. Admittedly, the design is far from perfect, and we’re still waiting for more affordable foldables coming in the very near future.

The post Top 5 Quirky Phone Designs That Actually Make Sense first appeared on Yanko Design.

Fabric – Un framework open source pour travailler main dans la main avec l’IA

Par : Korben
8 mai 2024 à 07:00

Depuis que l’IA a débarqué dans nos vies, il est maintenant possible de lui déléguer une grande partie de nos tâches fastidieuses et chronophages, ce qui nous permet de nous concentrer sur l’essentiel. Des outils comme ChatGPT ont évidemment démocratisé l’accès à cette technologie, mais ses capacités vont bien au-delà d’un simple agent conversationnel.

En effet, l’IA peut devenir un véritable assistant personnel pour booster à la fois notre créativité et notre productivité. Perso, je ne peux plus m’en passer, et que vous soyez développeur, designer, écrivain ou entrepreneur, il existe de nombreuses façons de l’intégrer dans vos workflows. Génération de code, création de visuels, rédaction et correction de texte, analyse de données, relecture de contrats, automatisation de tâches… La liste est infinie pour peu que vous ayez un peu d’imagination.

C’est là qu’entre en scène le projet open-source Fabric qui permet justement de créer des workflows basés sur l’IA totalement sur-mesure en combinant différents modèles et différentes APIs. Comme ça vous pourrez concevoir vos propres assistants adaptés à vos propres besoins.

Concrètement, Fabric fonctionne comme un framework avec différents composants réutilisables :

  • Des Patterns qui sont des templates de prompts répondant à un besoin précis (ex : résumer un article, extraire les idées clés d’une vidéo, etc).
  • Des Stitches qui permettent d’enchaîner plusieurs Patterns pour créer des workflows avancés.
  • Un serveur central appelé Mill qui héberge et sert les Patterns.
  • Des apps clientes appelées Looms qui invoquent les Patterns via des APIs.

Plutôt que d’utiliser des services IA fermés, Fabric vous donne le contrôle total sur vos workflows. Comme ça, vous pouvez héberger vous-même les différents composants et garder vos données en local. Le tout étant bien sûr basé sur des standards ouverts et interopérables.

L’idée pour les gens derrière Fabric, c’est de rendre l’intégration de l’IA aussi simple que l’utilisation de commandes Unix. Par exemple, pour résumer le contenu d’une page web avec l’IA, il vous suffit de chaîner les deux commandes suivantes :

curl | fabric --pattern summarize

Vous pouvez même créer des aliases pour vos patterns les plus utilisés. Par exemple pour analyser un article :

alias analyze="fabric --pattern analyze" cat article.txt | analyze

Bien sûr, tout ceci nécessite un peu de pratique et de changements dans vos habitudes de travail mais une fois les bons réflexes pris, le gain de temps sera considérable.

Certains craignent que l’IA nous mette tous au chomage mais je pense au contraire qu’elle va surtout nous aider à torcher rapidement les tâches ingrates pour nous permettre d’être plus créatifs et de bosser sur les sujets de fond avec plus de valeur ajoutée.

Si ça vous dit d’essayer Fabric, la doc est ici.

Beyond Telling Time: How the Apple Watch Redefines Modern Wearables

8 mai 2024 à 22:30

Apple Watch Ultra 2 + iPhone 15 Pro

Welcome to Wristwatch Wednesday, my weekly column on Yanko Design, where I delve into the captivating world of watches. If you’re new to our publication and have noticed a plethora of Apple-related articles, rest assured, our editorial team casts a wide net, covering a diverse range of design-focused products. Our reviews and feature articles span across technology, sneakers, home appliances, everyday carry items, and so much more.

Designer: Apple

This inaugural column seems only fitting to kick off our discussions with the world’s best-selling watch – the Apple Watch. According to a report from AppleWorld.Today, since its launch in 2015, Apple has sold an estimated 229.3 million Apple Watches. Note that these sales figures are estimates and have not been confirmed by Apple. By any standard, a product that surpasses 100 million units in sales—a milestone Apple reached several years ago—can justifiably be called the world’s top-selling watch.

However, my intent with this column goes beyond discussing sales figures. Instead, I aim to explore the design and features of these watches that have captivated the likes of celebrities, Formula 1 drivers, and even esteemed figures like Mr. Wonder from Shark Tank. The reasons for strapping on this wrist-sized computer vary. For instance, my wife primarily uses her Apple Watch to keep track of time and notifications. Despite having cellular service activated, I’ve rarely seen her initiate a call. Yet, there have been instances where her iPhone was misplaced, and the watch served as her only means to take incoming calls. A feature that my kids and I, and yes, even my wife, have found incredibly useful is the ability to ping the iPhone when it’s misplaced.

Before delving deeper, let’s briefly discuss the specs and design of the Apple Watch. In my experience, the Apple Watch performs flawlessly without any noticeable hiccups or performance issues. As for the design, its iconic squarish shape may not appeal to everyone, but it’s something users have come to accept. Personally, I don’t have a preference one way or the other. However, I must say I appreciate the ruggedness of the Watch Ultra, which I still wear. I haven’t seen a compelling reason to upgrade to the Watch Ultra 2, especially when the regular versions in aluminum or stainless steel are also available. The fact that Apple managed to incorporate materials like titanium and sapphire crystal, along with a plethora of features, into this tech marvel, all at a reasonable price point, continues to astound me. That being said, the Apple Watch Series 9 and the Apple Watch Ultra 2, each exceptional in its own right, showcase unique design attributes and features catering to diverse user requirements.

The Apple Watch Series 9 exudes a chic, versatile aesthetic, making it an ideal accessory for everyday wear. Its finishes include aluminum and stainless steel, with a color palette that offers Pink, Midnight, and Starlight for the aluminum cases and traditional Gold and Graphite for stainless steel. On the other hand, the Apple Watch Ultra 2 prioritizes durability and outdoor utility, embodied in an aerospace-grade titanium case that highlights its hard-wearing nature and premium appeal for more extreme conditions.

The size and weight of both models reflect their respective design principles. The Apple Watch Ultra 2, larger and heavier at 49mm in height and 61.4 grams, is designed to withstand outdoor activities. The Apple Watch Series 9, meanwhile, presents a more compact profile with heights of 45mm and 41mm and lighter weights starting from 31.9 grams for the smallest aluminum model, providing a less intrusive presence for day-to-day use.

When it comes to features, both models are built with the S9 SiP, a 64-bit dual-core processor, underlining Apple’s dedication to high performance across its products. However, the Ultra 2 takes a step ahead with specialized features such as a depth gauge, a water temperature sensor, and an enhanced always-on retina display with brightness up to 3000 nits, providing superior visibility in outdoor settings compared to the 2000 nits of the Series 9.

Both models offer a broad spectrum of health and wellness features, including heart rate monitoring and ECG. However, the Ultra 2 broadens its scope to outdoor sports and adventures with additional sensors and activity profiles. This includes in-depth support for diving, precision GPS for explorers, and durability enhancements such as improved water resistance up to 100 meters and dust resistance, making it more resilient against harsh environments compared to the more lifestyle-focused Series 9.

Battery life is another differentiating factor; the Ultra 2 offers up to 36 hours of regular usage and an impressive 72 hours in Low Power Mode, a substantial improvement from the 18 hours offered by the Series 9. This aligns with the Ultra 2’s design for prolonged activities and expeditions where charging might be infrequent.

All in all, while both the Apple Watch Series 9 and Ultra 2 share core technologies and a commitment to health tracking, the Ultra 2 targets users who require robustness and expanded functionalities in challenging environments, whereas the Series 9 caters to everyday users with its stylish design and enough tech to meet routine health and connectivity needs.

For someone like me, who often travels for work (such as working out of our office in Japan or on a photography junket in Iceland with Olympus), having reliable connectivity is vital. Both Apple Watch models provide cellular options, ensuring constant contact with family or emergency services, wherever your work or adventures take you. This peace of mind is invaluable, especially in remote locations or during unforeseen situations.

The safety features in both watches, including Emergency SOS and international emergency calling, become crucial in such situations. For example, if you’re photographing the northern lights in a remote icy landscape in Iceland and encounter a dangerous situation, the Apple Watch enables you to call for help swiftly. Similarly, when navigating through the busy streets of Tokyo, these features ensure you’re never truly isolated, even in an unfamiliar urban environment.

For families, these watches offer more than just communication. For elderly parents, the fall detection feature can alert you if they have a severe fall, triggering an SOS if they are unresponsive. This reassures you that help can be solicited even when they’re alone.

For young children, the Apple Watch can serve as an efficient tracking device. If your kids are walking to school or attending a playdate, the GPS functionality combined with cellular connectivity allows you to check their location at any time. It’s like having an extra pair of eyes, ensuring their safety when they are out of sight. With the Apple Watch Ultra 2’s enhanced durability and the Series 9’s streamlined comfort, there’s a suitable option for every family member based on their needs and lifestyle.

The Crash Detection feature of the Ultra 2 is especially advantageous for users across different age groups, from young children to the elderly. For example, if a child is involved in a school bus accident, the watch is capable of detecting the severe crash and automatically initiates contact with emergency services. Similarly, it provides reassurance for elderly drivers, as the watch can detect if they’ve been in a severe car accident and automatically call for help. Speaking from personal experience, having spent a decade test-driving cars for SlashGear in remote locations such as on the side of the Alps or the challenging driving conditions in Peru, having this feature offers me a sense of security. I’m reassured knowing that in an unexpected event, I have a better chance of receiving help promptly, thanks to the Apple Watch Ultra 2’s Crash Detection feature.

My passion for watch collection began with the brand Panerai, largely due to its simple mechanism for swapping out the bracelet or watch strap. It’s a feature that led me to spend more on the straps than the watch itself. My experience with the Apple Watch is similar. Its clever design enables a quick strap change with just one button push, making it suitable for various activities or occasions, which enhances its appeal. Since the introduction of the Watch Ultra, I’ve invested more in straps than the watch itself. Interestingly, I’ve found my ultimate favorite – the 45mm cypress solo loop. To me, it’s akin to donning a tailored Italian wool suit. My fondness for the green strap has led me to stockpile size 7 for winter and size 8 for summer. The watch and strap together create an uninterrupted loop when on my wrist. The convenience of putting on and taking off the watch is comparable to slipping on a bracelet. The beauty of the Apple Watch is its versatility; you could purchase a variety of straps to cater to your taste or simply choose one strap that fulfills all your needs.

Before wrapping up this lengthy article, I’d like to shift focus to the health functionalities that are particularly significant to me. Sleep tracking is paramount due to my inconsistent sleep schedule, often caused by collaborating with colleagues across different time zones. Having the ability to track multiple time zones simultaneously is nothing short of amazing. Therefore, having the Apple Watch track my total sleep duration and, more importantly, the quality of each minute I spend resting provides invaluable insights into whether I’m getting sufficient rest.

Monitoring my heart rate and heart rate variability are also vital aspects of my health tracking routine. These metrics can provide insight into my overall cardiovascular health and my body’s response to stress and recovery.

Interestingly, one feature that I find surprisingly useful is the activity reminder. I often become so engrossed in my work that hours fly by without me taking a moment to stand up and move around. While it may seem mundane or obvious, the reminder to get up and take a short walk is incredibly important. It helps break up periods of prolonged sitting, which can contribute to various health problems.

It’s true that the Apple Watch won’t last an eternity like a Rolex or even a $50 Casio; Apple has packed enough features and future-proof the watch to allow you a sufficient length of time, which, in my opinion, yields a pretty good ROI. The need to upgrade or buy a new watch every year, two or three years, isn’t necessary unless you decide you want to change things up. As for me, I wear the Watch Ultra 90% of the time while my Rolex Pepsi gets around 5% wrist time, and yes, I do give my wrist a rest from wearing nothing.

If you enjoy this column, you’re invited to return every Wednesday at 10:20AM PDT for my weekly Wrist Watch Wednesday feature. If there are topics you’d like me to cover or watches you’d like to see reviewed on Yanko Design, you can find me on X: @Nguyen or @vincentnguyen.

The post Beyond Telling Time: How the Apple Watch Redefines Modern Wearables first appeared on Yanko Design.

The new Apple Pencil Pro is a death-sentence for Wacom

Par : Sarang Sheth
8 mai 2024 à 20:45

Wacom was once an industry leader in the sketching tablet PC market. However, it’s no match for the deadly combo of the new iPad Pro M4 and the Apple Pencil Pro. Announced at the iPad keynote yesterday, the new Pencil Pro packs features so unique, it makes regular capacitive styluses look like tools from the Stone Age. The new Pencil Pro has a new squeeze gesture to activate quick menus, can track rotation to have objects and brushes rotate in real-time (known as barrel roll), and even has a haptic motor for feedback – while still packing features from previous models like the hover feature, pressure and tilt sensitivity, and low-latency. If all that wasn’t enough, the Pencil Pro even has Find My support, allowing you to locate your stylus if it ever gets lost. The Wacom Pro Pen 3 on the other hand, has buttons.

Styluses have existed for decades at this point, and if you asked anyone ten years back which was the most well-designed stylus and tablet combo for creatives, the answer would invariably be something from Wacom’s lineup. The company had three options back in the day, the budget Wacom Bamboo, the mid-range Wacom Intuos, and the flagship Wacom Cintiq. Apart from the Cintiq, none of the other tablets had screens – they were just massive trackpads that you could only draw on with styluses. The Cintiq was the closest thing to an iPad – it had a screen, allowed multi-touch gestures, and came with controls galore… the only problem was that it didn’t work independently, it needed to be tethered to a desktop or laptop to work. The Cintiq, along with the Intuos and Bamboo, came with a stylus that featured a pressure and tilt-sensitive tip, along with programable buttons that let you undo or redo tasks, and a stylus tip on the back of the pen also that activated the eraser, mimicking how most pencils come with erasers on their reverse tip. The styluses also operated without batteries, allowing for hours of sketching without needing to charge the pen periodically.

The Wacom Cintiq Pro is anywhere between 5-8 times thicker than the 2024 iPad Pro

Cut to yesterday when Apple dropped the iPad Pro M4 and the comparison is incredibly stark. For starters, whenever anyone asks me whether they should buy an iPad or a Wacom, the answer is almost always the former… because when you’re not sketching on the Wacom, it’s useless, but when you’re not sketching on the iPad, it’s still an iPad. The difference seems even greater with the new iPad Pro being Apple’s thinnest device yet at just 5.1mm thick, while the 16-inch Wacom Cintiq is a whopping 25mm thick – 5 times thicker than its competitor. Cut to the larger 22-inch Cintiq and it’s a staggering 40mm thick, or the equivalent of 8 iPad Pros stacked one on top of the other.

However, a hardware comparison between a trillion-dollar electronics giant and Wacom, that’s valued at just half a billion dollars doesn’t seem fair. What does seem fair, however, is to just look at one singular product to see how far Apple’s outpaced its competition – the humble stylus. Wacom played a critical role in perfecting its EMR stylus technology, which was game-changing a decade or so ago. The pens ran without batteries, could sense pressure and tilt with stunning accuracy, and an eraser on the rear, becoming the creative industry’s go-to for digital sketching. When Apple debuted the Pencil, it had the same features except without any buttons. The Pencil 2, on the other hand, got a tap feature that let you swap between brush and eraser, and a unique charging mechanism that allowed you to charge your stylus simply by snapping it to the side of an iPad (it subsequently also got a hover function with newer iPad models). Apple’s newly announced Pencil Pro, which dropped yesterday, however, is an entirely different beast.

The new Pencil Pro has the hover function, lets you squeeze to activate a quick menu, and even supports barrel rolls that allow you to rotate brushes or objects simply by rotating your stylus. In true Apple fashion, it doesn’t have any buttons on it, but you can still tap to alternate between brush and eraser, and you even get a brush preview when your stylus is near the screen, letting you know how your brush is oriented. If all that wasn’t enough, the new Pencil Pro even packs Apple’s Find My feature, letting you locate a lost pencil through your iPad or iPhone.

The Pencil Pro can be squeezed to activate a quick menu

A great stylus on the iPad Pro, which already comes with an industry-leading chip, laptop-grade performance, a brilliant camera setup and LiDAR sensor, and an app store, basically makes the iPad or Wacom question moot. The only true advantage Wacom’s tablets have at this point is that they’re bigger than iPads, starting at 16 inches and maxing out at 27 inches diagonally. They also cost MUCH more than the iPad Pros, with the Cintiq Pro 16″ starting at $1599, and the Cintiq Pro 27″ having an eye-watering $3499 price tag. That’s Vision Pro territory for a sketching tablet.

The haptic motor gives you feedback when you squeeze the Pencil Pro

There still is a market for Wacom products. They’re massive, preferred by the hardcore animation and visual industries, and are platform-agnostic, which means you can easily run Windows or Linux programs on them, which most power users will appreciate over being limited to the iPadOS. But for the most part, the iPad Pro and Pencil Pro are so far ahead of their competition at this point, that they’ve made Wacom’s tablets (an already niche creative-focused gadget) even more niche… almost to the point of obscure.

The post The new Apple Pencil Pro is a death-sentence for Wacom first appeared on Yanko Design.
