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Portable special seat helps kids with physical issues seat comfortably

Par : Ida Torres
24 décembre 2023 à 23:30

While there are child seats in a lot of restaurants, not all of them are suited for kids that may have some developmental or physical issues. Parents may have to bring special seating for their child but not all of them are practical or portable so it can be a pain. Fortunately, there are countries like Japan that actually subsidize custom-made supportive chairs for children who need extra support to sit comfortably. So we see product developers in the country come up with better solutions for parents and their children.

Designer: Ikou

The Ikou Portable Chair is an improvement on the supportive chairs that have been around in Japan since the 80s. Previously, these chairs were meant for home use but this one is something that parents can carry around for use in places that may not have adequate seating for their children. It is created for toddlers and young children to help them have a more stable sitting position and it can also be attached to an adult chair so they can do activities like watch sports, camping, picnicking, and even just simply sitting with family and friends.

It is also pretty practical as you can carry it around like a regular bag when it’s folded into its case. When you need to use, you just open and unpack and secure the seat and backrest using the two belts that are attached to it. It also has an adjustable height and backrest and has a tilt mechanism that can be adjusted up to 20 degrees. The seat is designed to raise and stabilize the pelvis so as to help with their posture as well. The backrest meanwhile supports the shoulder blade to help control their upper limbs.

The Ikou Portable Chair is compatible for children as young as 7 months old and up to 3 years old. The great thing is that the backrest and headrest can be adjusted as the child grows so there’s no need to buy a new one as they grow older. This is available exclusively in Japan though so you’ll have to ask someone to buy it for you there if you’re not from the country.

The post Portable special seat helps kids with physical issues seat comfortably first appeared on Yanko Design.

Tumbler-shaped portable projector concept promises entertainment freedom

Par : JC Torres
18 février 2024 à 00:30

Projectors are becoming a popular alternative to extra large screens like TVs, mostly at home but sometimes even outdoors. Product design trends have started to move away from bulky boxes to more compact forms, but most of them are still restricted by a few design considerations. Even projectors that are supposedly designed for portability often come with clunky and sometimes unattractive stands, or worse, require setting up on tripods just to get the perfect angle. This concept design tries to solve that problem in a rather creative way, offering a highly compact and portable projector that can be propped up and angled conveniently, all without using a tripod or even a stand.

Designer: Hana Belassi

Thanks to progress in technology and manufacturing, it’s now possible to cram much of the electronics that powered large, hulking projectors into something the size of a small box or even a cylinder. But despite the smaller designs, or probably because of their more cramped designs, these portable projectors often rely on an external mechanism like a tripod or stand to prop them up at the desired angle. Not only does this ruin the aesthetics of the otherwise beautiful product, it also makes it cumbersome to bring the projector along wherever you go.

The Slim.VU concept tries to offer the ultimate on-the-go entertainment experience by encapsulating all the needed parts and design in a single, compact, and portable package. A projector with a built-in battery is not exactly new, but one that comes with 4G connectivity is still unheard of. That enables the projector to function not only without an external power source but even without a Wi-Fi connection, allowing it to access streaming sources without having to use up your phone’s cellular data.


The more interesting aspect of the projector’s design, however, is the built-in stand that looks nothing like a stand. The removable “cap” of this tumbler-like projector functions as this stand, holding the projector in its place magnetically. The curved shape of this stand lets you rotate the cylindrical projector and angle it properly. This way, you don’t need any other accessory to enjoy a video anytime you want, anywhere you go.

The Slim.VU projector concept contains everything you need, freeing you from concerns about power, connectivity, and stability. Of course, actually implementing such a projector is a different matter entirely, and it might need to make a few compromises in exchange for its compact form. Audio and video quality might actually take a hit just to cram this much technology inside a canister shape, making the portable projector less ideal for outdoor use, or even indoor when there’s too much ambient light.

The post Tumbler-shaped portable projector concept promises entertainment freedom first appeared on Yanko Design.

Adeus – L’assistant IA DIY qui vous accompagne partout

Par : Korben
15 mars 2024 à 08:00

Si vous lisez mon site depuis longtemps, vous savez que j’apprécie tous ces petits projets de DIY (Do It Yourself), alors maintenant qu’on peut y coller un peu d’IA, j’ai l’impression que tout devient possible. Tenez par exemple ce projet baptisé Adeus.

C’est un dispositif portable d’intelligence artificielle open source capable de vous accompagner à chaque instant. Cette technologie, bien plus qu’un simple gadget, deviendra possiblement de standard des années qui arrivent. La preuve avec le succès du Rabbit R1 qui n’a pour d’autres buts que de remplacer les smartphones.

Alors comment fonctionne Adeus ?

Hé bien, ce système se compose de trois éléments clés qui interagissent les uns avec les autres :

Il y a tout d’abord une application mobile / web qui n’est ni plus ni moins qu’une interface qui permet à l’utilisateur d’interagir avec son IA personnelle et ses données par le biais d’un chat.

Côté matos, il y a le dispositif portable qui enregistrera tout ce que l’utilisateur dit ou entend, et l’enverra au backend pour être traité. Pour le moment, c’est possible à déployer sur un Raspberry Pi Zero W ou un appareil CoralAI.

Et ce backend basé sur Supabase, avec sa base de données, sera capable de traiter et stocker les données que nous échangeons avec les LLM (Large Language Model).

Toutefois, pour garantir le respect de nos données et notre propriété intellectuelle, Adeus a choisi la voie de l’open source. Grâce à cette philosophie, il est possible de garder un œil sur le fonctionnement de l’IA et de s’assurer qu’aucun tiers ne peut accéder à notre précieux contenu. Pour un objet à qui on confie toute sa vie perso, je trouve ça plutôt sain.

Pour en savoir plus, vous pouvez consulter la page GitHub d’Adeus qui regorge d’informations détaillées sur le projet.

Merci à Lorenper

PiBoy DMGX – Le Raspberry Pi 5 transformé en console de jeu portable rétro !

Par : Korben
19 mars 2024 à 12:23

Préparez-vous à replonger dans la nostalgie du gaming avec le PiBoy DMGX, un kit révolutionnaire qui transforme votre Raspberry Pi 5 en une véritable console de jeu portable old-school ! Vous allez voir, ce bijou rétro-futuriste va vous faire vibrer avec ses performances et son look inspiré de la mythique GameBoy.

PiBoy DMGX c’est la puissance brute du Raspberry Pi 5 concentrée dans un boîtier compact et ergonomique, avec un écran haute résolution qui claque et des contrôles ultra-précis. Ainsi, le PiBoy DMGX repousse les limites de l’émulation en vous permettant de jouer à vos jeux N64, PSP, Wii, GameCube, Dreamcast et plus encore…

Voici une vidéo de l’ancienne version qui tournait sur un Rpi4

Oubliez les lags et les ralentissements, le PiBoy DMGX saura faire tourner vos jeux préférés à une fluidité incroyable pouvant atteindre les 60 fps.

Résultat ?

Une expérience gaming portable d’une qualité jamais vue, digne des meilleures consoles modernes. Fini le temps où il fallait se trimballer une valise pour jouer à Pokémon ou Mario Kart, maintenant tout tient dans la poche ! Mais le PiBoy DMGX ce n’est pas qu’une question de performances, c’est aussi un concentré de nostalgie qui va vous faire retomber en enfance.

Son design unique reprend les codes de la GameBoy originale avec sa croix directionnelle hyper précise, ses boutons A,B,X,Y (+ Z et C en cadeau) ultra-réactifs et même les indispensables Start et Select et d’autres petits plus comme un stick analogique ou encore une prise HDMI mini. La prise en main est intuitive et le confort de jeu optimal, même pendant vos plus longues sessions de gaming.

Le PiBoy DMGX est surtout conçu pour évoluer avec son temps grâce à une architecture modulaire et sa compatibilité avec les futures générations de Raspberry Pi, comme ça, vous pourrez toujours profiter des dernières avancées technologiques. Ajoutez à ça des fonctionnalités comme le refroidissement actif, l’extinction sécurisée et les menus de calibration intégrés, et vous obtenez une console portable taillée pour le modding et le bidouillage.

Bref, que vous soyez un geek hardcore, un retrogamer nostalgique ou juste un passionné de technologie, le PiBoy DMGX c’est le jouet qu’il vous faut surtout que c’est pas si cher. Environ 150$ le kit (sans le Rpi 5 bien sûr). Facile à assembler même pour un débutant (pas besoin de sortir le fer à souder), et ensuite, vous serez partis pour des heures de jeu et de bidouille.


Huggable robot concept delivers warmth, power, and comfort during disasters

Par : JC Torres
20 mars 2024 à 15:20

Natural disasters can take a heavy toll on life and property, even when we’ve prepared for the worst. Floods, earthquakes, fires, and volcanic eruptions can send people running to evacuation centers where they may be safe but are hardly intact both in the body and especially in the mind. These refuge centers are often only able to provide the bare necessities when it comes to shelter and food, with electric power and heating sometimes taking a lower priority. That’s not even considering the psychological pain that all evacuees experience during these dark times, which often take a backseat because of the state emergency. Of course, all of these are important factors to consider, and this concept for an add but cute robot tries to address them in its own little way to provide both physical and mental comfort to people who have been displaced by these calamities.

Designers: Taejeong Kim, Yeji Jeon

To be fair, such shelters have to focus on what human needs to survive, like food, clothing, and a stable roof over their heads. Electricity often isn’t even viable during natural disasters when power lines are down, but considering how much we rely on electric appliances and devices these days, it has become almost just as critical. Depending on the location and the nature of the disaster, keeping warm is also important, especially if the person is shivering from shock.

POWER HUG is a product design concept that tries to bring some of that on a personal level, just enough power and warmth to bring a little comfort and ease the worries of the person. It is pretty much a big power bank, one with outlets for both USB cables as well as typical power adapters. It also has a built-in warmer to keep the person toasty, especially at night when temperatures tend to drop drastically.

What makes the design notable, however, isn’t just the features but also its form. POWER HUG comes as a cylindrical robot with two soft, bendable tubes that wrap around each end like a wheel. It has a screen in the middle to show the robot’s face and deliver a more humane touch to the design. Unlike what you might expect from robots, however, this one is covered with a thin cushion and soft fabric so that you can wrap yours around it in an embrace. Paired with its heating capability, it can deliver much-needed warmth, comfort, and perhaps even peace to a troubled person.

Considering its use in emergency situations, it’s almost necessary for POWER HUG to be made accessible and sustainable materials. Its batteries can be sourced from unused electric vehicle batteries, while its fabric can be made from recycled materials. It’s definitely an interesting idea, even if the production of such a device might not be practical, as it emphasizes humans’ need for more than just food and shelter to survive a disaster.

The post Huggable robot concept delivers warmth, power, and comfort during disasters first appeared on Yanko Design.

Portable Smart Induction Cooktop concept lets you cook healthy meals anywhere

Par : JC Torres
25 mars 2024 à 10:07

There are now several ways to get fresh and healthy meals delivered to you, but the best option is still to cook them yourself. You get to decide on the ingredients and the process, plus you can probably even save money in the long run. That said, cooking isn’t always easy or convenient, especially when you’re not at home or don’t even have access to a kitchen. Portable cooking equipment is slowly becoming an option, but many still fall short of providing convenience other than having a hot surface to cook on. This induction cooktop concept tries to address many of those shortcomings with features that help you cook smartly and safely while also borrowing the clean and minimalist aesthetic that the brand Braun is best known for.

Designer: Jenil Shah

While it’s true that all you need to cook most food is a hot surface for pans and pots, that is really just the most basic cooking experience and definitely not the most convenient. There are other factors you have to consider while cooking, not least of which is the smoke that cooking produces. Keeping tabs on the food you’re cooking or even the ingredients you will be using is also part of the process, and the SY10 portable smart induction cooktop wants to make those parts as painless as possible.

Somewhat ironically, the induction surface itself is the least exciting part of this design considering how the technology has more or less been perfected at this point. Instead, parts like the built-in Smart Air Filter offer a more interesting, especially since it’s almost invisible as part of the design. When you’re not in your kitchen, having access to a range hood with fans is almost impossible, and even at home those usually only suck up the smoke and nothing more. The SY10’s, however, uses carbon filters to remove not just harmful smoke but also odors, keeping indoor air clean without making too much noise. The filter lies horizontally right next to the cooktop, but if you have a taller pot or cookware, you can actually rotate the filter to make it stand, ensuring that no smoke escapes its fans.

Most induction stovetops use touch-based interfaces to really capture that futuristic aesthetic, but it also makes them more confusing to handle and definitely less satisfying. The SY10’s Infinity Dial adds some good old-fashioned haptic feedback when you turn its ring, while a large circular display delivers instant information about the menus and functions you’re using. Amusingly, the dial requires you to squeeze its body to confirm an action rather than tapping that display, further emphasizing the physical dimension. Its more interesting feature, however, is a built-in camera and computer vision capabilities which allow it to look at a particular food or ingredient and determine whether it’s still good to use or if it’s going bad. And yes, that means you can actually detach the dial to use this function.

The SY10 design also includes a motherboard and other electronics to power its smart features, though its compact design might raise questions about the heat management that could affect those more sensitive parts. It does, however, need to be that compact in order to implement its portability, which would allow you to set up a small kitchen anywhere, whether indoors or outdoor, or even connect two such cooktops together. Those are important implementation details that need to be ironed out, but the concept remains an interesting one that could help take out some of the worries when cooking your meals away from home or even at home.

The post Portable Smart Induction Cooktop concept lets you cook healthy meals anywhere first appeared on Yanko Design.

The World’s First Portable Espresso Maker with its own Water Heater lets you Brew Coffee literally anywhere

Par : Sarang Sheth
25 avril 2024 à 22:30

Dubbed the OutIn Nano, this little flask-shaped beauty is your key to a golden cup of coffee literally anywhere. Use it indoors, outdoors, or even in the sky – the OutIn Nano Portable Espresso Maker lets you pull a shot of espresso anywhere, letting you relish your coffee whenever you want. Even equipped with its own water heater, the Nano will warm up your water as it brews the coffee, which means you really don’t need anything apart from an empty cup and a caffeine craving.

Designer: OutIn

The OutIn Nano is perhaps the only portable espresso maker that will heat your water for you. Sure, other portable espresso makers boast a compact design, but every single one of them needs you to add your own hot water. That really isn’t a concern for the OutIn Nano, which has its own heating coil that ensures you get a perfect espresso shot even if all you have is tap water or mineral water around. The vertical flask-shaped design lets you add water to the top, and either a Nespresso or Keurig pod at the bottom, or a small puck filled with your own coffee grounds. A single-button interface gets your coffee brewing, and a built-in pump extracts your espresso right into the OutIn Nano’s cap, which serves as a nifty cup.

A 7500mAh battery powers the OutIn Nano, heating up water in just 200 seconds. Alternatively, you could just add hot water the way you would with any other portable espresso maker and that should speed up the process. The battery life also significantly differs between cold and hot water, with the OutIn Nano brewing 5 cups of coffee if you add cold water and rely on the built-in water heater feature, or a stunning 200 cups of coffee on a full battery if you use pre-heated water.

The resulting coffee is deliciously authentic, with a rich crema created by heating/brewing at 92°C/198°F and passing the water through the coffee grounds at an impressive 20 bars of pressure. The entire cycle takes just 4 minutes from start to finish (if you use the water heater), giving you your espresso. The OutIn Nano holds as much as 80ml of water, which is more than enough for a double-shot, allowing you to either drink your coffee neat or turn it into an Americano or a latte by adding water or milk.

Weighing just 700 grams, the OutIn Nano was practically built for the outdoors. It comes in 5 colors, charges via USB (even working with your car charger), and ships in a soft-shell case that includes the entire coffee-making kit. Heck, the Nano even won both the Red Dot and iF Design Award last year for its impressively compact design.

The post The World’s First Portable Espresso Maker with its own Water Heater lets you Brew Coffee literally anywhere first appeared on Yanko Design.

Test de l’Anbernic RG353M – Votre compagnon rétro-gaming de poche !

Par : Korben
6 mai 2024 à 16:48

— Article rédigé par l’ami Lilian — Contient des liens affiliés Amazon —

Soirée rétro-gaming ce soir ?

Si comme moi vous ne savez pas choisir quel émulateur, quelle console ou encore quels jeux, j’ai ce qu’il vous faut : la console portable Anbernic RG353M s’occupe de tout.

Anbernic est une marque de rétrogaming qui date de 2017, basée en Chine. Elle sort environ 4-5 appareils par an. Ils se sont fait une assez bonne réputation dans ce milieu car la marque est très fiable et produit des consoles de très bonne qualité.

C’est une console de 14 x 7 cm pour 230 grammes environ, avec un CPU RK3566 Quad-Core 64 bit Cortex-A55 et 2GB de RAM DDR4. Une batterie qui dure environ 7 heures, un port USB-C pour charger et un écran IPS multi-touch de 3,5 pouces avec angle de vue complet, d’une résolution max 640*480.

Elle prend en charge le Bluetooth pour connecter une manette ou un casque par exemple et un port micro-HDMI pour la connecter à un écran externe est également présent. Elle dispose aussi de 2 emplacements pour micro SD. Son boîtier en aluminium m’a agréablement surpris de par sa prise en main (avec 2 grips en caoutchouc à l’arrière) et la souplesse des sticks directionnels.

Elle est aussi multilingue et a des haut-parleurs de très bonne qualité pour sa petite taille ainsi qu’une bonne vieille prise jack. Les 2 emplacements pour micro SD s’expliquent par la présence de 2 OS (un système Android sur la mémoire interne et un système Linux sur la première carte SD). La deuxième carte sert à stocker les ROMs.

Le logiciel phare de cette console est bien sûr RetroArch, qui est open source et qui permet d’émuler plein de jeux rétro, mais si vous n’êtes pas convaincus, vous pouvez installer des systèmes d’exploitation alternatifs comme ArkOS ou encore Recalbox.

Sur cette console, j’ai adoré jouer à Mario Bros ou encore Pokémon Rouge qui, tous deux, tournaient sans aucun lag ni ralentissement. Mais attention, si vous voulez vous frotter à des jeux PSP par exemple, aucun problème si vous tournez à 30 FPS, mais par contre à 60 FPS, ça devient un peu bancal et aléatoire.

Bien évidemment, on ne peut pas jouer à des jeux récents comme par exemple à Mario Odyssey sur Switch… c’est une console retrogaming quand même ^^ !

Moyennant finance, Anbernic peut livrer en option avec la console, une carte SD de 64 gigas remplie de jeux, mais malheureusement, ils sont exclusivement en anglais.

Le mode Linux est très complet pour jouer et ne sert qu’à ça. Par contre, le mode Android est plus polyvalent. Je l’utilise pour regarder des vidéos sur YouTube, lire des livres ou encore écouter des audiobooks ou de la musique. Et on peut uniquement ajouter des applis en APK (pas de PlayStore sauf si vous la rootez, désolé).

Ce qui est cool, c’est qu’elle est aussi disponible sous d’autres form factors, du genre de celui de la Game Boy ou de la PSP par exemple.

Franchement, j’ai adoré l’emmener partout avec moi et jouer à des classiques de la DS ou de la Nintendo 64. Pour les vacances cet été, ça va être le top ! Par contre, pour certains jeux, je trouve que les contrôles sont un peu petits, mais en les re-mappant dans l’émulateur, on peut retrouver un peu de confort.

La console est dispo sur Amazon à environ 220€.

Hier — 15 mai 2024Flux principal

Phone-sized mini PC lets you take your computer and your work anywhere

Par : JC Torres
15 mai 2024 à 13:20

Our smartphones have become so powerful that, in theory, they have hardware equivalent to entry-level laptops from a few years back. But despite all that silicon muscle, they can’t really replace our everyday PCs mostly because of the operating system that’s used on most of these computers: Windows. Small, portable, and inconspicuous computers have always been a dream for both users and business owners, whether it’s for working on the go or setting up kiosks, security systems, or space-efficient workstations. This small brick tries to deliver exactly that, giving you the flexibility you need for any kind of computing in almost any context in a size that’s no larger than high-capacity power banks.

Designer: Minisforum

With the popularity of the Apple Mac Mini and, now, the Mac Studio, mini PCs have become more visible in the market. These desktop alternatives, however, are still meant to sit on a table or even on a shelf despite their small sizes. But while these small computers do offer plenty of power to support even some content creation or light gaming, that hardware also closes the door on many possible use cases that would have required them to be less tied down to a table.

The Minisforum S100 is a small, sleek box that you might easily mistake for a power bank. Ironically, it doesn’t actually have its own battery but is a mini PC that you can bring along with you or install in the narrowest of spaces. Despite its small size, it actually boasts a complete set of standard connectivity options, including Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth 6.2, 2.5 Gbps Ethernet, USB-A ports, HDMI, and 65W USB-C.

The latter two are what make this design so portable and flexible. On a typical desktop, you can connect it to a USB-C monitor that supports USB-C PowerDelivery so that you don’t even have to plug the S100 into an outlet. You can connect another monitor via HDMI to have a dual-screen setup for increased productivity. And when you’re done for the day, you can pick up the palm-sized mini PC and go, maybe even work or chill in a cafe by connecting an external display and a power bank. The Ethernet port also supports Power-over-Ethernet or PoE, so you can use the S100 as the brains behind a camera security system and not have it plugged in at all.

Despite the flexibility that the Minisforum S100 offers, its performance is hampered a bit by the quad-core Intel N100 processor that runs the show, definitely not the best among the chip maker’s “mobile” processors. Its lower-power operation, however, does allow the mini PC to sip rather than chug electricity and keep thermals equally low. You definitely won’t be running heavy applications, but for $189, a Windows 11 computer you can easily slip into your bag or even your pocket might actually be worth the price.

The post Phone-sized mini PC lets you take your computer and your work anywhere first appeared on Yanko Design.
