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Master the Art of Tea-Making: Top 10 Essential Products

28 mai 2024 à 11:41

What’s the first thing you need when you wake up in the morning? Is it a cup of tea?! Me too! It’s the boost of energy, dose of motivation, and rush of serotonin that I need every morning. And, I’m pretty sure that’s the case for most of us. We all need our cup of tea. There is a different satisfaction and pleasure in sipping caffeine that you know is the result of your hard work, something precariously prepared with your personal touch to it. And if you’re someone who’s chasing that feeling, then a unique, innovative, and interactive tea brewer is all you need, and ninety-five percent of the battle is won (the other five percent is you setting aside your laziness and operating the machine)! And this collection of kitchen tools and appliances is designed to make your tea-making and drinking experience effortless and fun!

1. Smart Tea Pot

Calling all tea lovers! You guys need to get your hands on the Smart Tea Pot. This unique connected teapot gives you a chance to brew and prepare your own cup of tea using technology. It prepares a relaxing brew on the basis of the tea you prefer to drink, creating your own choice of brew.

Click Here to Buy Now: $349

Why is it noteworthy?

It has advanced brewing adjustments which you can customize according to the tea you wish to drink. It features a “Golden Drop” rotating infuser which perfectly captures the beauty of Japanese minimalism.

What we like

  • It has a compact size and minimal design language
  • Features Japanese minimalism and design philosophy, so it’s an attractive design to keep on your kitchen counter

What we dislike

  • The teapot uses technology for brewing, which can be complicated for some people to use

2. U Soo

Called U Soo, this conceptual tea maker lets you chill and relax, as you prepare yourself a lovely cuppa. When the tea is being prepared, you can actually smell the tea as it steeps, so it also functions as an aroma diffuser. The machine resembles a coffee machine, or something eccentric straight out of a laboratory.

Why is it noteworthy?

You can witness the entire process – ranging from boiling the water to the steeping of the tea when you pour it into your cup. This whole transparency adds a rather therapeutic and interactive element to the tea machine.

What we like

  • Has an element of transparency which makes the tea maker interactive and interesting

What we dislike

  • It’s a conceptual design, so we don’t know how well it will translate into a tangible product

3. Ceramic Mug

Called the Ceramic Mug, this elegant little mug is well-crafted and the ideal example of earth meets wood. It combines a symphony of textures to create a lovely treat for your fingers and lips. As you slowly drink from the mug, you experience an enriching sensory stimulation.

Click Here to Buy Now: $60

Why is it noteworthy?

When you drink your tea from the mug, you come into contact with the surface, and this sets a soothing mood for your entire tea-drinking experience. It serves as an engaging design with intriguing contrasts.

What we like

  • The mug is made from quality Japanese ceramics
  • Smooth and interesting to touch, and drink from

What we dislike

  • The mug cannot be placed in a microwave, which is quite inconvenient

4. Earth-friendly Stacking Cup

Called the Earth-friendly stacking cup, this refined and minimal cup is designed to save the environment. It is crafted from eco-friendly synthetic materials, which imparts the cup with a pretty unique texture. This ensures that you have a sensory experience when you drink your tea.

Click Here to Buy Now: $25

Why is it noteworthy?

The cup has a lovely texture which makes you think of wood and ceramic. It offers a unique sensory experience in your lips and mouth, while also featuring minimal aesthetics and an eco-friendly practice.

What we like

  • Made from plant-derived biodegradable resin

What we dislike

  • Aesthetically quite common to other cups on the market, nothing to set it apart

5. OTOTO’s Tea Trap

Look at this adorable little tea trap by OTOTO! OTOTO’s Tea Trap puts a whimsical and amusing twist on the art of tea brewing. It’s a refreshing change from the typical metal infusers, and instead, it resembles a carnivorous plant – one that eats tea leaves for breakfast!

Why is it noteworthy?

You fill the Tea Trap’s stomach or mouth with leaves and dunk it in a cup of hot water. The tea infuses through the perforations on the infuser. The Tea Trap also includes an elongated handle which you can use to stir until your tea achieves the perfect color. Once you’re done preparing your tea, the trap spits out the leaves into the bin.

What we like

  • Adds a fun twist to an ordinary design
  • Adorable aesthetics that add some spark to your kithcen

What we dislike

  • The holes in the trap seem to be too big for loose tea, it can easily slip out


Called DADO, this minimalist capsule tea machine is a unique conceptual design that looks unlike a typical tea maker. It has a modern twist to it. The kettle portion is inspired by a traditional tea maker, and the entire design has a minimalist ethos which brings a sense of calm to your tea-preparing experience.

Why is it noteworthy?

DADO features a kettle and two cups placed on top of a heating pad, which resembles an induction stovetop. You can fill water in the kettle using the bucket section located at the back. You can preheat the cups that are next to the kettle by simply pressing a button.

What we like

  • Perfectly merges traditional and minimal aesthetics
  • It has different flavors for the tea capsules

What we dislike

  • Disposable capsules with a substantial carbon footprint

7. Bota

Meet Bota – an all-in-one smart tea bottle that lets you brew a cup of hot tea, letting you enjoy your favorite flavors. It has everything you could need to make tea in a single bottle. It holds and boils your water for you at the specific temperature needed for brewing. It also includes a steeping chamber to hold the leaves separately.

Why is it noteworthy?

Bota is extremely easy to clean and ensures a hassle-free cleaning experience. It also keeps your tea hot for about 12 hours. You can drink some hot tea anytime or anywhere, letting you brew a fresh batch whenever you like.

What we like

  • Features a sleek and portable form
  • No complicated buttons, easy-to-use

What we dislike

  • Aesthetically similar to other portable brewers on the market


Called the ECLIPSE, this portable tea brewing station is an innovative design, completely different from the boring old tea bags we use. The design features a travel thermos and a French-press-style brewing system and it is designed to be easy to use and easy to carry. You can brew two cups or one large of tea.

Why is it noteworthy?

ECLIPSE completely modernizes the tea-making process. It offers the same steps you’d see in a regular tea brewing process but in a new format and form. It is a multi-part travel press that features a measuring cup, brewing teapot, plunger, and a drinking vessel.

What we like

  • Features an easy-to-carry and portable design
  • Equipped with a ceramic coating to pay tribute to the traditional tea-brewing practices

What we dislike

  • There aren’t different color or size options to choose from

9. USM-Inspired Kettle

If you’re someone who loves the work of the Swiss modular furniture brand USM, then you need to check out this USM-inspired kettle. This kettle uses the original aesthetics of the brand, creating a kettle that is circular in design, while the handle is rectangular. The spout has a unique triangle shape.

Why is it noteworthy?

The renders of the kettle display it in various colors, which are also the basic colors of the USM Haller line. There are kettles available in blue, orange, red, yellow, and white, creating a kitchen appliance that is fun, and whimsical while also being wholly functional.

What we like

  • Minimal and clean aesthetics
  • Available in various USM-inspired colors

What we dislike

  • It’s still a concept, so we don’t know how well it will translate into a tangible product

10. TEO Smart Tea Maker

Dubbed the TEO Smart Tea Maker, this sleek and unique design has a coffeemaker feel to it. It features a monochromatic design which allows you to pay attention to the tea extract, by making that portion transparent. The tea maker comprises three main parts – the water tank, the brewing section, and the glass container.

Why is it noteworthy?

The glass container is transparent and gives the teak maker a really appealing and sleek look. You pour the brewed tea into that section. The tea maker also has a fourth component – which is basically the base and it looks like an induction stove, although it does include lesser buttons.

What we like

  • Brings a peaceful and zen-like sensation to the tea-making process
  • Sleek monochromatic design that will blend well with modern kitchens

What we dislike

  • It is a concept, so we don’t know how well it will work in reality

The post Master the Art of Tea-Making: Top 10 Essential Products first appeared on Yanko Design.

Protégez votre équipe avec Surfshark VPN

Par : Korben
16 mai 2024 à 08:30

Surfshark VPN

— Article en partenariat avec Surfshark

On a tendance à souvent présenter un VPN sous l’angle de la protection personnelle : comment il permet de garder nos informations privées, comment il va nous permettre d’accéder au catalogue mondial Amazon Prime, etc. On va aussi penser à la protection de toute sa famille et/ou de son parc de machines perso. On pense moins souvent à l’outil dans son application au domaine professionnel, alors que c’est tout aussi (si pas plus) important.

Surfshark VPN a récemment décidé de mettre un peu plus le focus sur cet aspect communautaire. Et après tout pourquoi pas, tous les intervenants sont gagnants (« iz a win win zituazion » comme disent les ricains). Aussi bien les entreprises qui vont du coup sécuriser leurs données et leurs employés, que ceux-ci qui auront une couche de protection offerte par la boite. C’est encore plus indispensable depuis la démocratisation du télétravail, les appareils et lieux de connexions sont beaucoup plus nombreux et variés qu’auparavant.

Et c’est d’autant plus simple à gérer avec Surfshark qu’il est le seul (avec IPVanish à ma connaissance) à proposer un abonnement qui prend en compte un nombre illimité d’appareils. Quelle que soit la taille de votre équipe (à partir de 5 personnes minimum) il n’y a pas de surcouts cachés à prévoir, de quota de trafic ou autres limitations, ce qui est plutôt appréciable. De plus il est l’un des plus flexibles du marché, il supporte toutes les plateformes et systèmes d’exploitation : Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS, mais aussi la plupart des navigateurs, consoles de jeux, routeurs et autres smart TV. Téléphone, desktop, laptop ou tablette … quelle que soit la manière de travailler de chacun, il sera là.

L’interface sera toutefois légèrement différente de la version classique. Elle va permettre à un référent (le geek informaticien de la société ou le chef, à tout hasard) de superviser l’ensemble. Il disposera d’un certain nombre d’invitations, en fonction de la taille de l’abonnement, et il pourra alors donner des accès, en supprimer, gérer les droits … Ce qui permet de superviser un peu le tout sans que cela ne devienne trop le boxon. Plus d’excuse de « la mauvaise connexion » ou « je ne pouvais pas avoir accès depuis le pays ou j’étais, le site y est censuré » 😉 Avec plus de 3200 serveurs répartis dans 100 pays, quasi tous passés à des débits de 10 Gb/s, difficile de ne pas trouver ce qu’il vous faut.

L’interface pour la gestion des équipes

Bien entendu l’un des plus gros bénéfices est le même que si vous prenez Surfshark VPN en mode personnel : le chiffrement des données. Et dans le cadre d’informations d’entreprises parfois sensibles, cela peut être encore plus important. Chiffrement AES-256-GCM, protocole IKEv2/IPsec, possibilité d’utiliser OpenVPN, WireGuard ou L2TP … du côté sécurité toute la panoplie est là.

Vous bénéficiez aussi de toutes les fonctionnalités classiques (mode camouflage pour votre FAI, création d’identité alternative, multiHop, rotation d’IP, bouton kill switch, Surfshark Nexus …). Et si vous voulez encore mieux protéger votre équipe, vous avez la possibilité d’ajouter l’option Surfshark One. Cette dernière comprend un antivirus en temps réel (avec surveillance de hack potentiel de la webcam), un moteur de recherche privé (sans flicage et sans pubs), ainsi qu’un système d’alerte par mail. Celui-ci pourra s’avérer intéressant, car il va surveiller en continu les tréfonds du web pour vous prévenir si l’adresse d’un membre de votre société a fuité quelque part.

Le télétravail, meilleure invention de l’humanité

Et comme nous parlons ici d’un cadre plutôt pro, je ne dirai rien concernant les accès aux services VOD (et musique) du monde qui sont accessibles. Les connexions Surfshark ne sont pas bloquées par Netflix, YouTube, Amazon, Spotify…etc. En fonction du pays du serveur que vous choisirez, vous aurez accès à des catalogues de contenus sans restrictions géographiques. Non, n’insistez pas, je resterai motus et bouche cousue. Nada, je n’en parlerai pas. Pas envie d’avoir des soucis avec votre patron.

J’en profite d’ailleurs pour mentionner une petite nouveauté du côté de l’antivirus sur Windows, la fonctionnalité Web Protection. Celle-ci n’a rien de révolutionnaire, mais est plutôt axée pratico-pratique. Elle permet de vérifier vos logiciels et applications et scanner toutes urls avant que vous n’accédiez aux sites. Et bloquer celles qui pourraient s’avérer dangereuses, ce qui limitera les risques de phishing ou de téléchargements de malwares de la part des plus distraits.

Bref si vous cherchez à mieux protéger vos salariés adorés, vous pouvez utiliser directement le formulaire sur le site Surfshark (bouton rouge « Demander un devis ») pour recevoir une offre. Mais la démarche peut venir de votre côté si vous êtes salarié et que vous pensez que votre protection n’est pas assurée ou suffisante. N’hésitez pas à en parler avec votre boss pour attirer son attention sur le sujet.

Prenez soin de vos employés avec Surfshak VPN !

Microsoft partners with Airtel to enable phone calls through Teams

Par : Nishant Gola
1 novembre 2023 à 02:49

Microsoft partners with AirtelTechnology giant Microsoft has partnered with Indian Telecommunication Company Bharti Airtel to enable the calling services on Microsoft Teams by integrating with Airtel IQ. Airtel IQ is a cloud-based communication platform that enables businesses to deliver seamless customer engagement across voice, messages, and channels, such as WhatsApp Channel. You will be able to make phone […]

The post Microsoft partners with Airtel to enable phone calls through Teams appeared first on TheWindowsClub News.
